2023 Mobility 21 Southern California Transportation Summit
Challenge of Change

Friday, Sept. 29, 2023 | 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, CA | 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802


By registering for this event, you acknowledge there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place. By attending this event, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Mobility 21 liable.

Cancellation Policy:
Refunds will not be made after Sept. 1, 2023. Cancellations must be made in writing. You may transfer your registration fee at any time without penalty to another person in your organization. Please contact Serena Nguyen at 949.288.6884 or summit@mobility21.com for cancellation inquiries.

Click session titles to expand and collapse descriptions.

7:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Registration Opens, Center Lounge

7:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Breakfast Served, Exhibit Hall

8:45 AM – 10:15 AM
Opening General Session, Grand Ballroom

Master of Ceremonies
Doug Shupe, Corporate (confirmed)
Corporate Communications Manger, Automobile Club of Southern California

Welcome Remarks
Stephanie N. Wiggins (confirmed)
Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Chair, Mobility 21

Hon. Gene Hernandez (confirmed)
Chair, Orange County Transportation Authority and Mayor, City of Yorba Linda

State Update
Toks Omishakin (confirmed)
Secretary, CalSTA

Tony Tavares (confirmed)
Director, Caltrans

Hon. Toni Atkins (video remarks confirmed)
President Pro Tem, California State Senat

Hon. Lena Gonzalez (video remarks confirmed)
Chair, California State Senate Committee on Transportation

10:15 AM – 10:45 AM
Morning Networking Break, Exhibit Hall

10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Morning Breakout Sessions, Magic Kingdom Ballroom

AM 1: Chairs’ Roundtable: Challenge of Change

Magic Kingdom 1

Maria S. Salinas (confirmed)
President & CEO, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce and Immediate Past Chair, Mobility 21

Hon. Karen Bass (invited)
Chair, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Mayor, City of Los Angeles

Hon. Mike Goodsell (confirmed)
Chair, Imperial County Transportation Commission and Councilmember, City of Holtville

Hon. Gene Hernandez (confirmed)
Chair, Orange County Transportation Authority and Mayor, City of Yorba Linda

Hon. Matt LaVere (confirmed)
Vice Chair, Ventura County Transportation Commission and Supervisor, County of Ventura

Hon. Dawn Rowe (confirmed)
President, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority and Supervisor, County of San Bernardino

Hon. Lloyd White (confirmed)
Vice Chair, Riverside County Transportation Commission and Councilmember, City of Beaumont

AM 2: Building a Safer, Resilient California

Magic Kingdom 2

Patrick Harder (confirmed)
Partner, Infrastructure Practice Group Leader, Nossaman LLP

Jennifer L. Bergener (confirmed)
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Orange County Transportation Authority

Hon. Lisa Middleton (confirmed)
Councilmember, City of Palm Springs

Jake Nelson (confirmed)
Director, Traffic Safety Advocacy & Research, AAA National Office

Toks Omishakin (confirmed)
Secretary, CalSTA

AM 3: Next 100 Years of Transit

Magic Kingdom 3

Sarah L. Catz (confirmed)
Researcher, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Irvine and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21

Conan Cheung (confirmed)
Chief Operations Officer, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Johnny Dunning Jr. (confirmed)
Chief Operating Officer, Orange County Transportation Authority

Darren Kettle (confirmed)
Chief Executive Officer, Metrolink and Board Member, Mobility 21

Kristin Warsinski (confirmed)
Chief Executive Officer, Riverside Transit Agency

Hon. Rick Zbur (invited)
Assemblymember, California State Assembly

AM 4: Geopolitics to Local Politics: Goods Movement SoCal

Magic Kingdom 4

Stephanie N. Wiggins (confirmed)
Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Chair, Mobility 21

Mario Cordero (confirmed)
Executive Director, Port of Long Beach

Kristin Decas (confirmed)
CEO & Port Director, Port of Hueneme and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21

Fran Inman (confirmed)
Senior Vice President, Majestic Realty Co. and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21

Eugene D. Seroka (confirmed)
Executive Director, Port of Los Angeles and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21

11:45 AM – 12:00 PM
15 Minute Break

12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Luncheon General Session, Grand Ballroom

Welcome Remarks
Hon. Karen Bass (invited)
Chair, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Mayor, City of Los Angeles

Presentation of 2023 Mobility 21 Awards

Leadership in Equity Award
Hon. Carmen Ramirez – in memoriam

Lifetime Achievement Award
Hon. Alan Wapner 
Councilmember, City of Ontario; Board Member, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority; Regional Councilmember, Southern California Association of Governments; and Director, Metrolink

Mark Watts
President, Smith, Watts, & Hartmann

Public Sector Leader of the Year
Hon. Jacqui Irwin
Assemblymember, California State Assembly

Hon. Steve Jones
Mayor, City of Garden Grove and Director, Orange County Transportation Authority

Private Sector Leader of the Year
Ernie Camacho
Founder, Pacifica Services, Inc. and Board Member, California High-Speed Rail Authority

Keynote Speaker
David Ambroz
Author, “A Place Called Home”

1:15 PM – 1:30 PM
15 Minute Break

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Afternoon Breakout Sessions, Magic Kingdom Ballroom

PM 1: 2023: Gearing Up for State and Federal Disruptions

Magic Kingdom 1

Stephen Finnegan (confirmed)
Manager, Public Affairs and Public Policy, Automobile Club of Southern California and Board Member, Mobility 21

Darin Chidsey (confirmed)
Chief Operating Officer, Southern California Association of Governments

Martin Erickson (confirmed)
Executive Director, Ventura County Transportation Commission and Board Member, Mobility 21

Paul Granillo (confirmed)
President & CEO, Inland Empire Economic Partnership and Vice Chair, Mobility 21

Anne Mayer (confirmed)
Executive Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission and Treasurer, Mobility 21

Dr. Raymond Wolfe (confirmed)
Executive Director, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority and Board Member, Mobility 21

PM 2: Zero Emissions California: Paving the Way for the U.S.

