Mobility 21 Summit Spotlight:
Generational Expert Keynote Speaker Scott Zimmer
What do General Electric (GE), Virgin Hotels, MTV and other Fortune 500 companies have in common? They all care about succession planning and the next generation of our workforce. The theme for this year’s Summit focuses on embracing the future of transportation and uniting business, communities and innovation.
The common denominator? People.
During the luncheon at the Mobility 21 Summit Friday, Sept. 5, hear from BridgeWorks’ generational expert, Scott Zimmer, as he illustrates the stress points between generations and provides clear solutions to encourage better understanding and collaboration across generational divides.
M21: Why is generational understanding important in the workplace and who should be concerned?
SZ: Everybody should be concerned. By the year 2020, experts predict that 50 percent of our workforce is going to be made up of Millennials.
And no matter the industry – whether you’re a CEO or an intern – generational collisions affect us all. There are four distinct generations in today’s workplace: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials. With all these different perceptions and perspectives walking in the workplace, many companies are realizing that what works for recruiting, engaging, motivating and retaining one generation isn’t necessarily going to work with another. The question then becomes, “What can we do about it?” That’s where we come in.
Skanksa to Build First Phase of Westside Subway
Skanska will lead a joint venture with Traylor Bros. and J.F. Shea in designing and building a 3.9-mile extension of the Metro Purple Line subway from Wilshire and Western to Wilshire and La Cienega.
The $1.6-billion contract calls for building twin subway tunnels on a 3.92-mile alignment that includes three new underground stations at Wilshire/La Brea, Wilshire/Fairfax and Wilshire/La Cienega. It also includes train control and signals, communications, traction power supply and distribution, and fare collection systems that will be integrated with the existing Metro Rail system. Construction activities could begin later this year depending on when the contract is awarded. The contract requires completion in October 2024. The contractors have proposed an early completion schedule saving 300 calendar days.
View a time lapse video as crews demolish the old railroad freight bridge at Century and Aviation boulevards in Los Angeles County.
Metro Announced Reopening of Century Boulevard
Earlier this month, Metro officials reopened the intersection of Century and Aviation boulevards four hours ahead of schedule. Crews completed the demolition of the old railroad freight bridge at Century and Aviation boulevards, removed debris and installed new traffic signalization. In addition, the traffic lanes were re-striped and k-rail was installed since one lane in each direction on Century Boulevard will be temporarily removed for 16 months. Construction crews will build infrastructure for a new light rail aerial station, part of the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project, an eight and a half mile light rail line that will connect the Metro Green Line and Expo rail lines in 2019.
Summit Platinum Sponsor Spotlight:
For over a decade, RailPros has been providing planning, designing, engineering, and project, program and construction management services on transportation related projects to public and private clients nationwide.
At RailPros, every client receives the focus of a small business, but with the resources of a global firm. We offer our clients personalized solutions, creative problem solving and dedicated staff with real-world experience. Our founding Principals understand the need for viable public transportation methods and goods movement.
RailPros is currently working on many large-scale transportation improvement projects across the nation. California transportation agencies we are performing services for include: METRO, OCTA, SCRRA, SANDAG, Port of Long Beach, Caltrans, Capital Corridor JPA, and BART. We also work with UDOT, WASHDOT, and MBTA and other key clients throughout the nation.
Our experience in light, transit and heavy rail projects provides project owners and stakeholders a thorough understanding of the full spectrum of a project’s needs. Oftentimes, our team’s extensive hands-on rail experience offers solutions and innovations to projects that support the development or construction of the project. We are proud to be the team to provide knowledge and client focus on every project, every time. At RailPros, we are Moving Forward.
Express Lanes Identified as
Locally Preferred Alternative for I-10
The San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) Board of Directors recently voted to select the Express Lanes Alternative for the Interstate 10 (I-10) Corridor Project as the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA). The Board has been actively studying the consideration of express lanes on I-10 in San Bernardino County for nearly two years. The selection of the LPA allows staff to focus on a variety of tasks to deliver the project in an effective and efficient manner, while still accommodating an objective, public-involved environmental process.
