10th Annual Southern California Transportation Summit
Transportation NEXT: New Era, New Vision, New Realities
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011 | JW Marriott at L.A. Live
In honor of our diamond anniversary and this year’s Summit theme, we are gearing up to host the largest annual transportation conference in California with an action-packed day of breakouts, provocative presentations and the biggest Expo ever. With record attendance last year, nearly 900 transportation leaders convened in Anaheim last October. We expect this year’s event to attract over 1,000 transportation, business and political leaders!

8 – 9 a.m.
Registration, Breakfast Served in the Expo
Sponsored by Vali Cooper & Associates
9 – 10 a.m.
Opening General Session
Sponsored by AECOM and Simon Wong Engineering
10 – 10:45 a.m.
Networking Break in Expo
Sponsored by Parsons
10:45 – 12 p.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
12 – 1:15 p.m.
Luncheon General Session, Mobility 21 Awards
Sponsored by HDR Engineering and Parsons Brinckerhoff
1:15 – 1:30 p.m.
1:30 – 2:45 p.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
2:45 – 3:15 p.m.
Networking Break with Fresh Cookies in Expo
Sponsored by CDM/Wilbur Smith
3:15 – 4 p.m.
Closing General Session
Sponsored by Automobile Club of Southern California and Skanska USA Civil West
Opening General Session
Platinum Ballroom, 9 – 10 a.m.
Sponsored by AECOM and Simon Wong Engineering
Mistress of Ceremonies
Tracy A. Young
Anchor, Charter Local Edition / CNN HLN (confirmed)
Welcome from Mobility 21 Chairman
Will Kempton, Chair, Mobility 21 and CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Panel Discussion
As Transportation Goes, So Goes the Nation
A panel discussion of leading transportation stakeholders
Will Kempton, Chair, Mobility 21 and CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Andy Herrmann, President-Elect, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (confirmed)
Pete Ruane, President &CEO, American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) (confirmed)
Rick Blasgen, President & CEO, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) (confirmed)
Welcome to Los Angeles
Hon. Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor, City of Los Angeles and Chair, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Luncheon & General Session
Platinum Ballroom, 12 – 1:15 p.m.
Sponsored by HDR Engineering and Parsons Brinckerhoff
Metrolink Update
John Fenton, Executive Director, Metrolink (confirmed)
Presentation of the 2011 Mobility 21 Awards Honoring:
Mobility 21 Award, Public Sector
Peter Buffa, Former Board Member, Orange County Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Mobility 21 Award, Private Sector
Lucy Dunn, President & CEO, Orange County Business Council and Board Member, Mobility 21 (confirmed)
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dick Steinke, Executive Director, Port of Long Beach (confirmed)
Keynote Address
Tale of Two Transportation Futures
Former Gov. Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania, Co-Chair, Building America’s Future Educational Fund (confirmed)
A keynote address focused on making the case for investment in our transportation network
Closing General Session
Platinum Ballroom, 3:15 – 4 p.m.
Sponsored by Automobile Club of Southern California and Skanska USA Civil West
So Cal Transportation Agency Chairman’s Roundtable
Gary Toebben, President and CEO, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce (confirmed)
Hon. Diane DuBois, Vice Mayor, City of Lakewood and Second Vice Chair, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Hon. William Fulton, Mayor, City of Ventura and Chair, Ventura County Transportation Commission (confirmed)
Hon. Paul Glaab, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Laguna Niguel and Vice Chair, Orange County Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Hon. Larry McCallon, Mayor, City of Highland and Chair, San Bernardino Associated Governments (confirmed)
Hon. Pam O’Connor, Councilmember, City of Santa Monica and Chair, Southern California Association of Governments (confirmed)
Hon. Karen Spiegel, Councilmember, City of Corona and Second Vice Chair, Riverside County Transportation Commission (confirmed)
Morning Concurrent Sessions, 10:45 – 12 p.m.
- Southern California’s HOT Lane System Unveiled (Diamond Salon 4)
- Solving the First and Last Mile Connection: Sustainable Transportation Solutions (Diamond Salons 1-2)
- Tracking our Future: What’s Next for the LOSSAN Corridor (Diamond Salon 5)
- Mind the Gap: What Gap Closures Mean for the Effectiveness of Southern California’s Goods Movement System (Diamond Salons 6-7)
- Turning Carmageddon into Carmaheaven: The I-405 Closure and the Importance of Inter-Agency Cooperation and Effective Outreach (Diamond Salons 8-10)
Afternoon Concurrent Sessions, 1:30 – 2:45 p.m.
- iMobility: Technology and Innovation in Transportation (Diamond Salon 4)
- Maintaining Our Global Competitiveness: How Transportation Helps Retain Businesses and Employees Diamond Salons 1-2)
- Outside the Beltway: How Southern California is Positioned to Leverage the New Political Realities in Washington, D.C. (Diamond Salon 5)
- Does Transportation Matter to Voters?: How to Engage With the Public to Build Effective Coalitions (Diamond Salons 6-7)
- The State of the State: What’s on Tap for Transportation in 2012 (Diamond Salons 8-10)
Breakout Session Descriptions and Speakers
Morning Breakout Sessions
1. Southern California’s HOT Lane System Unveiled
Sponsored by Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
Diamond Salon 4
Congestion pricing is the practice of varying the charge for motorists to use a roadway, bridge or tunnel during periods of heaviest use. It serves a dual purpose to reduce automobile use during periods of peak congestion, thereby easing traffic, and to also provide a funding source to improve the transportation system.
Congestion pricing programs are hotly debated throughout the country in their different forms including High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes, and Cordon Pricing where cars are charged a certain fee for entering central business districts during peak traffic hours.
Although congestion pricing is not new in southern California, and has been used for years on the SR-91 Expresslanes, HOT Lanes have only recently come into play here. Los Angeles County Metro has plans to introduce HOT lanes in 2 heavily traveled corridors in 2012 and SCAG has conducted a regional study to evaluate their implementation on larger scale. A panel of experts will discus the merits, shortcomings and challenges of congestion pricing in the southern California region.
Moderator: Genevieve Giuliano, Professor, USC School of Policy, Planning and Development (confirmed)
Steve Finnegan, Manager of Government Affairs, Automobile Club of Southern California (confirmed)
Gregory A. Le Frois, Manager of National Toll Road and Toll Facilities, HNTB (confirmed)
Annie Nam, Manager of Goods Movement & Transportation Finance, Southern California Association of Governments (confirmed)
Stephanie Wiggins, Executive Officer for ExpressLanes Demo Project, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
2. Solving the First and Last Mile Connection: Sustainable Transportation Solutions
Sponsored by Willdan
Diamond Salons 1-2
An in depth discussion of innovative, demand oriented sustainable transportation programs that resolve first and last mile transit linkages, including: regional bike/pedestrian plans, along with integrated mobility hubs that provide secure bike parking, bike sharing, car sharing, folding bike services for transit and shuttle/jitney services.
Moderator: Andréa White-Kjoss, President and COO, Bikestation (confirmed)
Alexis Lantz, Planning & Policy Director, Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (confirmed)
Hon. Suja Lowenthal, Vice Mayor, City of Long Beach (confirmed)
Hilary Norton, Executive Director, Fixing Angelenos Stuck in Traffic (FAST) (confirmed)
Alan Thompson, Senior Regional Planner, Southern California Association of Governments (confirmed)
3. Tracking our Future: What’s Next for the LOSSAN Corridor
Sponsored by Mark Thomas & Company, Inc.
Diamond Salon 5
This panel focuses on the critical expanse of rail from San Diego to Ventura Counties, known as the LOSSAN Corridor. There are six counties that are served by this corridor, the second busiest in the nation, and opportunities abound for the enhanced mobility of Southern Californians. Despite the significant potential of this corridor for intra and interregional travel, intense operational, political, and integration challenges exist for implementing optimal service in the corridor. This panel will explore the future governance structure of LOSSAN service, how we can move those plans forward and how these will benefit the region.
Moderator: Will Kempton, CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Gary Gallegos, Executive Director, San Diego Association of Governments (confirmed)
Art Leahy, CEO, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Darren Kettle, Executive Director, Ventura County Transportation Commission (confirmed)
Peter Rodgers, Administrative Director, San Luis Obispo County Council of Governments (confirmed)
4. Mind the Gap: What Gap Closures Mean for the Effectiveness of Southern California’s Goods Movement System
Sponsored by URS
Diamond Salons 6-7
While the SCAG region can still lay claim to having the most efficient freight transportation system in the country, much more needs to be done. If viewed as a system, the region’s extensive freight network still has a number of “gap” projects which need to be completed in order to keep it running efficiently.
The Devore Interchange in San Bernardino County, the High Desert Corridor connecting Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, the truck lanes along the I-5 in northern Los Angeles County, and the new border crossing in San Diego represent individual projects which, in the future, will relieve congestion, improve mobility and keep Southern California competitive as “America’s Gateway.” Attend this session to hear the latest on these gap closure projects and how they are part of a Southern California region wide system of projects.
Moderator: Hasan Ikhrata, Executive Director, Southern California Association of Governments (confirmed)
Tina Casgar, Goods Movement Director, San Diego Association of Governments (confirmed)
Doug Failing, Executive Director of Highway Project Delivery, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Victor Lindenheim, Executive Director, Golden State Gateway Coalition (confirmed)
Ty Schuiling, Director of Planning, San Bernardino Associated Governments (confirmed)
Moderator: Richard Katz, Chair, Metrolink and Board Member, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Mike Barbour, Executive Officer Highway Project Director, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Patrick Butler, Assistant Chief, Los Angeles Fire Department (confirmed)
Dan Kulka, Community Relations Manager, Kiewit Infrastructure West (confirmed)
Mike Miles, Director, Caltrans District 7 (confirmed)
Yvette Rapose, Community Relations Manager, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Hon. Zev Yaroslavsky, Supervisor, Los Angeles County and Board Member, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
1. iMobility: How Technology and Innovation are shaping our Future Transportation System
Sponsored by South Coast AQMD
Diamond Salon 4
As the next generation of transportation planners, vehicle designers, and policy analysts get ready to enter the workforce, transportation in southern California has reached a point where transformation is essential to the long term viability of the region. This panel will explore what the transportation system of tomorrow may be. From driverless cars to personal transit systems to three-wheeled electric vehicles, come find out what visionaries and entrepreneurs are doing now to shape how we use our transportation system in the years to come.
Moderator: Simon Oh, Public Relations Undergraduate Student, California State University, Fullerton and Intern, Orange County Transportation Authority
Jeffrey Chernick, CEO, RideAmigos (confirmed)
Matt Miyasato, Assistant Deputy Executive Officer of the Science & Technology Advancement Office, South Coast Air Quality Management District (confirmed)
Steve Raney, Principal, ULTra Personal Rapid Transit (confirmed)
2. Maintaining Our Global Competitiveness: How Transportation Helps Retain Businesses and Employees
Sponsored by Hatch Mott MacDonald
Diamond Salons 1-2
Our infrastructure system was designed in another era, and we are struggling to create patchwork solutions to transform to a fully integrated 21 Century system. In addition, we generally do not integrate transportation and economic development very well. Most state transportation planning is separate from economic development strategy, and there is a modest knowledge of the details of global logistics.
Almost every major US economic competitor in the world — including both developed and developing countries — has committed to programs investing trillions of dollars over the next several years to rebuild and expand their strategic economic positions and enhance the lives of their citizens. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has projected that the US needs to invest US$2 trillion over the next five years just to maintain its existing infrastructure. It’s important to note that 95 percent of the world’s marketplace is somewhere else, and to reach those markets U.S. companies rely on freight transportation. The ability to move cargo in, out and throughout the United States is a critical element in the health of our economy.
This panel will feature companies that rely on moving goods and people in and out of the regions, and what needs to be done to maintain and improve “goods movement” and how transportation helps retain businesses and employees.
Moderator: Fran Inman, Commissioner, California Transportation Commission and Majestic Realty (confirmed)
Rick W. Aurit, Senior Director of Transportation, Wal-Mart Stores (confirmed)
Noel Massie, President, UPS Central California (confirmed)
B.J. Patterson, CEO, Pacific Mountain Logistics (confirmed)
Tom Smith, SVP, West Coast Real Estate, NBCUniversal (confirmed)
3. Outside the Beltway: How Southern California is Positioned to Leverage the New Political Realities in Washington, D.C.
Sponsored by Jacobs
Diamond Salon 5
600 days late and counting. That’s how far afield Washington is from delivering a revamped and re-envisioned surface transportation bill, despite two very committed committee leaders, and a renewed emphasis on transportation from the Obama Administration. In an era of belt tightening where even “investing” seems to be code for “raise taxes” to conservative legislators, how can southern California position itself to succeed and thrive? If we have to wait until after the next presidential election for a fully realized bill, what can we do now to kick-start our region’s transportation destiny?
This panel of top executives will examine the innovative ways we are reframing the argument for investment in transportation and slowly gaining ground in Washington. Come hear how OCTA’s “Breaking Down Barriers” report is changing the way we think about project delivery acceleration. Los Angeles’s singular focus on the financing mechanisms proposed in America Fast Forward to front load the Measure R infrastructure construction, and Riverside County’s efforts to expand the highly successful TIFIA loan program are financing strategies our region is using to put people back to work and keep travelers moving. Finally, panelists will address the region’s efforts to secure funding for goods movement infrastructure and develop a national freight policy to maintain our competitive advantage.
