2018 Mobility 21 Southern California Transportation Summit California: Transportation Center of Excellence
Friday, Oct. 19, 2018 | 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. | JW Marriott at L.A. Live
900 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Friday, Oct. 19, 2018
JW Marriott at L.A. Live
Click here to download agenda as a PDF
Click session titles to expand and collapse descriptions.
7:30-8:45 a.m.
Registration Opens, Platinum Foyer
7:30-8:45 a.m.
Breakfast Served, Diamond Ballroom Expo Hall
8:45-10:15 a.m.
Opening General Session, Platinum Ballroom
Master of Ceremonies
Doug Shupe (confirmed)
Senior Public Affairs Specialist, Automobile Club of Southern California
Welcome Remarks
Steve Finnegan (confirmed)
Manager of Government Affairs and Public Policy, Automobile Club of Southern California and Chair, Mobility 21
Hon. James Butts (confirmed)
First Vice Chair, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Mayor, City of Inglewood
Titanium Sponsor Video Highlight
Moffatt & Nichol
Transportation Update
Fran Inman (confirmed)
Chair, California Transportation Commission; Senior Vice President, Majestic Realty Co.; and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21
Brian Annis (confirmed)
Secretary, California State Transportation Agency
Hon. Julia Brownley (confirmed)
Congresswoman, U.S. House of Representatives and Member, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
2018 Lifetime Achievement Award
Gary Toebben (confirmed)
Former President & CEO, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce and Former Board Member, Mobility 21
10:15-10:45 a.m.
Morning Networking Break, Diamond Ballroom Expo Hall
10:45-11:45 a.m.
Morning Breakout Sessions, Platinum and Diamond Levels
AM 1: Chairmans' Roundtable: California Transportation Center of Excellence Platinum G-H Sponsored by Union Pacific Railroad Agencies across the nation look to California as the transportation center of excellence. With world-class innovation and technology at our fingertips, juxtaposed with the highest clean energy and air quality goals, and nearly half of our nation’s goods traveling in freight trucks and trains crisscrossing our region … how will our region focus our efforts? How can the agencies collaborate and define the path forward? What are the key challenges and what is at stake? Join us as the political leaders of our Southern California regional transportation agencies exchange ideas, predictions and solutions, and discuss how they will transform California into a transportation center of excellence! Moderator Maria Salinas (confirmed) Panelists Hon. Lisa Bartlett (confirmed) Hon. Sheila Kuehl (confirmed) Hon. Fred Minagar (confirmed) Hon. Manuel Minjares (confirmed) Hon. Luis Plancarte (confirmed) Hon. Dana W. Reed (confirmed) Hon. Terry Sinnott (confirmed) Hon. Alan D. Wapner (confirmed) AM 2: Reality of an Autonomous Transportation World Platinum I-J Sponsored by ADVANTEC Consulting Engineers, Inc. While there is significant hype in the media regarding driverless vehicles, California is making meaningful progress with proactive, forward-thinking policies, testing, and operations. Most importantly, driverless technology is being incorporated into many agencies’ plans and operations in a way that aligns with transportation goals and the rapidly shifting policy landscape. The purpose of this session will be to skip the hype, focus on best (and real) practices today, and share practical driverless autonomous vehicle project and policy examples. Join us as our distinguished speakers provide their expert insights into how shared, electric, connected and autonomous transportation will impact our infrastructure, jobs and economy…entirely changing the culture and landscape of mobility. Moderator Sarah Catz (confirmed) Panelists Stephen Boyd (confirmed) Chad Edison (confirmed) Randy Iwasaki (confirmed) Ali Mortazavi (confirmed) Ben Pierce (confirmed) AM 3: Microtransit is Changing the Future Diamond 7-8 Sponsored by Tetra Tech As traditional transportation options age out and new options flood the market, agencies are diligently working to manage the public’s expectations and deliver innovative, cost-effective and sustainable solutions to connect the traveling public from point A to point B. Microtransit has emerged as the front runner of innovation and choice as a premium, on-demand transit service where riders can be picked up and dropped off where they want using mobile payment. It is currently being deployed in several major metropolitan areas throughout our country including California. Join us as our experts discuss this new segment in transportation and how it is creating a new pipeline of projects for our