Magic Kingdom 2

Danielle Borja (confirmed)
President / CEO, Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce and Board Member, Mobility 21

Erin Brooks (confirmed)
Director of Energy Solutions, SoCalGas

Jesus Montes (confirmed)
Senior Executive Officer, Vehicle Acquisition Vehicle Engineering & Acquisition, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Chanel Parson (confirmed)
Director, Electrification, Southern California Edison

Carrie Schindler (confirmed)
Deputy Executive Director, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority

Cliff Thorne (confirmed)
Director of Maintenance, Orange County Transportation Authority

PM 3: Building for Generations: Contractors Roundtable

Magic Kingdom 3

Sam Hassoun (confirmed)
President & CEO, Global Leadership Alliance

James Bailey (confirmed)
Executive Vice President of the West Civil Business Unit, Skanska USA Civil

Sharon Gookin (invited)
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Scott Norman (confirmed)
Senior Vice President, National Construction, Herzog and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21

Eric Ostfeld (confirmed)
President, Design Build, Michael Baker International

Kelvin Sims (confirmed)
President, California Public Infrastructure, Bechtel

Ural Yal (confirmed)
Senior Vice President, Flatiron West, Inc. and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21

PM 4: Tolling to Transform the System

Magic Kingdom 4

David S. Kim (confirmed)
Senior Vice President and Principal, National Transportation Policy and Multimodal Strategy, WSP USA

Shahrzad Amiri (confirmed)
Deputy Chief Operations Officer, Shared Mobility, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Aaron Hake (confirmed)
Deputy Executive Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission

Darrell E. Johnson (confirmed)
Chief Executive Officer, Orange County Transportation Authority and Board Member, Mobility 21

Tony Tavares (confirmed)
Director, Caltrans

2:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Afternoon Networking Break, Exhibit Hall

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Closing General Session, Grand Ballroom

Family Feud Gameshow!

Reed Alvarado (confirmed)
National Practice Manager for Transportation & Mobility Communications, WSP USA

David Aguirre (confirmed)
Executive Director, Imperial County Transportation Commission and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21

Darin Chidsey (confirmed)
Chief Operating Officer, Southern California Association of Governments

Martin Erickson (confirmed)
Executive Director, Ventura County Transportation Commission and Board Member, Mobility 21

Hasan Ikhrata (confirmed)
Chief Executive Officer, San Diego Association of Governments and Advisory Board Member, Mobility 21

Darrell E. Johnson (confirmed)
Chief Executive Officer, Orange County Transportation Authority and Board Member, Mobility 21

Anne Mayer (confirmed)
Executive Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission and Vice Chair, Mobility 21 

Stephanie N. Wiggins (confirmed)
Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Chair, Mobility 21

Dr. Raymond Wolfe (confirmed)
Executive Director, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority and Board Member, Mobility 21

Raffle Prize Drawing

A special hotel room rate of $325/night (plus taxes and fees) is available to conference attendees on a first-come, first-served basis at the Disneyland Hotel. Book online 24/7 at https://www.mydisneygroup.com/GDMI23A or call (714) 520-5005, M-F from 8 am to 5 pm PST.

Space is limited, discount available through Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023. NOTE: Rate may sell out before Wednesday, Aug. 30!

Disney Twilight tickets are NOT available. Per the Disneyland Resort, these pro-rated evening-only tickets are not available to conference-goers at this time. Mobility 21 will provide $50 Disney vouchers for each full Summit registrant, available for pick-up by the attendee at 4:00 PM after the Summit with valid ID and matching name badge. Qualifying attendees may use this towards the purchase of a theme park ticket or use at Disney retail stores and restaurants. Exhibitor-Only, Student and Military Personnel ticket types do not include a Disney voucher. Please be advised that Disney has a theme park reservation process.

Acceptance of the Disney voucher may be reportable, valued at $50.

The Ticket Store will open on Thursday, June 8, 2023.

Click here to purchase specially-priced Disneyland® Resort Theme Park tickets. These special ticket prices are not available once you arrive at the Resort.

Our ticket store closes at 9:00 PM PST on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023. Tickets are valid from Monday, Sept. 25, 2023 through Friday, Oct. 6, 2023.

Prices are subject to change without notice. Tickets store only available to registered Summit attendees.


Mobility 21 is committed to the health and safety of our attendees. Self testing prior to the Summit and masks while attending the Summit are strongly encouraged. If you have any COVID symptoms, have been exposed to someone with COVID, or have tested positive for COVID, please do not attend the Summit. We appreciate your support and adherence to our safety protocols.


By registering for this event, you acknowledge there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place. By attending this event, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Mobility 21 liable.