Moderator: Jeff Davis, Publisher & Executive Editor, Transportation Weekly (confirmed)
Darrell Johnson, Deputy CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Art Leahy, CEO, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Chris Lytle, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, Port of Long Beach (confirmed)
Anne Mayer, Executive Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission (confirmed)
4. Does Transportation Matter to Voters?: How to Engage With the Public to Build Effective Coalitions
Diamond Salons 6-7
Attracting resources and pursuing certainty for a cause are hallmarks of coalition building. Formation of a coalition indicates it cannot be done alone while the strength of a coalition proves that many believe it should occur. What are the dynamics that inflame commitment and bond diverse interests to work for a common cause? Transportation is an arena resplendent with a span of coalitions by mode, by region, by virtue and by finely parsed needs for individual mobility as well as the big picture movement that benefits commerce and defense. Enjoy the wisdom of those who have engaged, witnessed and fostered the formation of regional coalitions and the inside story of what makes ‘em and breaks ‘em.
Moderator: Monte Ward, Transportation Consultant, M. Ward & Associates (confirmed)
Lucy Dunn, President & CEO, Orange County Business Council and Board Member, Mobility 21 (confirmed)
John Fairbank, Principal, Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (Pollster) (confirmed)
Hon. Bill Fulton, Mayor of Ventura, Chair of Ventura County Transportation Commission (confirmed)
Ron Redfern, Publisher, Riverside Press Enterprise (confirmed)
5. The State of the State: What’s on Tap for Transportation in 2012
Sponsored by Siemens
Diamond Salons 8-10
California’s state highway network is the envy of many other transportation officials. Keeping it that way, especially in the face of perpetual budget uncertainty, is a big challenge. Come hear from the head of Caltrans and the chair of the California Transportation Commission how they keep California moving ahead. Topics will include the state of Caltrans, new state budget implications, the Federal Reauthorization and the statuses of Proposition 1B, the Recovery Act and Trade Corridor Improvement Fund (TCIF) projects.
Moderator: Michelle Boehm, Business Development Lead, CH2M HILL (confirmed)
Malcolm Dougherty, Acting Director, Caltrans (confirmed)
Dario Frommer, Chair, California Transportation Commission (confirmed)
Keynote Speaker
Ed Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania (2003-2011) and Co-Chair, Building America’s Future Educational Fund
Ed Rendell has a proven track record of getting big things done. He’s tackled tough issues from education reform to taxes to creating jobs, and his leadership skills were taken to a national level when he served as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and chaired the National Governors Association.
As Governor of Pennsylvania from 2003-2011, Rendell served two terms as chief executive of the nation’s 6th-most-populous state and oversaw a $28.3 billion budget.
Committed to make government more responsible to the public and more responsive to the public’s needs, Governor Rendell cut wasteful spending and improved efficiency to save more than $1 billion, and pursued a legislative agenda that included commonsense political reforms to put progress ahead of partisanship.
His unprecedented strategic investments energized Pennsylvania’s economy, revitalized communities, improved education, protected the environment and expanded access to health care to all children and affordable prescription drugs for older adults.
Under Governor Rendell’s leadership, Pennsylvania’s economy rebounded sharply. When he became Governor, the commonwealth faced a projected budget deficit of $2.4 billion. As one of his first acts, Governor Rendell cut government spending to close that deficit and implemented programs and policies to apply business principles of productivity and cost-savings to the operation of state government.
As Mayor of Philadelphia from 1992-1999, he led what The New York Times called “the most stunning turnaround in recent urban history.” The subject of the book Prayer for the City by Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Buzz Bissinger, Rendell was called “one of America’s best, most interesting mayors.”
Before serving as Mayor, Rendell was elected district attorney of the City of Philadelphia for two terms from 1978 through 1985. Rendell also served as general chair of the Democratic National Committee during the 2000 Presidential election, and teaches government and politics courses at the University of Pennsylvania.
An Army veteran, he holds a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and a J.D. from the Villanova Law School.
General Session Speakers
John E. Fenton, CEO, Southern California Regional Rail Authority (Metrolink)
John Fenton joined Metrolink as CEO in April 2010. Fenton’s commitment to excellence in service, efficiency, transparency and fiscal responsibility has brought substantial changes to the railroad, including enhancing the safety culture, improving equipment utilization and capitalization and instituting a fuel conservation program that has improved emissions and saved millions. During Fenton’s short tenure, Metrolink has launched the nation’s safest fleet of passenger rail cars and progressed with its accelerated strategy to have Positive Train Control operational in advance of the 2015 federal deadline.
Prior to joining Metrolink, Fenton was an operating partner with CIH Capital Partners, a full service investment bank. He previously served as President and CEO of OmniTRAX, Inc. a Denver-based short line railroad transportation services company. His railroad experience is extensive, including posts as General Manager and Vice President of the Canadian National Railway, Canada’s largest freight railroad; Vice President of the Kansas City Southern Railway; an executive with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, which later became part of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway; and as a manager at Union Pacific Railroad.
Dr. Pete Ruane, President and CEO, American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
Dr. T. Peter Ruane is the president and CEO of the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), a 108-year old national federation of public and private transportation construction interests with over 6,000 members headquartered in Washington, D.C. He has over 40 years of diversified experience in the economic development, transportation, construction and national defense fields.
Prior to joining ARTBA in October 1988, he served for nine years as President/CEO of the National Moving and Storage Association (NMSA) an international trade association with members in over 50 countries and its affiliate organizations.
Dr. Ruane served as the deputy director of the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA), Office of the Secretary of Defense and the President’s Economic Adjustment Committee where he worked on complex economic development projects stemming from military base closures or growth impacts in more than 30 states over the period 1970 to 1980.
Dr. Ruane is a graduate of Loyola College of Baltimore, and holds a master’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University and a doctorate from the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. He also holds the professional designation Certified Association Executive (CAE).
He is a decorated Vietnam veteran, having served as an officer with the U.S. Marine Corps.
Dr. Ruane is a past chairman and current Director of the Small Business Legislative Council (SBLC), a permanent coalition of some 100 trade organizations representing the entire spectrum of U.S. business. He has held numerous volunteer and elective positions including six years as a Director of the school board at St. Mary’s of Annapolis, four of which he served as President. From 2004-2009 Dr. Ruane served as the first lay Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Calvert Hall College High School (Baltimore) and was a board member of the school since 1999. In October 2009, he became Chair of the Loyola College Board of Advisors within Loyola University Maryland. He currently serves as Treasurer of the International Road Federation. He’s a trustee of the Transportation Development Foundation and is the Vice Chairman of the U.S. Chamber-led Americans for Transportation Mobility (ATM), a broad-based coalition focused on major national transportation legislation. He also co-chairs the Transportation Construction Coalition, a permanent thirty member market-oriented construction trade association and labor coalition working on industry legislative and regulatory issues. He is a frequent witness before Congress and guest on national news programs.
He is the first association executive to have been awarded the American Public Works Association Distinguished Service Award in 1999 and was voted one of Engineering News-Recordmagazine’s top newsmakers from throughout the world in 1998. Both of these awards were for his unique personal leadership in the passage of TEA-21, then the largest public works legislation in the history of the United States. In December 2000 he was appointed as the only construction industry trade association executive to serve on the Bush-Cheney Transportation Transition Team. In 2004 he was designated one of the Top 100 Private Sector Transportation Construction Professionals of the 20th Century and was named one of Public Works magazine’s 2005 “Trendsetters” for his leadership in helping to pass SAFETEA-LU.
He and his wife Pat reside in Davidsonville, Maryland and have four grown children (Jeanne, Tom, Katie and Colleen) and eight grandchildren.
Rick Blasgen, President & CEO, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
Rick D. Blasgen currently serves as president and chief executive officer of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) in Lombard, Illinois, USA. CSCMP was formerly known as the Council of Logistics Management (CLM).
He began his career with Nabisco, working in a regional customer service center in Chicago, Illinois. While at Nabisco, he held various logistics positions of increasing responsibility in inventory management, order processing, and transportation and distribution center operations management. He became vice president, supply chain, at Nabisco in 1998, then vice president supply chain for Kraft in 2002. From 2003 until 2005, he served as senior vice president integrated logistics at ConAgra Foods.
Throughout the past 26 years, Blasgen has devoted much of his time to furthering a number of company’s supply chain management programs and initiatives. This experience has given him a solid foundation for his role at CSCMP.
He has served as a member of CSCMP’s Board of Directors, and is a past president of the Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC). He is a past chair of the Grocery Manufacturers Association Logistics Committee and a member of Northwestern University’s Transportation Center Business Advisory Committee. He earned his degree in business administration from Governors State University.
Hon. Diane DuBois, Vice Mayor, City of Lakewood and Second Vice Chair, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors
Vice Mayor Diane DuBois, a Lakewood Planning and Environment Commissioner for 28 years, was first elected to the city council in 2005. She is the fourth councilwoman in the city’s history.
As well as being a Lakewood planning commissioner and serving seven terms as commission chair, DuBois has been a board member and volunteer of Lakewood Meals On Wheels, a board member of the Greater Long Beach Girl Scout Council, a board member of Lakewood Regional Medical Center, a volunteer at Lindstrom and Williams elementary schools, the Pan American Association scholarship chair, a member and past president of Soroptimist International of Lakewood/Long Breach, and a volunteer at Pathways Volunteer Hospice.
She was elected to the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in 2009. She is a member of the construction and operations committees.
The inaugural Board of Trustees of the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House has appointed DuBois as the board’s “Community Outreach” chair. Her goal is to secure the team of volunteers needed to make the planned Ronald McDonald House a success. Once it is completed, she will assist in volunteer activities for the House and its residents.
Hon. Bill Fulton, Mayor, City of Ventura and Chair, Ventura County Transportation Commission
Bill Fulton was appointed Mayor in December 2009 and will serve a two-year term. Bill was first elected to the Ventura City Council in 2003, culminating many years of professional experience and community involvement in local government affairs. He was re-elected to the Council in 2007 and selected by his colleagues to serve as the City’s Deputy Mayor.
A journalist, urban planner, researcher, pundit, best-selling author and now a practicing elected official as the Mayor of Ventura, California and member of the city council since 2003 – William Fulton has played a key role in re-shaping the way urban and metropolitan growth issues are debated in the post-suburban era. He is a principal in the California-based urban planning firm of The Planning Center | DC&E (www.dceplanning.com), and a Senior Fellow at the School of Policy, Planning, and Development at the University of Southern California.
His latest book, Romancing The Smokestack: How Cities and States Pursue Prosperity, was published in 2010 by Solimar Books. He is the author of three books considered classics in their field. The Reluctant Metropolis: The Politics of Urban Growth in Los Angeles, an L.A. Times best-seller, uses novelistic storytelling techniques to trace the way a leading metropolis grew and developed. The Regional City : Planning for the End of Sprawl, co-authored with architect Peter Calthorpe, is a pathbreaking work that has reshaped understanding of how metropolitan regions should be planned and designed. Two decades after its original publication, Guide to California Planning remains the standard textbook for urban planning classes. A new edition will be published in the Fall of 2011.
Fulton is also founder and publisher of the monthly periodical California Planning & Development Report (In his consulting practice with DC&E and his previous firm, Solimar Research Group (www.solimar.org), Fulton has led a team of experts who have created innovative methods to identify suitable sites for infill development and test the economic feasibility of infill development policies.
In partnership with the Smart Growth Leadership Institute, Fulton has assisted communities from Florida to Alaska in implementing “smart growth policies” and as an elected official he has taken a leadership role in doing the same in Ventura.
Fulton has also been active in the economic development arena as well. He is the economic development columnist for Governing magazine and has worked on a series of economic development strategies for communities across the country, focusing on Arizona and Upstate New York.
Paul Glaab, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Laguna Niguel and Vice Chair, Orange County Transportation Authority
Vice Chair Paul Glaab joined the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors in December 2006.
Vice Chair Glaab has served on the Laguna Niguel City Council since 2004 and as Mayor in 2008. As a member of the OCTA Board of Directors, Glaab represents the Fifth District in south Orange County. He is a member of the Legislative and Communications Committee and serves as Chair of the Highways Committee.
Vice Chair Glaab serves on several regional government organizations. He is a Board Member on the Orange County Council of Governments representing District 12. On the Southern California Association of Governments, he serves on the Regional Council, as a representative to the Metrolink Board of Directors, on the Transportation & Communications Committee and as Vice Chairman of the Aviation Committee.
Prior to his election to Laguna Niguel City Council, Vice Chair Glaab was a member of the Laguna Niguel Traffic Commission, serving as its Chairman in 2004. Director Glaab is involved in many community organizations, including the Laguna Niguel Rotary Club and the Laguna Niguel Chamber of Commerce where he currently serves as Chairman of the chamber’s Ambassadors. Director Glaab also serves on the Legislative Committee of the South County Community College District.
In June 2005, Vice Chair Glaab was appointed a Commissioner to the State Mandates Commission by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger where he continues to serve. In addition, Vice Chair Glaab was elected to the Central Committee for the Orange County Republican Party in 2004, and was re-elected in 2006.
Vice Chair Glaab served as the Senior Consultant for Business, Transportation and Housing to the Republican Leader in the California State Assembly, before moving on to serve in both Governor Deukmejian and Governor Wilson administrations. Under the Wilson administration, Vice Chair Glaab worked as the Assistant Director of External and Intergovernmental Affairs for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) where he was responsible for working with cities and counties throughout the State.