There are additional steps between this decision point and the final project approval where the Board of Directors will continue to receive input, reach future decision points, and refine the development of the project. A final preferred alternative will be selected after responding to public comments during the Draft Environmental Document phase and prior to the approval of the Final Environmental Document by the California Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.
Studies thus far have shown that using pricing to manage traffic flow can maximize corridor throughput over time, allowing 1,800 to 2,000 vehicles to flow per hour as compared to 800 to 1,000 vehicles per hour in a congested lane. The express lane option provides for additional mobility choices for commuters and can also supplement traditional funding sources to allow for additional freeway and public transit improvements than would have otherwise been possible.
VCS Environmental Celebrates 18th Anniversary
Vandermost Consulting Services doing business as VCS Environmental (VCS) is celebrating its 18th year in business, providing CEQA/NEPA, biological and wetlands/endangered species regulatory services to public agencies and landowners.
VCS is a state and federal certified woman owned business and small business enterprise specializing in the transportation and development industries. The VCS team brings a diverse range of qualifications with decades of experience – providing strategic solutions to every project. According to VCS President Julie Vandermost, “We care deeply about making our clients, whether it be a public agency or a prime contractor, happy and we strive to get our clients over the goal line as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.”
VCS is currently working on the I-10 HOV/Express Corridor, SR-210 Mixed Flow Lane Widening, and the I-15 Express Lanes projects, as well as numerous interchanges for the San Bernardino Associated Governments as its current on-call environmental consultant. VCS provides on-call and client services to numerous counties, cities, school districts, water districts and engineering firms in Southern California. For more information, please visit
California Transportation Foundation Reception
Wednesday, Aug. 6
Sutter Club, Sacramento
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Join the California Transportation Foundation in honoring the outgoing chairs of the Assembly Transportation and Senate Transportation and Housing Committees, Senator Mark DeSaulnier and Assemblymember Bonnie Lowenthal. Thank these public servants for their commitment to transportation, their achievements and their years of service to the people of California. Proceeds support the Bimla Rhinehart Memorial Scholarship and the Children of Fallen Workers Scholarship, which is available only to students with a parent killed while working a transportation job in California.
Center for California Studies:
Envisioning California Conference
Friday, Oct. 3
Sacramento Public Library
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The Center for California Studies invites you to the 25th annual Envisioning California Conference, Moving On: Transforming Transportation in California, at the Sacramento Public Library, Tsakopoulos Galleria, sponsored by the Center for California Studies, California State University, Sacramento.
The conference will explore through panel discussions the challenges facing California’s transportation system and policy options and their associated trade-offs for future innovations.
Since 2008, Arellano Associates has assisted the California-High Speed Rail Authority with public involvement and outreach services.
Southern California Premiere Outreach
Firm Celebrates 20-Year Anniversary
This year marks the 20th anniversary for Arellano Associates (AA), one of Southern California’s premiere public outreach and communications firms. Established in 1994, AA is perhaps best known for its work on major public transportation programs such as Los Angeles’ Metro Rail, SANBAG’s Route 210 Freeway, Riverside’s 91 Express Lanes and California’s High-Speed Train. Over its history, AA has evolved from a home-based business to now 20-plus professionals with over 60 annual contracts. In 2012, AA purchased its new headquarters in Chino Hills, located in the four corners area of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside counties.
AA owner and founder Genoveva Arellano attributes the firm’s success to its people and investment in innovation. “Our staff is simply the best. Our clients have learned over the years to rely upon us and we deliver daily,” states Arellano, a Southern California native from Baldwin Park. “We have also consistently invested in the newest forms of communication and technology tools that equip our staff to provide our clients with the most creative and cost-effective public outreach programs available today.”
The forecast looks positive for AA, with its goal to continue providing great service, while strategically expanding business relationships, and exploring new opportunities.
For more information on Arellano Associates, visit
Focus on the Future Conference:
The Future of Technology and Transportation
Nov. 16-18
Hyatt Regency, Santa Clara
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The Self-Help Counties Coalition presents the 25th Annual Focus on the Future Conference, taking place Nov. 16-18, 2014, in the heart of Silicon Valley at the Hyatt Regency, Santa Clara.
