More Than $1.2 Billion in Funds Awarded This Week to Southern California Transportation Projects

Mobility 21 tomorrow will convene state and local officials from across California for a major gathering of Southern California transportation officials committed to fixing California’s crumbling transportation infrastructure with major new investments under Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), passed
last year.

California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., California State Transportation Agency Secretary Brian Annis, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti will kick off tomorrow’s event at historic Los Angeles Union Station. Speakers will highlight this week’s awards from the California Transportation Commission (CTC) of more than $1.2 billion in competitive SB 1 state funding for the six-county region represented by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). Funding will support highway and road maintenance, increased public transit and construction of local priority transportation projects. Speakers will also provide insight into the collaboration taking place and progress being made on upcoming transportation projects and transparency of implementing revenues raised by SB 1. Press conference will follow with Secretary Annis, Mayor Garcetti and business leaders.

Last year, the California State Legislature passed SB 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. Throughout the state, the bill will raise $52 billion over the next decade for transportation – split equally between state and local investments.

Friday, May 18, 2018
Event: 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM; Press Conference: 9:50 AM – 10:10 AM

Los Angeles Union Station
Event: Old Ticketing Concourse
Press Conference: South Patio (outside doors across from Old Ticketing Concourse)
800 N Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Members of the media will be provided validation for Metro’s parking garage located at One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles.

Elected officials and dignitaries speaking at the event include:

  • Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor, State of California
  • Brian Annis, Secretary, California State Transportation Agency
  • Eric Garcetti, Mayor, City of Los Angeles

Mobility 21 is a transportation coalition of 10,000 public and private sector members throughout Southern California. The coalition is hosting an educational event featuring SB 1-funded transportation projects. Attendees are invited to learn about the progress and projects being funded by new transportation revenues and ask questions about the measures being taken to ensure transparency of process.

Press credentials will be required for media in attendance. Please contact Kristin Slocum at

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