Vice Chair Glaab was an airline executive for over 15 years with Continental Airlines. During his tenure with the company, he served as Director of Marketing and Sales in the South Pacific. Currently, he is President and CEO of Glaab and Associates, a public affairs and political consulting firm in Orange County he founded in 1999.
Vice Chair Glaab attended Long Beach State University. He and his wife, Janice, reside in Laguna Niguel where they are raising their daughter, Molly.
Andrew W. Herrmann, President-Elect, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Andrew W. Herrmann P.E., SECB, F.ASCE, principal with Hardesty & Hanover, LLP, serves as President-elect of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
During his 37 years at Hardesty & Hanover, LLP, Herrmann has held many positions including structural detailer, structural engineer, project engineer and associate engineer before becoming a managing partner and then a principal. Herrmann’s experience includes design, inspection, rehabilitation and construction along with managing some of the firm’s major bridge projects.
Within ASCE, Herrmann has served as president of the New York City Metropolitan Section, chair of the Technical Administrative Committee on Bridges and director of Region 1. He served on the Advisory Council for the 2003 and 2005 Report Cards for America’s Infrastructure and chaired the council for the 2009 Report Card. Herrmann has served as a spokesperson for ASCE in many magazine, newspaper, radio and television articles and stories. He also appeared in the History Channel documentary ‘The Crumbling of America.’ Along with numerous other volunteer efforts, Herrmann has served as director of St. Mary’s Rehabilitation Center for Children and is an active member of the Structural Engineers Association of New York and Engineers Without Borders.
Herrmann received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Valparaiso University, Indiana and his master’s degree from the Polytechnic Institute of New York. Herrmann is a registered professional engineer in 29 states and Ontario. He is a resident of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hon. Larry McCallon, Mayor, City of Highland and Chair, San Bernardino Associated Governments
Mayor Larry McCallon is the Immediate Past President of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and represents the City of Highland and the City San Bernardino on its Regional Council. He is currently President of the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), where he is a member of its Administration, Plans & Programs, Major Projects, and Commuter Rail & Transit Committees. He is also the SANBAG representative on the California Association of Councils of Government (CALCOG) Board of Directors and alternate representative on the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (Metrolink). He is a City Member on San Bernardino County’s Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).
He is a past President of the League of California Cities Inland Empire Division, is the President of the League’s Mayor and Council Members Department.
Prior to his position on the Council, McCallon was a City of Highland Planning Commissioner, a member of the City’s Community Trails Committee, and served two terms as President of the Highland Area Chamber of Commerce.
McCallon served in the United States Air Force for 21 years and was awarded the Bronze Star medal during the Vietnam War. McCallon is a retired local businessman with 18 years experience as President and CEO of McFAM Corporation.
McCallon received two Bachelor of Science degrees from The University of Michigan and a Master of Science degree from the Air Force Institute of Technology. He is married and has four children and eight grandchildren.
Hon. Pam O’Connor, Councilmember, City of Santa Monica and Chair, Southern California Association of Governments
Councilmember Pam O’Connor focuses her efforts on creating policies and partnerships that enhance community livability by integrating transportation and land use policies with environmental sustainability and economic vitality. She has served on the Council since 1994 and been Mayor three times.
Councilmember O’Connor’s special interest combines transportation and sustainability. Her leadership in environmental sustainability was recognized by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors when she was awarded the inaugural Chair’s Award for Green Leadership in 2008. As Chair of Los Angeles County Metro (2007-08) she initiated the agency’s first Sustainability Plan. Metro is the transportation agency that plans, coordinates, designs, builds and operates transportation/transit the US’s most populous county. On the Metro Board Councilmember O’Connor has represented the cities of the South Bay and Westside areas of Los Angeles County since 2001. She is also a member of the Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority Board, which oversees planning and construction of Light Rail from downtown Los Angeles to downtown Santa Monica. In 2010 Ms. O’Connor was recognized as one of the 25 Most Influential Women in Transportation in Southern California by the Women’s Transportation Seminar.
Councilmember O’Connor is First Vice President of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), the metropolitan planning organization for the six county (Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura and Imperial) area of Southern California. Ms. O’Connor also serves as an alternate member on the California Coastal Commission.
Councilmember O’Connor works with cities throughout the world on environmental, sustainability and climate issues as a member of the Executive Committee of ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability. She is a member of the Board of Directors for the Local Government Commission and for the California Transit Association. She also participates on policy issues with the National League of Cities (NLC) and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).
As a professional urban planning consultant since 1990, Ms. O’Connor specializes in historic preservation and has worked on significant historic buildings throughout Southern California including the Los Angeles City Hall Seismic Rehabilitation, and at campuses including the University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California, California State University campuses, and Occidental College. Her expertise includes environmental review of potential historic resources under local, state and federal regulations. Other positions have included: Director of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Northridge Earthquake recovery partnership program; Planner for the City of Pasadena, and Research Associate at the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan.
Councilmember O’Connor holds Masters’ degrees in Planning and in Technology Management from Eastern Michigan University and a B.S. in Communications from Southern Illinois University.
Hon. Karen Spiegel, Councilmember, City of Corona and Second Vice Chair, Riverside County Transportation Commission
Council Member Karen Spiegel was first elected on the Corona City Council in 2002 and served as Mayor in 2006 and again in 2010. In addition to her local involvement, Council Member Spiegel also represents Corona on several Regional Boards and Commissions including Second Vice Chair of the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), the Riverside Orange County Authority (ROCA), the Metrolink Board, Southern California Council of Governments (SCAG) Transportation Committee, Chair of the State Route 91 Advisory Committee, and the League of California Cities Administrative Committee Vice Chair and Executive Committee of the Riverside Division. She also served as Chair of the Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) and was instrumental in the construction of the Corona Transit Center.
Council Member Spiegel is an active member of the Corona community and owner of a local e-commerce/publishing company. She has been involved in numerous business, civic and community activities, and has been honored for her community service with several awards including “Corona Citizen of the Year” (1995) and “California Woman of the Year for the 37thDistrict” (2009) by Senator John Benoit.
Council Member Spiegel, and her husband Bobby, have five children and one grandson. She graduated from the California State University in Long Beach with a Bachelor’s degree, earned a Master’s degree at Pepperdine University, and was a Marriage Family Therapist (MFT).
Hon. Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Mayor, City of Los Angeles and Chair, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Antonio Villaraigosa is the Mayor of Los Angeles. As a labor leader, civic leader and elected official, he’s led the fight to improve schools, protect the rights of working people, improve mobility and public transit options and make neighborhoods safer, better places to live. In 1994, Villaraigosa was elected to the State Assembly, and just four years later, he was elected Speaker.
In that position, he earned praise for building broad, bipartisan coalitions to make progress on important issues such as public schools, an assault weapons ban, and health care for California’s children. After running for mayor of Los Angeles in 2001, he became a distinguished fellow at UCLA and USC. In 2003, Villaraigosa was elected to the Los Angeles City Council, representing communities in eastside and northeast Los Angeles. He was elected mayor in May 2005 and sworn in on July 1, 2005. Villaraigosa was sworn in for his second term as mayor in
July 2009.
Mayor Villaraigosa has led the fight to keep Los Angeles one of the safest big cities in the nation by keeping the police force strong and crime at historic lows.
Together with transportation leaders throughout Los Angeles County, Mayor Villaraigosa led the effort to pass a once-in-a-generation investment in the mass transit system of Los Angeles. With the passage of Measure R, LA County is poised to invest $40 billion in new rail, transit and highways. Mayor Villaraigosa is currently serving his third term as chairman of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Demonstrating his commitment to the students of Los Angeles and to school reform, Mayor Villaraigosa has brought the education community together to increase the cap on charter schools, support Public School Choice, and create a better variety of options for LA students and families. He founded The Partnership for Los Angeles Schools, one of the largest school turnaround projects in the country that serves over 20,000 students across 21 schools in some of the city’s most
challenging neighborhoods.
Under the Mayor’s leadership, Los Angeles has reached critical environmental milestones such as the implementation of the Clean Truck Program, sourcing 20 percent of its energy from renewable resources and operating the largest municipal CNG fleet in the United States.
Mayor Villaraigosa is currently President of the United States Conference of Mayors.
Tracy Young, Anchor, Local Edition on CNN HLN
Local Edition Anchor Tracy Young was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. She graduated from St. Mary’s College of Moraga, California with a B.S. in economics and business administration. During her junior year in college she served as a foreign exchange student in Avignon, France.
Young worked in the field of financial marketing for 13 years before transitioning into media related fields of endeavor and journalism. Ms. Young served as a talent producer for Dick Clark Productions as a member of the team that produces The Golden Globes, The Academy of Country Music Awards, The Producers Guild Awards, and with other production entities such as the Independent Spirit Awards and the AFI Film Festival. Her skills in communication were then focused to broadcast journalism as she became one of the original anchors when ”CNN Headline News Local Edition” premiered in Southern California six years ago, and when Charter Communications launched the show in the fall of 2008.
Award Winners
Peter Buffa, Former Board Member, Orange County Transportation Authority
As one of two public members on the OCTA Board of Directors, Director Buffa serves on the Executive Committee and is a member of the following committees: Finance and Administration, Legislative and Communications, and Transportation 2020.
Director Peter Buffa is a media, corporate communications and intergovernmental consultant. He formed Petrone’ Communications, Inc., a media production and consulting firm, in 1983. His work in documentary television has earned numerous awards, including two EMMY Awards and awards from the New York and Moscow Film Festivals (The Mechanical Universe, PBS.)
Director Buffa served as a Council Member and Mayor of Costa Mesa, California from 1986 to 1998, following two years as a Planning Commissioner. From 1987 to 1998, Chairman Buffa served as a Director of the Transportation Corridor Agencies, including two terms as Chair of the San Joaquin Hills Corridor Agency. In 1998, Director Buffa received special recognition from the American Road & Transportation Builders Association for his work on innovative transportation projects.
Director Buffa’s firm, Petrone’ Communications, has provided consulting services to numerous public agencies on the development and implementation of public outreach and consensus-building programs, including:
Transportation Corridor Agencies
- Implemented community outreach strategy and scoping workshops for the Foothill-South toll road extension.
- Developed marketing and informational media for the TCA for broadcast and non-broadcast distribution.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Developed and implemented a public outreach strategy for the Santa Ana River Main Stem Improvement project, including the expansion of the Prado Dam and the opening of Seven Oaks Dam.
National Water Research Institute
- Produced a video series called “Water From Water,” which explores issues such as water conservation, recycling and urban run-off.
Director Buffa received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Arizona in 1970, and did graduate work at the University of Southern California Film School. He was commissioned a Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force in 1970 and served as a press liaison and media production officer during the Vietnam War.
Director Buffa and his wife, Sharyn, live in Costa Mesa. They have two adult children.
Lucy Dunn, President and CEO, Orange County Business Council and Board Member, Mobility 21
Lucy Dunn is president and CEO of the Orange County Business Council, where she leads a dynamic organization of business members, working with academia and government, to assure the county’s economic prosperity and high quality of life. Before joining the Business Council, Lucy served as Director of the California Department of Housing and Community Development in 2004. In 2008, she was appointed to the California Transportation Commission. She also served as a member of the Green Building Code Advisory Committee of the California Building and Standards Commission. In 2010, South Coast AQMD appointed her to its Small Business Advisory Committee, and in 2011 to its Advisory Committee to develop the Air Quality Management Plan for the basin.
She is the recipient of numerous honors and awards including Orange County Business Journal’s “Women in Business” award, Women in Transportation’s “Woman of the Year” award, and the prestigious “Vision and Visionaries” Award from Cal-State University, Fullerton.
Lucy is an attorney admitted to practice before the California State Bar, the federal bar and the U.S. Supreme Court. She is the mother of two adult sons who reside in San Francisco, one of whom is a San Francisco Deputy Sheriff and the other an account manager for a major online marketing firm.
Dick Steinke, Executive Director, Port of Long Beach
Richard D. Steinke, Executive Director of the Port of Long Beach, California, came to the Port in 1990 and was appointed to his current post in December 1997 by the Board of Harbor Commissioners.
With Mr. Steinke directing a top-notch, professional staff, the Port has launched the pioneering environmental Green Port Policy, paving the way for the Harbor Commission to approve the milestone San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan. His staff is also implementing the plan’s extremely ambitious Clean Truck Program, setting in motion a sweeping modernization of the truck fleet that will improve air quality by reducing pollution from short-haul trucks. With Mr. Steinke fostering partnerships within the industry, the Port’s Green Flag Program was recently awarded the National Association of Environmental Professionals Environmental Management Award. The program encourages ships and vessel operators to voluntarily slow down to 12 knots or less within 20 miles of the harbor, which greatly reduces fuel consumption and air pollution. Vessels that achieve compliance receive the prestigious Green Flag to fly.
As the Port’s chief executive, Mr. Steinke has successfully directed the redevelopment of the 500-acre, former Long Beach Naval Complex on Terminal Island into shipping terminals. The key component, a 375-acre complex leased to Hanjin Shipping Co., opened in September 2002 and is one of the largest container terminals in the world. He led negotiations that culminated in a 25-year lease with Hanjin under which the South Korean shipping company pays the Port at least $40 million a year or a total of at least $1 billion over the life of the lease.
Mr. Steinke launched a decade-long $1.9 billion capital improvement program to create new and more efficient shipping terminals, such as the new Hanjin facility, and redevelop existing ones to handle growing cargo demands.