industry and enhancing our systems and service to the public. Moderator Laura Bliss (confirmed) Panelists Karina Macias (confirmed) Rani Narula-Woods (confirmed) Lloyd Sullivan (confirmed) John Urgo (confirmed) AM 4: Aviation Innovation and the Passenger Experience Diamond 9-10 Sponsored by Guida Surveying, Inc. Airports are continually striving to improve the passenger experience and incorporate rapidly evolving new technology for the traveling public. As aviation travel has increased over the decades, public expectations have risen for all in the transportation community to work together to meet the needs of those utilizing airports, ensuring coordination with other modes of travel. This panel will discuss how Southern California’s leading aviation experts are meeting the challenges of connecting our infrastructure, what can be learned from facilities around the world, and how, by incorporating innovative technology, airports can meet these challenges far into the future. Moderator Peter Buffa (confirmed) Panelists Tina Millan (confirmed) Frank R. Miller (confirmed) David Pfeiffer (confirmed) Mark Thorpe (confirmed) Keith Wilschetz (confirmed) Sponsored by HDR and HNTB Welcome Remarks Transportation Update Hon. Eric Garcetti (confirmed) Hon. Jim Beall (confirmed) Presentation of 2018 Mobility 21 Awards Public Sector Leader of the Year Private Sector Leader of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award Keynote Address Finding a PATH Home: Transportation and Homelessness 1:15-1:30 p.m. 1:30-2:30 p.m. PM 1: What’s the Big Deal with Big Data? Platinum G-H Sponsored by TRC Solutions For decades, companies have harnessed big data and leveraged analytics to solve complex problems … think Google Maps as just one prime example of using civic data combined with innovation for incredible public benefit. How do these types of big data innovations translate into solutions for transportation? How can we bring big data to the table to leverage a multitude of data sources and deliver essential benefits to our regional and local agencies in Southern California? Join us as our expert panelists from across the U.S. demonstrate how big data equals big savings in time and money for agencies and big benefits to the public. Moderator Anita Vandervalk (confirmed) Panelists Darin Chidsey (confirmed) Barbara Cohn (confirmed) Therese McMillan (confirmed) Steve Smith (confirmed) PM 2: Get Out the Whiteboard: Legislative Fix List Platinum I-J Sponsored by Southern California Association of Governments One of Mobility 21’s main priorities is to effectively advocate for our region’s transportation interests in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. This panel of agency CEOs will discuss what needs to be fixed next, highlighting the critical legislative issues and priorities that must be addressed in 2019 and beyond. What strategies will the CEOs put into motion and how will the region obtain the consensus needed to achieve our policy goals? Do not miss out as the Mobility 21 agency leaders identify and put these fixes into motion, impacting much-needed projects, jobs and mobility in Southern California. Moderator Steve Finnegan (confirmed) Panelists Lucy Dunn (confirmed) Darrell Johnson (confirmed) Darren Kettle (confirmed) Anne Mayer (confirmed) Phillip A. Washington (confirmed) Dr. Raymond Wolfe (confirmed) PM 3: Transportation 2050: The Future is Here Diamond 7-8 Sponsored by SafeworkCM What does transportation look like 30-50 years from now? Conversations around the world involve incredible leaps and changes in how transportation is being defined for the future. On-demand transit, high-speed mobility, self-driving vehicles and more. Join us as our elite cast of transportation innovators tell us how they are transforming mobility and what their companies are doing today to set the foundation for the future. Moderator Stephen Polechronis (confirmed) Panelists Jon Coleman, Ph.D. (confirmed) Ryan Kelly (confirmed) Megan Prichard (confirmed) Lilly Shoup (confirmed) PM 4: Positions Available: 50,000 Transportation Jobs Open Now! Diamond Ballrooms 9-10 Sponsored by Professional Engineers in California Government Southern California has a wealth of projects ready for planning, design and construction – so what’s the hang up? Our region is facing the biggest workforce shortage in recent history. With over 50,000 positions currently sitting open in our industry, public agencies and private sector companies alike are faced with the daunting challenge of quickly closing the workforce gap. What are industry leaders doing to meet this challenge? How can public and private sector collaborate to combine resources and tools? Join us as our