The Focus on the Future conference provides a forum for Self-Help Counties and other transportation agencies, elected officials and the private sector to share experiences, highlight upcoming projects and interact in a relaxed environment.
This three day, action packed event will provide you with all of the tools, technologies, networking opportunities and cutting edge transportation solutions.
PacRim Engineering investigates inside a manhole for the North Long Beach Duct Bank Upgrade Project.
PacRim Engineering at Work in Los Angeles County
PacRim Engineering has been selected to perform work for the North Long Beach Duct Bank Upgrade project and the I-605/SR-91/I-405 Congestion “Hot Spots” for The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro).
North Long Beach Duct Bank Upgrade Project
The existing duct bank between L.A. River Bridge and Wardlow Station is approximately 5000 feet long and is typical of the 9-Way HDPE prefabricated system. These duct banks may have experienced certain deterioration over time. The objective of the project is to investigate the condition of the existing duct banks in 13 manhole vaults within the railroad right-of-way and develop an appropriate remediation work plan.
Details of the project entail:
- Taking water samples from each vault for analysis.
- Pressure-wash and/or vacuum cleaning of vaults and duct bank for performing the video documentation to verify the existing condition.
- Provide final task report including video, photographs, and recommend an option to repair, replace and/or abandon the duct bank, plans, specifications, and estimates.
I-605/SR-91/I-405 Congestion “Hot Spots” – Arterial Highway Intersection Improvements
As part of the I-605/SR-91/I-405 Congestion “Hot Spots” Feasibility Study done by Metro and the Gateway Cities Council of Governments, the analysis report has yielded the critical conclusion that congestion reduction and management is needed for both the freeways and arterial highway intersections to deal with the increasing traffic volumes. Funding for the improvement is from Los Angeles County’s Measure R.
PacRim Engineering has been selected by the Metro to prepare the environmental documents and Preliminary Engineering plans for the following arterial highway intersections:
- Valley View Avenue/Alondra Boulevard, cities of La Mirada and Santa Fe Springs
- Valley View Avenue/Rosescrans Avenue, City of La Mirada
- Bloomfield Avenue/Artesia Boulevard, City of Cerritos
- Carmenita Road/South Street, City of Cerritos
The Preliminary Engineering effort includes the following:
- Geometric plans and environmental issues from all studies
- Feasibility study results and recommendations
- Traffic analysis and modeling results.
Transportation Events in the Community
Wednesday, Aug. 6
CTF Legislative Reception
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Thursday, Aug. 7
WTS-LA: How Do the Latest CEQA/NEPA Updates Affect Your Projects?
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Thursday, Aug. 14
WTS-LA: Boat Tour with Port of Long Beach’s Jon Slangerup
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Wednesday, Aug. 20
SCAG: Poverty Summit: Fifty Years into the War on Poverty
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Wednesday, Aug. 20
WTS-OC: Luncheon Featuring RCTC Project Update
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Wednesday, Aug. 27
ACEC-OC: Luncheon Featuring Caltrans District 12 Director Ryan Chamberlain
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Wednesday, Aug. 27
WTS-IE: Luncheon Featuring Coachella Valley Link Project Update
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Friday, Sept. 5
Mobility 21 Summit: Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim
Agenda | Register
Sept. 7-8
ARTBA: National Convention, Terranea Resort, Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.
Thursday, Sept. 18
WTS-SD: Annual Awards & Scholarships Gala
Friday, Sept. 26
ACEC-OC: Scholarship Golf Tournament
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Thursday, Oct. 23
OCTA: Business Expo
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Thursday, Nov. 13
WTS-LA: 28th Annual Scholarship & Awards Dinner
Nov. 16-18
Self-Help Counties Coalition: Focus on the Future Conference,
Santa Clara, Calif.
More info
Thursday, Dec. 4
WTS-OC: 26th Annual Scholarship & Awards Dinner
Thursday, Jan. 22
WTS-IE: 10th Annual Scholarship & Awards Dinner