Since Mr. Steinke was named Executive Director, Port container cargo volume has nearly doubled from four million container units in 1998 to more than seven million container units in 2007.
Before being named Executive Director, Mr. Steinke had been Deputy Executive Director of the Port of Long Beach for two years. In that capacity, he oversaw the Port’s functions of transportation, environmental and long-range planning; construction, design and traffic engineering; marketing and customer development; real estate management and community, media and public relations.
Richard Steinke also served as the Port’s Properties Director for five years. In that capacity, he negotiated leases and other real estate agreements with Port customers and directed the wharfinger office, which is responsible for the day-to-day operations and enforcement of the Port tariff.
During his tenure as Properties Director, he was instrumental in negotiating the successful 1994 purchase of 725 acres of north harbor land and water area from Union Pacific Resources Company (UPRC). In September 1997, Hanjin opened a $277 million, 170-acre terminal on part of the property. That Pier A terminal was Hanjin’s home until it moved to its new Terminal Island facility.
Mr. Steinke also helped iron out a sale of 13.8 acres of land to oil refining firm, Ultramar, Inc. The sale included provisions for the Port’s receipt of valuable easements for rail traffic through the property.
For the 2001-2002 year, Mr. Steinke was Chairman of the American Association of Port Authorities, an alliance of more than 150 port authorities in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America. He has been a member of the AAPA’s Executive Committee as the representative for South Pacific ports and President of the California Association of Port Authorities. He has also served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, the Intermodal Container Transfer Facility Joint Powers Authority, the Harbor Association of Industry and Commerce, St. Mary Medical Center in Long Beach and is a member of the Red Cross CEO Advisory Committee.
Mr. Steinke came to the Port in 1990 after serving five years as Airport Property Officer at Stapleton International Airport in his native Denver, Colorado. A graduate of Chadron State College in Nebraska, he has done post-graduate work at the University of Colorado.
Richard Steinke, his wife, Tamy, and their three daughters, Sarah, Kylie Marie and Lauren, reside in Long Beach.
Breakout Session Speakers
Rick W. Aurit, Senior Director of Transportation, Wal-Mart Stores
Rick W. Aurit joined Wal-Mart in 1993 and began as Transportation Operations Manager. He has since been promoted and has served in various logistics executive positions within Wal-Mart including the positions of General Transportation Manager and Regional Operations Manager. He currently serves as Senior Director of Transportation for the Southwest Region which includes Nevada, California, Arizona and Hawaii.
Rick’s responsibilities include working closely with the Walmart team in the operations of the largest private trucking fleet in both the U.S. and the U.K. The Walmart fleets support a number of strategically organized Wal-Mart distribution centers.
Walmart has more than 140 distribution centers that service more than 4,200 stores across the U. S. The Walmart Logistics Division is working hard to make the entire fleet more efficient, develop the most efficient routes, increase the number of cases per load and create more sustainable distribution centers. In addition to transporting products, Walmart also has a fleet of passenger cars used to transport associates, 17 percent of the fleet are hybrid cars.
- Attended University of WI – Platteville
- California State University – Bakersfield

Mike Barbour has been working on transportation projects for last 28 years. Though he has worked mainly on highway improvement projects, he also has transit, airport and military base reconstruction experience as well. Of the 28 years of engineering responsibilities, twenty of those years were in design and eight years were in construction. Bridge experience makes up the lion share of the design work, while roadway and bridge work is predominate on the construction side.
Mike started his career in engineering straight out of school with Caltrans Structure Design and went on to spend over eighteen years as Bridge Designer, Bridge Representative, Office Chief for Structures Design Organization and finally completed his time at Caltrans as acting Design Deputy at Caltrans District 7, in Los Angeles. After leaving Caltrans, Mike worked as a consultant on various highway, rail and military projects over the next eight years. During this period he had the privilege of working on the Golden Gate Bridge, the new Bay Bridge, BART Station retrofits and the Sacramento Airport Modernization Project. More recently, for the last three years, he has been working on the I-405 HOV/Improvements Project in West Los Angeles for Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority as the Project Director.
Mike has lead and held various positions during his career; from Bridge Designer to Structures Office Chief, Engineering Manager, Project Manager and Project Director. He was a Major in the Air Force Reserve and has been deployed to Iraq three times. He values all of the knowledge he has gained working in these organizations and specifically feels very fortunate to have worked on great projects with great people.
Michelle Boehm, Client Relations Manager, CH2M HILL
Ms. Boehm has fifteen years of experience managing client relationship programs, public information sessions, business development, policy research, contracts, and small business outreach. Her focus is on the Southern California infrastructure marketplace, with an emphasis in transportation related programs and projects. In her seventh year with CH2M HILL, she is currently working in the Transportation Business Group as the area wide business development leader, overseeing pursuits in Southern California. Involved with Mobility 21 since 2001, in 2009, Ms. Boehm joined the Mobility 21 Advisory Board as the first private sector member to support the organization’s efforts to influence policy at the federal and local level. Ms. Boehm is knowledgeable in federal, state and local transportation issues as well as having practical knowledge of all phases of infrastructure project delivery. Ms. Boehm has also served in leadership positions with both the Los Angeles and Orange County chapters of the Women’s Transportation Seminar.
Ms. Boehm holds a bachelor’s degree from Cal State University Long Beach in History.
Patrick Butler, Assistant Chief, Los Angeles Fire Department
Patrick Isidoro Butler is an Assistant Chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department. He is the regional commander for North Division; overseeing and coordinating all fire department field operations in the greater San Fernando Valley, West L.A., Hollywood, Brentwood, and Pacific Palisades.
A 21 year veteran of the LAFD, he has held several key leadership positions in the department and promoted through the ranks. During his career he has responded to thousands of emergencies, including the 1992 Civil Disturbance, 1994 Northridge Earthquake, 2008 Metrolink accident and some of the state’s largest wildfires.
Most recently he was the LAFD Incident Commander for the 405 Freeway Closure. Together with his command team he planned and managed the public safety and emergency response aspect of the closure ensuring a high level of service within and around the affected areas.
Chief Butler has a master’s degree in Homeland Security from the United States Naval Postgraduate School, a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a Harvard Fellow. He is currently a doctoral student at the USC School of Policy, Planning and Development.
A first generation Latino, Patrick speaks fluent Spanish and spent much of his youth growing up in his mother’s hometown of Veracruz, Mexico.
Tina Casgar, Goods Movement Director, San Diego Association of Governments
Ms. Casgar has twenty years of experience in managing research projects, public information sessions, and business analysis that have focused on structural reorganization and policy changes in marine and intermodal freight transportation. In August 2007, Ms. Casgar joined the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) as their first Manager of Goods Movement Policy. The Goods Movement Manager position is unique in that the position is supported by both SANDAG and the Port of San Diego; this newly created position will focus on freight policy, sustainable goods movement, truck managed lanes and border/corridor infrastructure improvements. Ms. Casgar is experienced in federal, state and local freight policy development issues for transportation as well as having knowledge of academic, technical, and daily management issues confronting port authorities.
Ms. Casgar holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Arizona in International Relations, and a Master’s degree in Maritime Policy from the University of Delaware.
Jeffrey Chernick, CEO, RideAmigos Corp
Jeffrey Chernick is the CEO and Co-Founder of RideAmigos Corp, created in 2007 in response to a frustrating one hour subway commute from home to work in New York City. Within a week of the company’s launch, Jeffrey was sharing a $10, 10 minute taxi to work with a neighbor (and co-worker) he did not know prior. RideAmigos Corp is now a national leader of web-based, multi-modal transportation solutions, providing regional commuter networks, multi-modal travel dashboards, certified AQMD commute surveys, trip trackers, and reward systems. The company launched the nation’s first Virtual TMO for Century City in Los Angeles, CA.
Jeffrey is also the Co-Founder of TravAmigos, which has re-invented the traveler’s experience with a one-stop dashboard and dynamic reservation system that connects travelers with matching itineraries via Facebook before and after their journey. Additionally, the platform links travelers with locals, offers Yelp reviews on nearby venues, suggests events and tours, provides weather updates, and more.
Jeffrey is the Deputy Chair of The Emerging Ridesharing Solutions Subcommitee of the Transportation Research Board, as well as a Director at The Venice Love Network in Los Angeles, a non-profit that feeds the homeless on the Venice Boardwalk monthly.
Jeff Davis, Publisher, Transportation Weekly
Jeff Davis is publisher and editor of Transportation Weekly, a news service that monitors and analyzes federal legislative and regulatory developments dealing with transportation and public works.
A native of Tennessee, he began work in January 1990 for Rep. James H. Quillen (R-Tenn.), then the ranking minority member on the House Rules Committee. For six years he worked in a variety of positions for Quillen, where he gained extensive knowledge of parliamentary procedures and the budget process through his work on the Rules Committee.
In January 1996 he left Capitol Hill and joined a consulting firm specializing in transportation. He worked extensively on the FAA Reauthorization of 1996, the Amtrak Reform and Accountability Act of 1997, and the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, as well as various appropriations bills. He started his own research business, the Legislative Services Group, in June 1998, and started Transportation Weekly in fall 1999. He is generally regarded as a leading expert on the policy and politics of federal transportation funding.
Malcolm Dougherty, Acting Director, Caltrans
Malcolm was appointed the Acting Director of the California Department of Transportation on May 17, 2011. As Director, Mr. Dougherty is responsible for the maintenance and operations of more than 50,000 lane miles of roadway on the State Highway System, a budget of more than $13.3 billion, and providing leadership to more than 20,000 employees.
Prior to this appointment, Mr. Dougherty served as the Chief Deputy Director where he advised and assisted the Director regarding all aspects in the policy and operation of the Department of Transportation. He represented the Department in meetings, hearings, boards, commissions and committees and had responsibility related to the overall operation and management of the Department.
Malcolm Dougherty has been with the Department for nearly 20 years, serving in a number of high profile management positions including District Director of the District 6/Central Region. As the District Director, he was responsible for Planning, Project Management, and Maintenance for the five counties within the district, as well as the Capital Project Delivery Program for Central California from the Pacific Coastline to Nevada, and from Amador to Kern County. Mr. Dougherty’s career also includes management positions in Design, Project Management, Maintenance, and Traffic Operations. Prior to coming to Caltrans, he worked on land development and municipal engineering for a consultant.
Malcolm is a graduate of Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He is married and has three children.
Lucy Dunn, President and CEO, Orange County Business Council and Board Member, Mobility 21
Lucy Dunn is president and CEO of the Orange County Business Council, where she leads a dynamic organization of business members, working with academia and government, to assure the county’s economic prosperity and high quality of life. Before joining the Business Council, Lucy served as Director of the California Department of Housing and Community Development in 2004. In 2008, she was appointed to the California Transportation Commission. She also served as a member of the Green Building Code Advisory Committee of the California Building and Standards Commission. In 2010, South Coast AQMD appointed her to its Small Business Advisory Committee, and in 2011 to its Advisory Committee to develop the Air Quality Management Plan for the basin.
She is the recipient of numerous honors and awards including Orange County Business Journal’s “Women in Business” award, Women in Transportation’s “Woman of the Year” award, and the prestigious “Vision and Visionaries” Award from Cal-State University, Fullerton.
Lucy is an attorney admitted to practice before the California State Bar, the federal bar and the U.S. Supreme Court. She is the mother of two adult sons who reside in San Francisco, one of whom is a San Francisco Deputy Sheriff and the other an account manager for a major online marketing firm.
Doug Failing, Executive Director of Highway Project Delivery, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Mr. Failing is currently serving as the Executive Director of the Highway Program for Los Angeles County Metro where he is responsible for Delivery of the nearly $8 billion Measure R Highway Program.
In 2006, Failing was chosen by the Los Angeles Times’ West Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in Southern California.
In addition, Los Angeles Magazine highlighted Mr. Failing in their December, 2006 issue as one of the most influential people in Los Angeles.
Failing earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Michigan Technological University in Houghton in 1980 and was hired at Caltrans in June of 1980 as a Junior Civil Engineer.
John Fairbank, Principal, Fairbanks, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (Pollster)
John Fairbank has more than twenty-five years experience in public opinion research and policy analysis, specializing in ballot measures and advising candidates at the national, state and local levels. As a founding partner of Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (FM3), Mr. Fairbank has consulted for some of the most influential national clients, in the areas of government, politics, transportation, education, land-use, conservation, business, non-profit and labor.
Mr. Fairbank has been involved as the principal voter opinion researcher and a strategic advisor to successful candidates across the country for offices including United States Senate and House of Representatives, as well as for governor, mayor and other state and local offices.
Mr. Fairbank works extensively on ballot propositions, initiatives and referendums that focus on transportation, conservation, education, health care, public safety and financing government services -– particularly state and local bond and special tax measures. Mr. Fairbank has been instrumental in statewide campaigns throughout the country that have resulted in public approval of billions of dollars of funding for services including Proposition 42, California’s statewide ballot measure that dedicated the state sales tax on gasoline to fund transportation projects.
Mr. Fairbank also has extensive experience researching voter attitudes on transportation issues for city, county and transportation/transit agencies that has led to raising billions of dollars for road, freeway and highway projects and public transit expansion and improvements. In California, FM3’s research services have helped to pass half-cent sales tax increases to fund transportation improvements in twenty California counties. FM3 research helped the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority pass Measure R, a half-cent sales tax increase to boost funding for public transportation projects by exploring public interest and support for a full range of transit projects, including a “subway to the sea”. FM3 has conducted policy-oriented research for many regional transportation agencies, and in recent years has worked for MetroLink, the Ventura County Transportation Agency, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG).