distinguished panel of speakers discuss how their organizations are working to quickly and effectively fill jobs and deliver projects for a robust economy and outlook for Southern California. Moderator Paul Granillo (confirmed) Panelists Mike Aparicio (confirmed) Michael Blomquist (confirmed) John Hakel (confirmed) Maggie McJilton (confirmed) Stephanie Wiggins (confirmed) 3-4 p.m. Sponsored by Kimley-Horn and Parsons Path to California’s 2035 Clean Air Mandate The state’s newest air quality mandates must be implemented by 2035 … less than 20 years from now. Will California be able to continue to lead the charge as our nation’s cleanest state? Can we do so while creating world-class transportation systems and relieve congestion in our region? Join us as our public agency leaders and utilities discuss how they will achieve these mandates through innovative practices, cutting-edge technology and a common sense approach. Moderator Richard Steinke (confirmed) Panelists Hasan Ikhrata (confirmed) Darrell Johnson (confirmed) Duane Kenagy (confirmed) Arthur T. Leahy (confirmed) George Minter (confirmed) Gene Seroka (confirmed) Chris Thompson (confirmed) Phillip A. Washington (confirmed) Raffle Prize Drawing 4-5:30 p.m. – Exclusive for 2018!
President & CEO, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce and Board Member, Mobility 21
Chair, Orange County Transportation Authority and Supervisor, County of Orange
Chair, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Supervisor, County of Los Angeles
Chair, San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency and Councilmember, City of Laguna Niguel
Vice Chair, Ventura County Transportation Commission and Mayor, City of Fillmore
Chair, Imperial County Transportation Commission and Supervisor, County of Imperial
Chair, Riverside County Transportation Commission and Councilmember, City of Indian Wells
Chair, San Diego Association of Governments and Councilmember, City of Del Mar
President, Southern California Association of Governments; Immediate Past President, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority; and Mayor Pro Tem, City of Ontario
Director, Center for Urban Infrastructure and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21
Co-founder and VP External Affairs, Peloton Technology
Deputy Secretary, Transportation, CalSTA
Executive Director, Contra Costa Transportation Authority
Head of Autonomous Driving Research Team, Alliance Silicon Valley Lab
National Lead, Transportation Technology, HDR
Staff Writer, CityLab
Transportation Planner, City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation
Senior Director, Special Projects, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department Manager, Information Systems, Orange County Transportation Authority
Senior Transportation Planner, Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District
Director, Barclays Capital – Public Finance
Senior Vice President and Director, U.S. Aviation Practice, WSP
Executive Director, Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority
Director of Business Development, John Wayne Airport
CEO, Ontario International Airport Authority
Deputy Executive Director, Operations and Emergency Management, Los Angeles World Airports
Luncheon General Session, Platinum Ballroom
Phillip A. Washington (confirmed)
CEO, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Board Member, Mobility 21
Mayor, City of Los Angeles and Second Vice Chair, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Chair, California State Senate Transportation and Housing Committee
Susan Bransen (confirmed)
Executive Director, California Transportation Commission
ACS Infrastructure Development, Inc. (confirmed)
Hon. John Tavaglione (confirmed)
Supervisor, County of Riverside and Commissioner, Riverside County Transportation Commission
Tescia Uribe (confirmed)
Chief Program Officer, PATH
PATH, People Assisting the Homeless, is an organization that has been helping connect people to permanent housing through voluntary supportive services for over 30 years. With more than 25 locations throughout California, services in more than 140 cities, and more than 1,000 units of permanent supportive housing completed or in the pipeline, PATH is on the front line in counteracting the ever-increasing issue of homelessness. Transportation agencies across the state have seen a rise in homelessness in and around their systems. Hear from PATH’s Tescia Uribe, Chief Program Officer, about the organization’s success stories of homeless survivors and the collaboration and comprehensive outreach at the state and local levels to connect housing and services with the homeless sheltering in our transportation systems.