At the local level, Mr. Fairbank has specialized in developing strategies to pass revenue measures for education, the environment, transportation, public safety, health care, social services, and libraries in nearly a hundred cities and counties in California and other states. These measures have included bonds, parcel taxes, sales taxes, utility user taxes, business taxes, property owner fees and user fees.
Mr. Fairbank has also consulted for both business and non-profit sectors. He has worked for many leading companies and organizations including The Walt Disney Company, NBC/Universal, Mercury Insurance and Credit Suisse. In the non-profit sector, Mr. Fairbank has advised such organizations as The Nature Conservancy, the Writers Guild of America, the League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, the League of California Cities and the American Lung Association.
John Fairbank graduated from UCLA and serves as a Senior Fellow at the UCLA School of Public Policy and Social Research. He lives in Los Angeles and can be contacted at john@fm3research.com.
Steve Finnegan, Manager of Government Affairs, Automobile Club of Southern California
Stephen Finnegan has over 20 years of experience in transportation, finance, business, and advocacy. His career includes work as a financial analyst with Bank of America, positions in planning and operations with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, serving as a management consultant to public agencies and non-profit organizations, and leading government affairs, community relations, traffic safety, advocacy, and public policy work for the Automobile Club of Southern California and affiliated AAA clubs from AAA Hawaii to AAA Northern New England.
At MTA, Mr. Finnegan was the planning director for the San Gabriel Valley, managed the County’s $12 billion, seven-year Transportation Improvement Program, served as the MTA’s liaison to the California Transportation Commission, and managed the nation’s largest public motorist aid system.
As a consultant, Mr. Finnegan completed management, performance, financial, transportation, and other studies for cities, counties, special districts, and non-profit organizations in California and the west.
Mr. Finnegan currently leads government affairs, community relations, and public policy work for the Automobile Club of Southern California where he advocates for motorist, insurance, and business issues, including improved mobility and traffic safety, effective and efficient use of transportation resources, adequate infrastructure for economic growth, and a healthy business environment.
Mr. Finnegan received a Master of Arts degree in urban planning from the University of California at Los Angeles and a Bachelor of Arts from Claremont McKenna College.
Dario Frommer, Chair, California Transportation Commission
Dario Frommer focuses on strategic governmental affairs and represents clients with high stakes legislative, regulatory and enforcement matters before state and local government. His experience includes energy, climate change, health care, tribal gaming, infrastructure procurement and election law.
Prior to joining Mayer Brown, Dario served as Majority Leader of the California State Assembly. He also Chaired the Assembly Health Committee. Dario is currently chair of the California Transportation Commission which oversees funding for state transportation, transit and toll bridge projects. Dario has also held a variety of high level government posts including Appointments Secretary to Governor Gray Davis.
Dario has received numerous awards and honors for his work, including: “Best of the Bar” from the Los Angeles Business Journal (2007, 2009); an Honorary Associate of Arts Degree from Glendale Community College (2006); the Alumni of the Year award from the University of California, Davis (2004); California Legislator of the Year from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (2003); Legislator of the Year from the California Parks & Recreation Society (2003) ; “Top 20 California Lawyers Under 40 “ from Daily Journal (1999); and the Outstanding Young Californian Award from the California Jaycees Foundation (2000).
Hon. Bill Fulton, Mayor, City of Ventura
Bill Fulton was appointed Mayor in December 2009 and will serve a two-year term. Bill was first elected to the Ventura City Council in 2003, culminating many years of professional experience and community involvement in local government affairs. He was re-elected to the Council in 2007 and selected by his colleagues to serve as the City’s Deputy Mayor.
A journalist, urban planner, researcher, pundit, best-selling author and now a practicing elected official as the Mayor of Ventura, California and member of the city council since 2003 – William Fulton has played a key role in re-shaping the way urban and metropolitan growth issues are debated in the post-suburban era. He is a principal in the California-based urban planning firm of The Planning Center | DC&E (www.dceplanning.com), and a Senior Fellow at the School of Policy, Planning, and Development at the University of Southern California.
His latest book, Romancing The Smokestack: How Cities and States Pursue Prosperity, was published in 2010 by Solimar Books. He is the author of three books considered classics in their field. The Reluctant Metropolis: The Politics of Urban Growth in Los Angeles, an L.A. Times best-seller, uses novelistic storytelling techniques to trace the way a leading metropolis grew and developed. The Regional City : Planning for the End of Sprawl, co-authored with architect Peter Calthorpe, is a pathbreaking work that has reshaped understanding of how metropolitan regions should be planned and designed. Two decades after its original publication, Guide to California Planning remains the standard textbook for urban planning classes. A new edition will be published in the Fall of 2011.
Fulton is also founder and publisher of the monthly periodical California Planning & Development Report (In his consulting practice with DC&E and his previous firm, Solimar Research Group (www.solimar.org), Fulton has led a team of experts who have created innovative methods to identify suitable sites for infill development and test the economic feasibility of infill development policies.
In partnership with the Smart Growth Leadership Institute, Fulton has assisted communities from Florida to Alaska in implementing “smart growth policies” and as an elected official he has taken a leadership role in doing the same in Ventura.
Fulton has also been active in the economic development arena as well. He is the economic development columnist for Governing magazine and has worked on a series of economic development strategies for communities across the country, focusing on Arizona and Upstate New York.
Gary Gallegos, Executive Director, San Diego Association of Governments
Gary Gallegos is the Executive Director of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). SANDAG is the research, planning, and transportation agency for the region. Agency policymakers are elected officials from each of the area’s 18 cities and the county. SANDAG is responsible for numerous regional initiatives including population growth, transportation, transit engineering and construction, environmental management, economic development, municipal finance, binational and interregional coordination, and public safety.
Under his direction, the agency is creating the first Regional Transportation Plan under new California legislative mandates to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, developing a third international border crossing at the U.S.-Mexico border, and implementing more than $1 billion in transportation infrastructure projects in the San Diego region.
Prior to joining SANDAG in 2001, Mr. Gallegos held the position of District Director for Caltrans District 11, covering San Diego and Imperial Counties.
Genevieve Giuliano, Professor, USC School of Policy, Planning and Development
Genevieve Giuliano is Professor and Senior Associate Dean of Research and Technology in the School of Policy, Planning, and Development, University of Southern California, and Director of the METRANS joint USC and California State University Long Beach Transportation Center. She was named the Margaret and John Ferraro Chair in Effective Local Government in 2009 for her work in regional transportation policy. She also holds courtesy appointments in Civil Engineering and Geography. Professor Giuliano’s research focus areas include relationships between land use and transportation, transportation policy anlysis, and information technology applications in transportation. She has published over 140 papers, and has presented her research at numerous conferences both within the US and abroad. She serves on the Editorial Boards of Urban Studies and Journal of Transport Policy. She is a past member and Chair of the Executive Committee of the Transportation Research Board. She was named a National Associate of the National Academy of Sciences in 2003, received the TRB William Carey Award for Distinguished Service in 2006, and was awarded the Deen Lectureship in 2007. She has participated in several National Academies of Sciences policy studies; currently she is participating in the NAS study, America’s Climate Choices.
For recent publications, see http://www.usc.edu/schools/sppd/research/publications/index.html
Hasan Ikhrata, Executive Director, Southern California Association of Governments
Hasan Ikhrata has served as the Executive Director of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) since January 2008. Mr. Ikhrata has over 25 years of public and private sector experience in Transportation Planning in the Southern California Region.
Prior to joining SCAG in 1994, Mr. Ikhrata worked for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) for four years. While there he developed a comprehensive Transportation Control Measure/Transportation Demand Management program for the MTA and 88 cities in the County.
Mr. Ikhrata worked for the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) for four years managing transportation and air quality related projects. He headed the evaluation of various components of Regulation XV, the nation’s first mandatory employer based trip reduction program designed to reduce commute related automobile travel.
Mr. Ikhrata holds a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Civil and Industrial Engineering from Zaporozhye University in the former Soviet Union; a Masters degree in Civil Engineering from UCLA and a PhD Candidacy in Urban Planning and Transportation from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
Fran Inman, Commissioner, California Transportation Commission and Majestic Realty
Fran Inman directs all government relations and community affairs activities for Majestic Realty Co., one of the nation’s largest privately-held, family-owned real estate development companies. With a real estate portfolio totaling approximately 70 million square feet of commercial properties, Majestic Realty has offices in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Bethlehem, Dallas, Denver and Las Vegas.
Inman is recognized as a leader in the push to improve the nation’s failing transportation infrastructure. Her leadership and dedication are evidenced in tackling some of the nation’s toughest challenges relating to mobility, air quality and competitiveness in a global world.
As immediate past chair of the board of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce and the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership, Inman has served on numerous statewide and regional goods movement committees. She has served on the California Transportation Commission, Public Infrastructure Advisory Commission, Coalition of America’s Gateway and Trade Corridors, California’s Goods Movement Action Plan Integration Committee, and the Joint Mayors’ of Los Angeles/Long Beach Goods Movement Task Force. She is vice chair of California Business Properties Association (CBPA), founding board member of FuturePorts and a member of Inland Action.
A graduate of California State University, Fullerton, Inman holds both a bachelor of arts and a masters of business administration in finance.
Darrell Johnson, Deputy CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority
Darrell Johnson is the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Orange County Transportation Authority, the 12th largest transit agency in the U.S. with 1,600 employees and an annual budget of $1.2 billion.
Under the leadership of OCTA’s Board of Directors and the CEO, Johnson assists in the planning, development and delivery of freeway and road projects, bus services, regional rail services, paratransit services, and the operation and maintenance of the 91 Express Lanes, the most successful toll facility in California.
Prior to joining OCTA, Johnson worked at Amtrak for 12 years, where he held positions in operations, planning, and finance and contributed to the development of passenger rail corridors in California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.
Richard Katz, Chair, Metrolink and Board Member, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Richard Katz was first elected to the California State Assembly in 1980 and served continuously for 16 years. As Democratic Leader in 1995, Katz led the Party back to majority status by winning 43 seats in the 1996 elections. California’s term limits law prohibited Katz from seeking re-election.
For 10 years, Richard Katz served as Chair of the powerful Assembly Transportation Committee authoring Proposition 111, a 10 year Transportation Blueprint which raised more money for mass transit and highways than any other effort in the history of California. He created the Congestion Management Plan, requiring cities and counties to measure and mitigate impacts of land use decisions on their streets, highways and transit systems.
Shortly after his election in June of 2005, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa appointed Katz to serve with him on the Governing Board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. After the horrific Metrolink accident in 2008, the Mayor appointed Katz to the Metrolink Board of Directors to “get them back on track.” Katz is now the Chairperson of that Board.
Richard Katz is the owner of a successful public policy and government relations firm, Richard Katz Consulting (RKC), Inc, based in Los Angeles. Katz serves on the Executive Committee and Board of the Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley and the Boards of: Heal the Bay, Valley Presbyterian Hospital, The Children’s Community School, Project Grad, Encino Tarzana Hospital Foundation and Citizens for Reliable and Safe Highways (CRASH).
A native of Los Angeles, Richard Katz lives in Sherman Oaks with Wendy Mitchell, their four year-old son, Mitchell Robert, and their two dogs.
Will Kempton, CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority
Kempton, a 35-year veteran of the transportation industry, brings to OCTA a broad understanding of transportation programs and policies that span the ranks of government from local to the federal level.
OCTA’s new CEO brings a deep commitment to public service. Prior to joining Caltrans, Kempton served as assistant city manager for the city of Folsom. Before that, he served on the city’s parks and recreation commission for eight years.
Kempton, 63, began his career at Caltrans in 1973. He worked in various management positions in finance and in the director’s office at Caltrans prior to his appointment as assistant director of legislative and congressional affairs from 1980 to 1985.
Kempton served as executive director of the Santa Clara County Traffic Authority for seven years. From 1992 to 2002, he was a partner at Smith, Kempton & Watts, a transportation consulting and advocacy firm that focused on major infrastructure programs.
One of Kempton’s greatest accomplishments was quickly completing the high-profile reopening of a freeway overpass in Oakland after it closed in 2007 for repairs due to a disaster involving a tanker truck.
Darren Kettle, Executive Director, Ventura County Transportation Commission
Darren is the Executive Director of the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) and the Ventura Council of Governments (VCOG). He started with VCTC in October 2007 and took on the added responsibilities of VCOG in the fall of 2009. In his service to VCTC, Darren leads a small but very capable staff with focused efforts on improved transportation planning to ensure the wise investment of transportation funds then prioritizing those limited transportation funds on a wide range of transportation projects, ranging from major highway projects to bicycle and pedestrian projects and bus and rail projects and operations. The purpose of VCOG is to facilitate cooperative subregional and regional planning, information sharing, coordination and technical assistance on issues of countywide concern. The blending of these two assignments is timely as together VCTC and VCOG will be active in the development of Ventura County’s contribution to Southern California’s sustainable communities plan by bringing both governing bodies together to address jobs, housing, land use, and transportation as required by the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 also known as SB 375.
Darren has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a Masters in Public Administration from California State University, San Bernardino. His professional career spans 22 years of public service for local and regional government and transportation agencies in Southern California.
Dan Kulka, Community Relations Manager, Kiewit
Dan Kulka earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Engineering from California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo. He has worked for the Kiewit Companies for over 30 years in many capacities including: Field Engineer, Superintendent, Project Engineer, District Safety Manager, District Quality Manager, and Human Resources Manager. Mr. Kulka is currently Kiewit’s Community Relations Manager on the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Improvements Project.
Alexis Lantz, Planning & Policy Director, Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
Alexis started at LACBC as an intern in 2009. During her internship she helped launch LACBC’s LA Bike Count, the first bicycle and pedestrian count in the City of of Los Angeles.
Alexis holds an M.A. in Urban Planning from UCLA. Her interest in transportation stems from a belief that bicycling, walking, and mass transit are integral components for ensuring equitable and sustainable communities with thriving local economies. While at UCLA she initiated a student-led course on bicycle and pedestrian planning that continues today. As a Fellowship recipient of the Los Angeles Sustainability Collaborative, she authored the report “Cycling in Los Angeles” as her applied graduate research project.
She is a board member for the California Bicycle Coalition and harbors a love for vintage living, yacht rock, and Agatha Cristie novels.
Art Leahy, CEO, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Arthur T. Leahy, 61, one of the nation’s leading transportation executives who started out as a bus driver in Los Angeles 39 years ago, is the Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro).
Metro is the lead transportation planning and programming agency for the county and funds construction of numerous street, highway and transit improvements running the gamut from bike and pedestrian improvements to new busways and rail lines to freeway carpool lanes and sound walls. He has served in the position since April 2009.
Prior to Metro, Leahy headed the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) from 2001 to 2009 where he oversaw the planning, financing and coordination for Orange County’s freeway, street and transit development as well as managed the 12th busiest bus system in the country along with commuter rail, and paratransit services for the disabled, among other transportation programs.
Leahy spearheaded such major highway projects as the $550 million widening of the Garden Grove Freeway (SR-22) and the current construction of the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) in Buena Park. He also directed OCTA’s purchase and operations of the 91 Express Lanes toll road and aggressive work to widen the Riverside Freeway (SR-91), Southern California’s most-congested highway.
OCTA bus ridership reached record levels during Leahy’s tenure, and he successfully led voter renewal of Orange County’s Measure M, a $12 billion transportation sales tax measure that will fund a variety of local highway and transit projects.
Prior to OCTA, Leahy served as general manager of the transit agency in Minneapolis-St. Paul between 1997 and 2001. Under his leadership, both agencies as well as Leahy, himself, garnered top national transit industry honors. Leahy began his transit career in 1971 driving a bus for the Southern California Rapid Transit District, a predecessor of Metro, while attending college. He worked his way up through the ranks to head operations for Metro, overseeing bus operations and activation of the Metro Blue Line and Metro Red/Purple Line, before taking the Minneapolis chief executive job.
Both of Leahy’s parents and his wife and brother worked for Los Angeles public transit agencies, and he started his transit career in Los Angeles almost four decades ago.
Leahy earned a bachelor-of-arts degree in political science from California State University, Los Angeles and a master’s degree in public administration from USC.
Metro is the third largest public transportation agency in the United States. It has a $3.9 billion annual budget and more than 9,000 employees. It operates approximately 200 bus routes serving a 1,433 square mile service area and five subway and light rail lines that crisscross Los Angeles County. Metro’s total annual bus and rail ridership exceeds 400 million boardings.
Gregory A. Le Frois, Manager of National Toll Road and Toll Facilities, HNTB
Greg Le Frois has more than 30 years of transportation engineering and design experience, and is the manager of HNTB’s national Toll Facilities Group which specializes in toll operations and toll technology consulting. This highly-specialized, national group supports all 60+ HNTB offices with unique toll technology and toll operations specialists. Greg is responsible for the overall performance of the Toll Facilities Group and delivery of these specialized services to HNTB’s clients nationwide.
Greg is one of only 19 individuals in HNTB recognized as a HNTB Fellow – the highest technical honor of the firm. Greg is a leader in the area of Managed Lanes implementation in the United States having been involved in the I-15 Express Lanes in San Diego, SR 91 Express Lanes in Orange County CA, I-25 Express Lanes in Denver, I-15 Express Lanes in Salt Lake City, SR 167 HOT Lanes in Seattle, and I-95 Express Lanes in Miami. He is also involved in numerous studies and development of other HOT and Managed Lanes projects in the US.
Victor Lindenheim, Executive Director, Golden State Gateway Coalition
Victor Lindenheim is the executive director of the Golden State Gateway Coalition, an advocacy organization seeking to improve mobility, safety and goods movement in north Los Angeles County by adding capacity to Interstate 5. He has more than 25 years of experience in national, state and regional advocacy, representing organizations in California, New York, Connecticut and Washington, D.C. – – among them, such transportation-dependent industries as construction materials, chemicals and forest products.
He currently serves as chairman of the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce transportation committee, and is a member of VICA’s transportation committee. He is also the principal of Lindenheim Consulting Group, offering management, communications and advocacy services to corporate clients and non-profit organizations, specializing in transportation, environmental and regulatory matters. Victor resides in Valencia, California with his wife, Madeline.
Hon. Suja Lowenthal, Vice Mayor, City of Long Beach
Dr. Suja Lowenthal, Vice Mayor and Second District Councilmember, has been serving on the Long Bech City Council since June 2006. The Second District included much of the Port, Harbor and coastline area, as well as the downtown. Before embracing her role as councilmember, Suja served on the Board of Education in the Long Beach Unified School District.
Suja has combined her experience in the community and on the school board with her education in business and urban planning to address issues such as parking, public safety, air & water quality and commercial development through sustainable, long-term policies. She has provided the political will and leadership to advance the City’s award-winning bicycle-friendly agenda, its progressive strategies in animal care services and green policies involving plastic bags, recycling, stormwater runoff and alternative forms of energy.
Chris Lytle, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, Port of Long Beach
J. Christopher Lytle is the Deputy Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer for the Port of Long Beach, California, appointed in 2008 to serve as the Port’s number two executive. He joined the Port in 2006 as Managing Director of Trade Relations and Port Operations.
Mr. Lytle holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Puget Sound and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Central Washington University. Before coming to the Port, he served as Vice President with the French-based shipping line, CMA CGM, responsible for all West Coast Operations, and held executive positions with P&O Ports North America, Denmark-based APM (Maersk) Terminals and Sea-Land Service, Inc. He has also served as an Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army.
Mr. Lytle has been Alternate Director with the Pacific Maritime Association, on the Board of Directors of the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association and has served as a Director for the Steamship Association of Southern California and the Propeller Club of Los Angeles and Long Beach. He, his wife, Stephanie, and three young sons reside in Seal Beach, California.
The Port of Long Beach is one of the world’s premier seaports, a trail blazer in goods movement and environmental stewardship guided by a Green Port Policy. Each year, trade valued at more than $140 billion moves through the Port of Long Beach, supporting more than 316,000 Southern California jobs.
Noel Massie, President, UPS Central California
Noel Massie serves as President for UPS’s Central California District. He is responsible for all operations, customer relationship management, and revenue management of nearly $2 billion annually. The Central California District employs nearly 11,000 employees and serves over 80,000 customers daily. Prior to his current assignment, Noel served as President for UPS’s Chicago, Virginia, and Southeast California districts.
Noel began his career with UPS in 1977 in Oakland, California. He has served in many capacities within the organization. He started in operations and has spent time in engineering, learning and development, and in Atlanta working in UPS’s corporate headquarters. Noel’s various assignments have afforded him the opportunity to work in the eastern, western, northern, and southern parts of the U.S.
During his career, Noel has represented UPS at several notable conferences and summits. In 2009 he was a panel member for the I-10 Corridor Summit, a speaker at the IBA Global Trade Conference, and a panelist for the John Husing Economic Report Card. He served as a panel member for the Ontario, CA Economic Development Conference. And in 2001, as a result of UPS’s work in the Chicago community, Noel worked with members of the White House to shape future legislation regarding welfare reform.
Anne Mayer, Executive Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission
Anne Mayer is the Executive Director for Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC). RCTC is the County’s primary transportation planning and funding agency. She leads an organization with 41 employees and an annual budget exceeding $778 million. RCTC also oversees the Measure A program approved by voters in 1988 and 2002.
Prior to joining RCTC as Deputy Executive Director in May 2005, Anne was the District 8 Director for the California Department of Transportation. As District Director, she was responsible for management of the state highway system in San Bernardino and Riverside counties.
Mayer, who holds a civil engineering degree from Michigan State University, has over 27 years of experience in the public works field.
Mike Miles, Director, Caltrans District 7
Mike Miles, Director of the California Department of Transportation District 7 (Los Angeles and Ventura counties), is responsible for planning, construction, operation and maintenance of the State freeway and highway system; he oversees nearly 2,600 employees.
Miles, who was appointed to his current position in February 2010, provides oversight to all divisions including administration, construction, design, environmental planning, external affairs, maintenance, operations, planning, project management and right-of-way.
Previously, he served as Deputy Director of Maintenance and Operations in Caltrans Sacramento Headquarters office, and was responsible for the division’s day-to-day internal operations.
Miles has been a member of the Caltrans organization since 1989 and has served on its executive management team as Deputy Director of Maintenance in both District 7 and District 8 – San Bernardino– where he also served as the Deputy Director of Planning. His extensive and innovative work with local, regional, and state-level organizations drew high praise while serving in these heavily urbanized environments.
Prior to joining Caltrans, Miles worked in private industry as both a field and project engineer.
He has had a life-long interest in public service and especially in working to make the highway system more efficient, while increasing the opportunities for partnering with private business and other governmental organizations.
Miles serves on a number of national committees. He is a member of the National Academy of Science and the National Cooperative Highway Research Programs Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA). During his career, Miles has spearheaded worker safety initiatives and led the way to improved relations with other government organizations and collective bargaining representatives.
Dr. Matt Miyasato, Assistant Deputy Executive Officer of the Science & Technology Advancement Office, South Coast Air Quality Management District
Miles earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and has participated in Executive Management Programs with the Universities of California at both Riverside and Los Angeles, and with California State University, Sacramento.
Dr. Matt Miyasato is the Assistant Deputy Executive Officer for the Technology Advancement Office at the South Coast Air Quality Management District. In this role, Dr. Miyasato leads the groups responsible for research, development, demonstration and deployment of clean, advanced technologies for both mobile and stationary sources.
Dr. Miyasato received his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, and his Masters and Ph.D. in Engineering, specializing in combustion technologies and air pollution control – all from the University of California, Irvine.
Dr. Miyasato has worked at Southern California Edison in the Nuclear Engineering Department and at General Electric, where he designed burners and combustion modifications for utility boilers. He was also a research scientist at UCI, where he managed the industrial burner research program and has publications on combustion phenomena, active control, and laser diagnostics. Dr. Miyasato has also been a lecturer at UCI for the undergraduate air pollution control course.
In his current role at the AQMD, Dr. Miyasato leads the Demonstration, Implementation, Best Available Control Technologies (BACT), and Technology Outreach groups, with the overall goal of developing, demonstrating, and accelerating the commercialization and implementation of clean technologies. These technologies include fuel cells, hydrogen, alternative fueled engines, PM and NOx aftertreatment, hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and other clean alternative technologies.
Dr. Miyasato serves as the lead staff support for the California Fuel Cell Partnership, the California Stationary Fuel Cell Collaborative, the California Hydrogen Highway Network, and the Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Center.
Annie Nam, Manager of Goods Movement & Transportation Finance, Southern California Association of Governments
Ms. Annie Nam currently manages the transportation financial planning and goods movement division for the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). She oversees regional planning studies and researches financial and policy initiatives related to transportation investments. Prior to joining SCAG, Ms. Nam worked for the City of New York, where she developed financial forecasting models, analyzed project financing transactions and economic policy initiatives related to the City’s infrastructure investment decisions. Ms. Nam holds a B.A. and M.A. from Columbia University.
Hilary Norton, Executive Director, Fixing Angelenos Stuck in Traffic (FAST)
Hilary Norton’s career spans 20 years in public policy, community development, land use and transportation planning, in the public and private sectors.
In 2008, Ms. Norton was appointed Executive Director of FAST by founder Jim Thomas, Chairman and President of Thomas Properties Group (TPG). Part of the non-profit California Community Foundation (CCF), FAST (www.FASTLA.org) was created to advocate for and implement near-term solutions to address Los Angeles’ regional gridlock crisis.
Ms. Norton has mobilized a diverse coalition of business, labor, civic groups, educational institutions and transit organizations to support FAST’s efforts to improve regional mobility, livability and economic prosperity.
FAST is part of the innovative Los Angeles/Long Beach Mobility Hub Program funded by the federal JARC (Jobs Access Reverse Commute) grant awarded in 2010. These Mobility Hubs will provide “first mile/last mile” transportation accessibility including bike share, bike rental, car share, shuttles, carpools and vanpools at 13 full-service Hubs and 19 bike-only Hubs. Web-based portals will facilitate e-reservations and collect environmental data.
Other FAST projects include Metro’s ExpressLanes program and a thoroughfare optimization plan for Los Angeles.