15 Minute Break
Afternoon Breakout Sessions, Platinum and Diamond Levels
Associate Vice President, Iteris
Interim Executive Director, Southern California Association of Governments
Chief Data Officer, Colorado Department of Transportation
Chief Planning Officer, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Director of Planning, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority
Manager of Government Affairs and Public Policy, Automobile Club of Southern California and Chair, Mobility 21
President & CEO, Orange County Business Council;Commissioner, California Transportation Commission; and Board Member, Mobility 21
CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority and Board Member, Mobility 21
Executive Director, Ventura County Transportation Commission and Immediate Past Chair, Mobility 21
Executive Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission and Board Member, Mobility 21
CEO, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Board Member, Mobility 21
Executive Director, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority and Vice Chair, Mobility 21
Senior Vice President, Regional Business Line Leader – Transportation, AECOM and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21
Director, City Solutions, Ford Smart Mobility
Head of Marketing and Communications, Virgin Hyperloop One
General Manager, Southwest Region, Uber
Senior Director of Transportation Policy, Lyft
President & CEO, Inland Empire Economic Partnership and Board Member, Mobility 21
Executive Vice President, Skanska
Toll Program Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission
Executive Director, Southern California Partnership for Jobs and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21
Executive Director, Human Resources and Organizational Development, Orange County Transportation Authority
Deputy CEO, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Afternoon Networking Break, Diamond Ballroom Expo Hall
Closing General Session, Platinum Ballroom
Vice President, Moffatt & Nichol
Executive Director, Southern California Association of Governments and Board Member, Mobility 21
CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority and Board Member, Mobility 21
Deputy Executive Director, Port of Long Beach
CEO, Metrolink and Board Member, Mobility 21
Regional Vice President, External Affairs and Environmental Strategy, SoCalGas
Executive Director, Port of Los Angeles
Vice President, Local Public Affairs, Southern California Edison and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21
CEO, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Board Member, Mobility 21
Closing Reception with Mobility 21 Board of Directors
Hosted by Titanium Sponsor Moffatt & Nichol, Platinum Foyer
A special hotel room rate of $309/night (plus taxes and fees) is available to conference attendees on a first-come, first-served basis at the JW Marriott at L.A. Live. Book online at https://aws.passkey.com/go/Mobility21Conference or call 877-622-3056.
Space is limited, discount available through Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018. NOTE: Rate may sell out before Thursday, Sept. 27!
JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE
900 West Olympic Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90015
General Parking: Reduced rate self-parking is available for $18 to Mobility 21 Summit attendees in the L.A. Live West Garage – Lot W, Gate G. Please click here for a parking map and directions. Upon arrival at the garage, please let the attendant know you are with Mobility 21. Overnight parking is not permitted.
***Elected officials and conference speakers:*** Complimentary self-parking is available to elected officials and Summit speakers in L.A. Live West Garage –Lot W, Gate E. Please click here for a parking map and directions. Please request a validation ticket from the Elected Official registration booth. Overnight parking is not permitted.
Public transit
Metrolink is offering complimentary roundtrip service for Mobility 21 Summit attendees. Simply use your electronic or printed Summit registration ticket as your Metrolink fare.
(Due to legal requirements, elected officials should not accept free or discounted passes for transit without consulting their legal counsel.)
- Exit the station on the Figueroa Street exit, and walk three blocks south on Figueroa to Olympic. Walk right on Olympic along LA Live until you get to the JW Marriott Hotel.
OR - While still inside the 7th/Metro Station, take the Metro Blue Line or Metro Expo Line and exit the first stop at Chick Hearn Pico Station. Exit the platform on the north side for 12th street. Turn left on 12th Street and walk one block to Figueroa. Turn right on Figueroa and walk one block to Chick Hear Ct. Turn left and walk through the LA Live complex to the the JW Marriott.