Ms. Norton holds a Bachelor’s degree from Wellesley College, and a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Simon Oh, Public Relations Undergraduate Student, California State University, Fullerton and Intern, Orange County Transportation Authority
– Senior at Cal State Fullerton, graduating in December with a degree in Communications – Public Relations
– Public Communications intern, OCTA
– Member and former Advocacy Director (2010-11) for Cal State Fullerton PRSSA
Since 2007, member of CSUF Guardian Scholars, a program for former foster youth
– Participant in 2011 WTS Orange County Transportation Academy
– Lifelong transit rider in Los Angeles and Orange counties, covered the entire L.A. Metro Rail/BRT network, almost all of the Metrolink system
B.J. Patterson, CEO, Pacific Mountain Logistics
The Texas born, CEO of Pacific Mountain Logistics is a Professional Logistics Executive that spent 7 years in the United States Navy working throughout the world. His diverse experience and training has made him a decisive leader that has gained a loyal following of seasoned logistics professionals during the last 16 years working in the following positions
Pacific Mountain Logistics – CEO
A full service 3PL, providing: warehousing, distribution, VAS and freight brokerage
RoadLink Transportation Solutions –
Vice President and General Manager Pacific and Mexico
Responsible for all activities for the Pacific/Mexico business unit
NFI-Distribution; Vice President, Western Region.
Responsible for 18 locations in the Western US with both Contract and Public facilities in the region, with cross dock and delivery operations
Exel, Inc.; General Manager/ Director
Responsible for the start-up of the Coors Network
Responsible for the West Coast Import Distribution Campus for the world’s largest retailer Wal-Mart.
Steve Raney, Principal, ULTra Personal Rapid Transit
Steve Raney is Principal at ULTra PRT North America. He was lead researcher for the US Environmental Protection Agency’s “Transforming Office Parks into Transit Villages” PRT study for Pleasanton. He was project manager for BART’s Group Rapid Transit study. He has conducted technology product research for Microsoft, Citigroup, and Silicon Valley start-ups. He is the author of ten scholarly transportation papers. He invented “smartphone instant ridesharing” and holds the first patent. He conceived Bay Area MTC’s $33M Climate Innovations Grant Program. Raney holds three masters: business, software, and transportation from Columbia, RPI, and Berkeley. Raney is also Executive Director, Cities21, a smart growth & VMT reduction think tank. Raney is also co-founder of the YIMBY group, Alliance for a Livable Palo Alto.
Yvette Rapose, Community Relations Manager, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Building on 7 years in Los Angeles government, Yvette ZR Rapose has served Metro for 11 years, first in Government Relations and then in Community Relations—Capital Projects. Beginning on the Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension, Ms. Rapose now manages several teams that perform Community Relations on high-profile projects such as the Metro Orange Line Extension, Express Lanes and I-405 Sepulveda Pass Improvements Project. In the near future she will direct the public outreach, stakeholder communication and construction impact mitigation programs for the next wave of projects, including construction of the Regional Connector, Crenshaw Light Rail Project and Westside Subway. During the historic closure of the 405 freeway during the July 16 weekend this summer, Yvette and her team leveraged online communication and a growing presence in social media to address an unprecedented event in Los Angeles transportation. Ms. Rapose earned a BS in Business Administration and an MS in Public Administration.
Ronald Redfern, Publisher, Press Enterprise
Ron Redfern is president/CEO of the Inland Southern California Region’s leading media organization, Enterprise Media. He is also publisher of The Press-Enterprise, the Inland region’s largest, local daily newspaper, and PE.com, the region’s largest local newspaper website.
He previously served in Tampa, Florida as president/CEO of a multi-media group comprised of Florida’s largest television station and Tampa’s largest daily newspaper and Internet portal.
His career as a media executive has spanned 30 years, most of which has been spent with media companies in Southern California, including Freedom Communications where he served in several senior executive positions, including president of Freedom’s Interactive Division and president and COO of The Orange County Register.
Ron currently serves as a director of the California Newspaper Publishers Association and also sits on the board of the California Chamber of Commerce. He is a member of Monday Morning Group of Western Riverside County and serves as its Transportation chair. He also serves on the board of the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce, and several boards at universities in the region.
Ron earned a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing from California State University, Northridge, where he graduated magna cum laude.
Peter Rodgers, Administrative Director, San Luis Obispo County Council of Governments
Peter Rodgers is the lead rail planner working to provide direct passenger rail services from downtown Los Angeles to downtown San Francisco along the Pacific Coast Corridor. He is the Administrative Director for the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG), Chairman of the Coast Rail Coordinating Council Technical Committee (CRCC), and serves on the Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Technical Committee.
Mr. Rodgers helped bring new intercity rail services to San Luis Obispo in 1995 and to fund the construction of new rail stations in the City of Grover Beach and the City of Paso Robles. He is responsible for programming State and Federal public transit funds to 7 local jurisdictions in San Luis Obispo County. Mr. Rodgers helps bring together decision-makers and a multidisciplinary team of planners and other advocates improving intercity rail services on the Coast Corridor, and educating the general public.
After graduating from Cal Poly SLO in 1986, Mr. Rodgers served 4 years in the U.S. Peace Corps in Haiti and Costa Rica working in reforestation before returning to San Luis Obispo to raise his family.
Ty Schuiling, Director of Planning, San Bernardino Associated Governments
Ty Schuiling joined San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) in May 1990 as Director of Comprehensive Planning following passage of the countywide ½ cent transportation sales tax, Measure I. He directed preparation and implementation of San Bernardino County’s first Congestion Management Program and Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
He was named Director of Planning and Programming in 1997. His responsibilities include regional and countywide transportation and air quality planning and policy analysis, transportation program development, congestion management, fund allocation, and agency representation at various federal, state, and regional forums in the areas of freight movement, performance measurement, mobile source emission reduction, and transportation-land use relationships. He served as key staff during formulation and renewal of the ½ cent transportation sales tax for San Bernardino County during 2002 to 2004, and oversaw development of the strategic plan for delivery of the Measure I 2010-2040 transportation program.
Prior to joining SANBAG, Ty was a Project Manager with URS Consultants, responsible for preparation of the transportation component of the EIR for the closure and reuse of Norton AFB (now San Bernardino International Airport), and preparation of the Solid Waste Management Plan for San Bernardino County. Before that he was based in Colorado, working for the RTD as the Service Planner for the southern Denver metropolitan area, as a consulting geologist, and as a Project Geologist in the exploration arm of the Anaconda Minerals Company, a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield.
Ty is a native of San Bernardino, a product of the University of California at Riverside, and holds advanced degrees in geology/geochemistry and regional planning from the University of Arizona and University of Colorado. He lives in Redlands with his wife Liz and has two daughters.
Tom Smith, SVP, West Coast Real Estate, NBCUniversal
Tom Smith is NBCUniversal’s Senior Vice President in charge of leading the company’s West Coast Real Estate Group. Tom’s responsibilities include managing and overseeing all aspects of the Universal City Evolution Plan, a comprehensive 20-year blueprint for future development of the 391-acre Universal City property which is home to Universal Studios – the world’s largest working studio – as well as CityWalk and Universal Studios Hollywood Theme Park, Los Angeles’ leading tourism destination.
In addition to managing the development entitlements for the Evolution Plan, Tom and his team support NBCUniversal’s existing core business operations at Universal City – which currently generate more than 10,000 full and part-time jobs — in matters regarding land use, planning and permitting. Additionally, Tom is responsible for land use issues related to NBCUniversal’s 35-acre Burbank Studio.
Tom has more than 30 years of design, project management, real estate and construction-related experience in a variety of industries and geographic locations. Prior to joining NBCUniversal, Tom was a Program Manager with a GE Corporate Project Services group, providing project management for design and construction of facilities to support the broad spectrum of global GE businesses. He has planned and executed logistically complex projects for GE in the US, Mexico, Belgium and Germany, working with real estate brokers, architects, engineering and construction firms from each country.
Tom is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelors Degree in Nuclear Engineering and a Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering.
Tom relocated to Los Angeles in 2004 specifically to lead the NBCUniversal West Coast Real Estate team. He and his wife Tammy live in La Canada-Flintridge.
Tom currently serves on the:
- Central City Association Housing Production Committee and Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Development reform
- Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation Board of Governors and LAEDC’s Land Use Committee
- Burbank Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee and Board Chairman
Alan Thompson, Senior Regional Planner, Southern California Association of Governments
Alan Thompson manages several programs at SCAG, including the Congestion management program, transportation demand management, intelligent transportation systems, active transportation, transportation safety and security.
Fortunately, many of these projects all inter-relate into two key components: Getting people out of single occupancy vehicles and making the transportation system operate more efficiently.
Alan brings over 15 years and a wide variety transportation planning experience to the table, from working on regional aviation system plans, active transportation plans, to helping develop the draft Southern California Catastrophic Earthquake Preparedness Plan.
Alan earned a Bachelor of Science degree in aviation management from Southern Illinois University while working full time in the United States Navy. He holds a Master of Arts in Public Administration, also from SIU. He lives in Pasadena with his wife Francine and is a dedicated bicycle commuter and sometimes bicycle tourist.
Andréa White-Kjoss, President and COO, Bikestation
Andréa White-Kjoss is president and chief operations officer of Mobis Transportation/ Bikestation, whose vision is the transformation of the American transportation system to include technology-networked and interoperable choices such as transit, bicycles, car-sharing and small electric vehicles in order to reduce congestion and emissions, and improve health and quality of life.
Bikestation is the leading brand of Mobis and creates the only complete operational ecosystem for bicyclists and bicycling at transit, and in developments, universities and colleges, and corporate campuses. Bikestation facilities offer secure bicycle parking and related services to make cyclists’ lives easier, including repair services, equipment and accessory sales, restrooms and showers, and transit and bicycling information.
Bikestation and Mobis’ other brands, City BikeShare and City Wheels, have created new mobility hubs in a variety of cities that include interoperability with FlexCar, City CarShare, transit smart cards, university and employer ID’s and bike share systems.
Andréa and the Mobis/Bikestation team have consulted with public and private entities on multimodal planning and operations throughout North America and in China and Mexico. Andrea regularly speaks at conferences about multimodal design, planning and execution. Andréa has spoken on Capitol Hill in Washington DC regarding the role of the private sector in implementing a new transportation future, alongside various legislators and officials or their staff, including Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, Senator Chris Dodd, and Congressmen Earl Blumenauer and James Oberstar. Andrea was named the Association of Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals’ (APBP) 2010 Private Sector Professional of the Year and a BusinessWeek 2010 Top 25 Social Entrepreneur.
Monte Ward, Principal, M. Ward & Associates
Mr. Ward provides policy and strategic advice to public agencies and private clients for the funding, planning, development and implementation of transportation infrastructure and services. His clients currently include the Ventura County Transportation Commission and the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments where he is advising on options for voter approval of local revenues in the future; and the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) where he is guiding efforts to invest more than $400 million in environmental improvements, including water quality and open space protection.
Formerly on staff at OCTA, he led the effort to renew the Measure M2 local transportation half-cent sales tax, which Orange County voters approved by 70 percent in November 2006. He played key roles in the development and successful enactment of Orange County’s first local transportation sales tax, Measure M1 in 1990, and the creation of OCTA through consolidation of Orange County’s transportation agencies. He has thirty years of experience in public affairs and transportation issues.
He is a graduate of the University of California at Irvine and when not working on infrastructure issues in southern California produces macadamia nuts in Santa Barbara County.
Stephanie Wiggins, Executive Officer for ExpressLanes Demo Project, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Stephanie Wiggins serves as the Executive Officer and Project Director of the LA County Congestion Reduction Program for LA Metro. She has over 17 years experience working
for transportation agencies. She recently served as the Regional Programs Director for the Riverside County Transportation Commission and oversaw transit, commuter rail, rideshare, goods movement,
programming, legislation, and rail capital projects. She has a BA from Whittier College and MBA from University of Southern California. And is a member of the Transportation Research Board Congestion Pricing Committee.
Zev Yaroslavsky, Supervisor, Los Angeles County, 3rd District
Zev Yaroslavsky (born December 21, 1948 in Los Angeles, California) is a member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, representing the western part of Los Angeles County and a constituency of two million people. He was elected to the board in 1994 and has been re-elected three times, most recently in 2006. He previously served on the Los Angeles City Council (1975-94) to which he was elected and re-elected six times. He earned an M.A. in British Imperial History and a B.A. in Economics and History, both from U.C.L.A. He is a graduate of Fairfax High School in Los Angeles.
As a member of the County Board of Supervisors, Yaroslavsky quickly emerged as a leader on fiscal, health care, transportation, cultural and environmental matters. He authored the 1996 Proposition ‘A’ park bond which resulted in the preservation of rural open space and the development of urban parks throughout the County. He authored the 2002 Proposition ‘B’ trauma tax, approved by over 73% of County voters, a measure which is largely credited with stabilizing the County’s perpetually unpredictable health care finances.
He was the driving force behind the Orange Line bus way across the San Fernando Valley which opened in 2005 to record ridership (22,000 daily boardings). He led the effort to rebuild and modernize the world famous Hollywood Bowl amphitheater which re-opened in 2004, and he was instrumental in the development of Walt Disney Concert Hall, the home of the L.A. Philharmonic Orchestra, which opened in 2003. He has also helped fund major investments in the L.A. County Museum of Art and the County’s Museum of Natural History.He is regarded as the County’s fiscal watchdog, insisting that it live within its means.
As a Los Angeles City Councilman, Yaroslavsky honed his fiscal skills as the respected Chair of the Council’s Finance Committee, but he also earned a reputation as a politician who was willing to take on issues that others would not, including the highly controversial excessive use of force and intelligence gathering policies of the Los Angeles Police Department. As Councilman, he also co-authored two landmark initiatives with his colleague, the late Councilman Marvin Braude: Proposition U (1986) which cut by half the commercial development rights adjacent to residential neighborhoods, and Proposition O (1988) which repealed a drilling permit previously issued to the Occidental Petroleum Company.
Since 1991, Yaroslavsky has also been associated with the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), a non-governmental organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., that promotes the development of democratic institutions in burgeoning democracies. He has monitored three elections for NDI: Romania (1990), Mexico (2000), and Ukraine (2004). He has conducted seminars on democratic institution-building in Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and Bosnia/Herzegovina.
Public Sector Leader of the Year
Peter Buffa, Former Board Member, Orange County Transportation Authority
As one of two public members on the OCTA Board of Directors, Director Buffa serves on the Executive Committee and is a member of the following committees: Finance and Administration, Legislative and Communications, and Transportation 2020.
Director Peter Buffa is a media, corporate communications and intergovernmental consultant. He formed Petrone’ Communications, Inc., a media production and consulting firm, in 1983. His work in documentary television has earned numerous awards, including two EMMY Awards and awards from the New York and Moscow Film Festivals (The Mechanical Universe, PBS.)
Director Buffa served as a Council Member and Mayor of Costa Mesa, California from 1986 to 1998, following two years as a Planning Commissioner. From 1987 to 1998, Chairman Buffa served as a Director of the Transportation Corridor Agencies, including two terms as Chair of the San Joaquin Hills Corridor Agency. In 1998, Director Buffa received special recognition from the American Road & Transportation Builders Association for his work on innovative transportation projects.
Director Buffa’s firm, Petrone’ Communications, has provided consulting services to numerous public agencies on the development and implementation of public outreach and consensus-building programs, including:
Transportation Corridor Agencies
Implemented community outreach strategy and scoping workshops for the Foothill-South toll road extension.
Developed marketing and informational media for the TCA for broadcast and non-broadcast distribution.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Developed and implemented a public outreach strategy for the Santa Ana River Main Stem Improvement project, including the expansion of the Prado Dam and the opening of Seven Oaks Dam.
National Water Research Institute
Produced a video series called “Water From Water,” which explores issues such as water conservation, recycling and urban run-off.
Director Buffa received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Arizona in 1970, and did graduate work at the University of Southern California Film School. He was commissioned a Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force in 1970 and served as a press liaison and media production officer during the Vietnam War.
Director Buffa and his wife, Sharyn, live in Costa Mesa. They have two adult children.
Private Sector Leader of the Year
Lucy Dunn, President and CEO, Orange County Business Council and Board Member, Mobility 21
Lucy Dunn is president and CEO of the Orange County Business Council, where she leads a dynamic organization of business members, working with academia and government, to assure the county’s economic prosperity and high quality of life. Before joining the Business Council, Lucy served as Director of the California Department of Housing and Community Development in 2004. In 2008, she was appointed to the California Transportation Commission. She also served as a member of the Green Building Code Advisory Committee of the California Building and Standards Commission. In 2010, South Coast AQMD appointed her to its Small Business Advisory Committee, and in 2011 to its Advisory Committee to develop the Air Quality Management Plan for the basin.
She is the recipient of numerous honors and awards including Orange County Business Journal’s “Women in Business” award, Women in Transportation’s “Woman of the Year” award, and the prestigious “Vision and Visionaries” Award from Cal-State University, Fullerton.
Lucy is an attorney admitted to practice before the California State Bar, the federal bar and the U.S. Supreme Court. She is the mother of two adult sons who reside in San Francisco, one of whom is a San Francisco Deputy Sheriff and the other an account manager for a major online marketing firm.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dick Steinke, Executive Director, Port of Long Beach
Richard D. Steinke, Executive Director of the Port of Long Beach, California, came to the Port in 1990 and was appointed to his current post in December 1997 by the Board of Harbor Commissioners.
With Mr. Steinke directing a top-notch, professional staff, the Port has launched the pioneering environmental Green Port Policy, paving the way for the Harbor Commission to approve the milestone San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan. His staff is also implementing the plan’s extremely ambitious Clean Truck Program, setting in motion a sweeping modernization of the truck fleet that will improve air quality by reducing pollution from short-haul trucks. With Mr. Steinke fostering partnerships within the industry, the Port’s Green Flag Program was recently awarded the National Association of Environmental Professionals Environmental Management Award. The program encourages ships and vessel operators to voluntarily slow down to 12 knots or less within 20 miles of the harbor, which greatly reduces fuel consumption and air pollution. Vessels that achieve compliance receive the prestigious Green Flag to fly.
As the Port’s chief executive, Mr. Steinke has successfully directed the redevelopment of the 500-acre, former Long Beach Naval Complex on Terminal Island into shipping terminals. The key component, a 375-acre complex leased to Hanjin Shipping Co., opened in September 2002 and is one of the largest container terminals in the world. He led negotiations that culminated in a 25-year lease with Hanjin under which the South Korean shipping company pays the Port at least $40 million a year or a total of at least $1 billion over the life of the lease.
Mr. Steinke launched a decade-long $1.9 billion capital improvement program to create new and more efficient shipping terminals, such as the new Hanjin facility, and redevelop existing ones to handle growing cargo demands.
Since Mr. Steinke was named Executive Director, Port container cargo volume has nearly doubled from four million container units in 1998 to more than seven million container units in 2007.
Before being named Executive Director, Mr. Steinke had been Deputy Executive Director of the Port of Long Beach for two years. In that capacity, he oversaw the Port’s functions of transportation, environmental and long-range planning; construction, design and traffic engineering; marketing and customer development; real estate management and community, media and public relations.
Richard Steinke also served as the Port’s Properties Director for five years. In that capacity, he negotiated leases and other real estate agreements with Port customers and directed the wharfinger office, which is responsible for the day-to-day operations and enforcement of the Port tariff.
During his tenure as Properties Director, he was instrumental in negotiating the successful 1994 purchase of 725 acres of north harbor land and water area from Union Pacific Resources Company (UPRC). In September 1997, Hanjin opened a $277 million, 170-acre terminal on part of the property. That Pier A terminal was Hanjin’s home until it moved to its new Terminal Island facility.
Mr. Steinke also helped iron out a sale of 13.8 acres of land to oil refining firm, Ultramar, Inc. The sale included provisions for the Port’s receipt of valuable easements for rail traffic through the property.
For the 2001-2002 year, Mr. Steinke was Chairman of the American Association of Port Authorities, an alliance of more than 150 port authorities in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America. He has been a member of the AAPA’s Executive Committee as the representative for South Pacific ports and President of the California Association of Port Authorities. He has also served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, the Intermodal Container Transfer Facility Joint Powers Authority, the Harbor Association of Industry and Commerce, St. Mary Medical Center in Long Beach and is a member of the Red Cross CEO Advisory Committee.
Mr. Steinke came to the Port in 1990 after serving five years as Airport Property Officer at Stapleton International Airport in his native Denver, Colorado. A graduate of Chadron State College in Nebraska, he has done post-graduate work at the University of Colorado.
Richard Steinke, his wife, Tamy, and their three daughters, Sarah, Kylie Marie and Lauren, reside in Long Beach.
Hon. Peter Aguilar
Mayor, City of Redlands
Hon. Jerry Amante
Mayor, City of Tustin
Hon. Michael Antonovich
Supervisor, County of Los Angeles
Hon. Lisa A. Bartlett
Councilmember, City of Dana Point
Hon. Patricia Bates
Supervisor, County of Orange
Hon. Glen Becerra
Councilmember, City of Simi Valley
Hon. Bob Botts
Councilmember, City of Banning
Hon. David Bradshaw
Mayor, City of Holtville
Hon. Bill Campbell
Supervisor, County of Orange
Hon. Tony Cardenas
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Carolyn V. Cavecche
Mayor, City of Orange
Hon. Ginger Coleman
Councilmember, Town of Apple Valley
Hon. Larry Crandall
Councilmember, City of Fountain Valley
Hon. Mary Craton
Councilmember, City of Canyon Lake
Hon. Leslie Daigle
Councilmember, City of Newport Beach
Hon. Jack Dale
Councilmember, City of Santee
Richard Dines
Commissioner, Port of Long Beach Harbor Commissioners
Hon. Diane DuBois
Councilmember, City of Lakewood
Hon. Glenn Duncan
Councilmember, City of Chino
Doug Drummond
Commissioner, Port of Long Beach Harbor Commissioners
Hon. Mitchell Englander
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. John Fasana
Councilmember, City of Duarte
Thomas Fields
Vice President, Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners
Hon. Margaret E. Finlay
Councilmember, City of Duarte
Hon. William Fulton
Mayor, City of Ventura
Hon. Lorri Galloway
Councilmember, City of Anaheim
Hon. Eric Garcetti
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Dennis Gilette
Councilmember, City of Thousand Oaks
Hon. Paul G. Glaab
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Laguna Niguel
Hon. Josie Gonzalez
Supervisor, County of San Bernardino
Hon. Ed Graham
Mayor, City of Chino Hills
Hon. Jan Harnick
Councilmember, City of Palm Desert
Hon. Julie Hackbarth-McIntyre
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Barstow
Hon. Janice Hahn
US House of Representatives, California 36th District
Hon. Don Hansen
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Huntington Beach
Hon. Matthew Harper
Councilmember, Huntington Beach
Hon. Jon Harrison
Councilmember, City of Redlands
Hon. Terry Henderson
Councilmember, City of La Quinta
Hon. Carol Herrera
Councilmember, City of Diamond Bar
Hon. Peter Herzog
Mayor, City of Lake Forest
Hon. Jose Huizar
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Jim Hyatt
Councilmember, City of Calimesa
Hon. Bill Jahn
Mayor, City of Big Bear Lake
Hon. Sukhee Kang
Mayor, City of Irvine
Hon. Richard Katz
Chairman, Metrolink Board of Directors
Director, Metro Board of Directors
Hon. Don Knabe
Supervisor, County of Los Angeles
Hon. Paul Koretz
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Paul Krekorian
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Beth Krom
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Irvine
Hon. Paula Lantz
Councilmember, City of Pomona
Hon. Joel Lautenschleger
Councilmember, City of Laguna Hills
Hon. Kathy Long
Supervisor, County of Ventura
Hon. Ronald O. Loveridge
Mayor, City of Riverside
Dr. Joseph K. Lyou
Board Member, South Coast AQMD
Hon. Michele Martinez
Councilmember, City of Santa Ana
Hon. Larry McCallon
Mayor, City of Highland
Hon. Marsha McLean
Mayor, City of Santa Clarita
Hon. Barbara A. Messina
Councilmember, City of Alhambra
Mike Miles
Director, Caltrans District 7
Hon. Glenn Miller
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Indio
Hon. Keith F. Millhouse
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Moorpark
Hon. Judy Mitchell
Councilmember, City of Rolling Hills Estates
Hon. Brad Mitzelfelt
Supervisor, County of San Bernardino
Hon. Gloria Molina
Supervisor, County of Los Angeles
Hon. John Moorlach
Supervisor, County of Orange
Hon. Carl E. Morehouse
Councilmember, City of Ventura
Hon. Patrick Morris
Mayor, City of San Bernardino
Hon. Kris Murray
Councilmember, City of Anaheim
Hon. Ara J. Najarian
Mayor, City of Glendale
Hon. Steven Neal
Councilmember, City of Long Beach
Hon. Janet Nguyen
Supervisor, County of Orange
Hon. Pam O’Connor
Councilmember, City of Santa Monica
Hon. Micháel O’Leary
Mayor, City of Culver City
Hon. Gary Ovitt
Supervisor, County of San Bernardino
Hon. Bernard C. Parks
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Greg Pettis
Councilmember, City of Cathedral City
Hon. Irene Pinkard
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Oxnard
Hon. Miguel Pulido
Mayor, City of Santa Ana
Hon. Sharon Quirk-Silva
Councilmember, City of Fullerton
Cindy Quon
Director, Caltrans District 12
Hon. Ed P. Reyes
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Mark Ridley-Thomas
Supervisor, County of Los Angeles
Hon. Ron Roberts
Mayor, City of Temecula
Hon. Deborah Robertson
Councilmember, City of Rialto
Hon. Bill Rosendahl
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Adam Rush
Mayor, City of Eastvale
Hon. Janice Rutherford
Supervisor, County of San Bernardino
Hon. Sedalia Sanders
Councilmember, City of El Centro
Hon. Vincent Sarmiento
Councilmember, City of Santa Ana
Hon. Jonathan Sharkey
Councilmember, City of Port Hueneme
Hon. Karen Spiegel
Councilmember, City of Corona
Nick Sramek
Vice Secretary, Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners
Hon. Walt Stanckiewitz
Mayor, City of Grand Terrace
Hon. Antonio Villaraigosa
Mayor, City of Los Angeles
Dr. Mike Walter
Secretary, Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners
Hon. Alan Wapner
Councilmember, City of Ontario
Hon. Dennis Washburn
President, Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains
Gregory T. Winterbottom
Director, Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors
Susan E. Anderson Wise
President, Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners
Dr. Raymond Wolfe
Director, Caltrans District 8
Hon. Zev Yaroslavsky
Supervisor, County of Los Angeles
Hon. David Zamora
Mayor, City of Colton
Hon. John Zaragoza
Supervisor, County of Ventura
Hon. Dennis P. Zine
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles