11th Annual Southern California Transportation Summit
We’re All in This Together
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Friday, Sept. 28, 2012 | Disneyland Hotel | Anaheim, Calif.
Join us for the largest one-day transportation conference in the state. It’s the only place where you can mix and mingle with every transportation CEO in Southern California, policy makers and nationally-known transportation experts. We’re planning for an action-packed day of breakouts, provocative presentations and an exciting expo hall. With record attendance last year, nearly 1,000 transportation leaders convened in downtown Los Angeles. We expect this year’s event to attract over 1,000 transportation, business and political leaders!

8 – 9 a.m.
Registration, Breakfast Served in the Expo
Sponsored by CDM Smith
9 – 10:15 a.m.
Opening General Session
Sponsored by AECOM and HDR Engineering
10:15 – 10:45 a.m.
Networking Break in Expo
Sponsored by Cubic
10:45 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
- Time to Work Together: The Implementation of Goods Movement Infrastructure Projects and the Public Health Community
- Technology and Transportation: How New Technologies are Decreasing Costs, Increasing Transportation Facility Life Cycles and Saving Taxpayers Money
- Leadership Under Fire: Making the Case for Investing in Transportation
- Transportation and the Ballot Box: What’s at Stake in November
- Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Myth Versus Reality
- Let’s Roll: How Engaging the Business Community Can Build Support for Projects That Improve Mobility
12 – 1:15 p.m.
Luncheon General Session, Mobility 21 Awards
Sponsored by Parsons Brinckerhoff and UPS
1:15 – 1:30 p.m.
1:30 – 2:45 p.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
- Good for Business: How Bicycle and Pedestrian-Friendly Districts are Helping Cities and Businesses Thrive
- iMobility 2.0: How New Technology is Revolutionizing the Way We Get Around
- The Holy Grail: Moving Goods Using Low and Zero Emissions Technologies
- Playing Nice in the Sandbox: Labor, Owners and Contractors Working Together to Make Projects Happen
- Branding Transportation: What the World’s Best-Known Brands Can Teach Transportation
2:45 – 3:15 p.m.
Networking Break with Fresh Cookies in Expo
Sponsored by BNSF Railway Company and Union Pacific Railroad
3:15 – 4 p.m.
Closing General Session
Sponsored by CH2M Hill and Skanska
Opening General Session
Platinum Ballroom, 9 – 10:15 a.m.
Sponsored by AECOM and HDR Engineering
Master of Ceremonies
Hon Curt Pringle, Former Mayor, City of Anaheim and Principal, Curt Pringle & Associates (confirmed)
Welcome from Mobility 21 Chairman
Gary Toebben, Chair, Mobility 21 and President & CEO, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce (confirmed)
Welcome to the Disneyland Resort
Lisa Haines, VP Public Affairs, Disneyland Resort (confirmed)
The Future of California’s High Speed Rail System
Hon, Tom Umberg, Board Member, California High-Speed Rail Authority (confirmed)
Keynote Address
Barry B. LePatner, author of “Too Big to Fall: America’s Failing Infrastructure and the Way Forward” (confirmed)
The Missing Piece: How the Absence of a Sustainable Plan for Federal Funding is Hurting Transportation
Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA) Chairman of House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure’s Rail Subcommittee (confirmed)
Luncheon & General Session
Platinum Ballroom, 12 – 1:15 p.m.
Sponsored by Parsons Brinckerhoff and UPS
Presentation of the 2012 Mobility 21 Awards
Transportation Vanguard Award
Hon. Barbara Boxer, Senator, United States Senate and Chair, Committee on Environment and Public Works (confirmed)
Transportation Visionary Award
Hon. Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor, City of Los Angeles (confirmed)
Private Sector Leader of the Year Award
Fran Inman, Senior Vice President, Majestic Realty Co. and Commissioner, California Transportation Commission (confirmed)
Public Sector Leader of the Year Award
Hon. Pam O’Connor, Councilmember, City of Santa Monica (confirmed)
Lifetime Achievement Awards
Deborah Barmack, Former Executive Director, San Bernardino Associated Governments (confirmed)
Hon. Bill Campbell, Supervisor, County of Orange, 3rd District (confirmed)
Cindy Quon, Former Director, Caltrans District 12 (confirmed)
Keynote Address
The Importance of Public Private Partnerships to our Transportation Future
Jonathan Tisch, Co-owner, New York Giants (confirmed)
Closing General Session
Platinum Ballroom, 3:15 – 4 p.m.
Sponsored by CH2M Hill and Skanska
So Cal’s Transportation Agency CEO Roundtable
Lucy Dunn, President & CEO, Orange County Business Council (confirmed)
Mark Baza, Executive Director, Imperial County Transportation Commission (confirmed)
Gary Gallegos, Executive Director, San Diego Association of Governments (invited)
Will Kempton, CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Darren Kettle, Executive Director, Ventura County Transportation Commission (confirmed)
Art Leahy, CEO, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Anne Mayer, Executive Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission (confirmed)
Dr. Ray Wolfe, Executive Director, San Bernardino Associated Governments (confirmed)
Raffle prize drawing
Twilight Disneyland or Disney’s California Adventure tickets handed out after the closing session.
Morning Breakout Sessions, 10:45 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- Time to Work Together: The Implementation of Goods Movement Infrastructure Projects and the Public Health Community
- Technology and Transportation: How New Technologies are Decreasing Costs, Increasing Transportation Facility Life Cycles and Saving Taxpayers Money
- Leadership Under Fire: Making the Case for Investing in Transportation
- Transportation and the Ballot Box: What’s at Stake in November
- Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Myth Versus Reality
- Let’s Roll: How Engaging the Business Community Can Build Support for Projects That Improve Mobility
Afternoon Breakout Sessions, 1:30 – 2:45 p.m.
- Good for Business: How Bicycle and Pedestrian-Friendly Districts are Helping Cities and Businesses Thrive
- iMobility 2.0: How New Technology is Revolutionizing the Way We Get Around
- The Holy Grail: Moving Goods Using Low and Zero Emissions Technologies
- Playing Nice in the Sandbox: Labor, Owners and Contractors Working Together to Make Projects Happen
- Branding Transportation: What the World’s Best-Known Brands Can Teach Transportation
Morning Breakout Session Descriptions:
1. Time to Work Together: The Implementation of Goods Movement Infrastructure Projects and the Public Health Community
Sponsored by URS Corporation
Public health impacts are an issue of growing concern in connection with infrastructure projects, including those that serve the movement of goods such as the Long Beach Freeway (I-710). This vital transportation artery links the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to major Southern California distribution centers and intermodal rail facilities. Due to population growth, increased cargo and traffic volumes, coupled with an aging infrastructure, the I-710 experiences serious congestion and safety issues. An environmental impact study is underway to analyze the range of possible improvement alternatives for the corridor. The panel will provide an opportunity for an exchange between the project sponsor and community/health representatives to address issues including: 1) What are and should be the expectations of each stakeholder? 2) Are they mutually exclusive? 3) How have expectations been managed? and 4) What have been the success stories and horror stories so far?
Nancy Pfeffer, President, Network Public Affairs (confirmed)
Hon. Larry Forester, Councilmember, City of Signal Hill (confirmed)
Julia Lester, Ph.D, Prinicpal, ENVIRON (confirmed)
Joseph Lyou, President & CEO, Coalition for Clean Air (confirmed)
Paul Simon, M.D., MPH, Director, Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (confirmed)
2. Technology and Transportation: How New Technologies are Decreasing Costs, Increasing Transportation Facility Life Cycles and Saving Taxpayers Money
Sponsored by Hatch Mott MacDonald
Historical methods of constructing, managing and maintaining transportation infrastructure – many of which remain in use today — are not withstanding the test of time. The result: a staggering and seemingly ever-growing financial burden on taxpayers as these structures age and require expensive repairs or replacement. Come learn how commercially available technologies are being employed to solve the crisis. Experts from the public, private and academic sectors will discuss the operational and financial challenges as well as opportunities to utilize new construction materials and IT-driven solutions that can reduce costs and substantially extend infrastructure service life.
Angela Driscoll, Director, Local Government Affairs, California Construction and Industrial Materials Association (confirmed)
Matt Barth, Ph.D., Professor, UC Riverside (confirmed)
Larry Galehouse, Director, National Center for Pavement Preservation (confirmed)
Michael W. Pompay, President, MMFX Steel (confirmed)
3. Leadership Under Fire: Making the Case for Investing in Transportation
Sponsored by Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
It’s not always easy to build support for new infrastructure investments. Come hear how these leaders have turned tough situations into successes and developed tried and true leadership techniques for surmounting adversity.
Jaime de la Vega, General Manager, Los Angeles Department of Transportation (confirmed)
Tom Margro, CEO, Transportation Corridor Agencies (confirmed)
Anne Mayer, Executive Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission (confirmed)
Doug Failing, Highway Program Executive Director, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
4. Transportation and the Ballot Box: What’s at Stake in November
Sponsored by ARCADIS
This panel will present an analysis of California ballot initiatives as well as key state legislative races. Participants will be treated to an insider’s view of Washington politics, races to watch nationally, and what the “lame duck” Congress may do before the new presidential term begins. How will all this political wrangling impact transportation? Come find out from those in the know.
Kenyon Gleason, Vice President of Development and Field Operations, American Road and Transportation Builders Association (confirmed)
Larry Ehl, Publisher, Transportation Issues Daily (confirmed)
Janet Kavinoky, Executive Director, Transportation & Infrastructure, US Chamber of Commerce (confirmed)
Paul Mitchell, Vice President, Political Data, Inc. and Owner, Redistricting Partners (confirmed)
5. Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Myth Versus Reality
Sponsored by Southern California Edison
By the end of 2014, almost every automobile manufacturer will have at least one alternative fuel car in production. Alternative Fuel Infrastructure providers are moving forward aggressively, but is it fast enough? Learn from experts about how electric, natural gas and hydrogen fuel cell infrastructure is being planned, and how alternative fuel vehicles will impact our driving and future development patterns.
Sarah Catz, Director, Center for Urban Infrastructure (confirmed)
Ayala Ben-Yehuda, Plug-in Electric Vehicle Readiness Project Manager, UCLA Luskin Center (confirmed)
Steve Ellis, Manager of Fuel Cell Vehicle Marketing, American Honda Motor Co. (confirmed)
Dr. Shane Stephens-Romero, Manager of Research Development and External Relations, UCI National Fuel Cell Research Center (confirmed)
6. Let’s Roll: How Engaging the Business Community Can Build Support for Projects That Improve Mobility
Sponsored by Majestic Realty
LA Metro’s new ExpressLanes program’s Business Roundtable is a case study in how engaging with the business community created a powerful voice for an important project that will improve mobility across Los Angeles County. Come hear how they did it, and how the LA Streetcar and Orange County 91 Express Lanes have engaged the business community as an early partner in order to achieve success.
Stephanie Wiggins, Executive Officer for Metro ExpressLanes Demo Program, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Devon Deming, Rideshare Program Manager, Los Angeles World Airports (confirmed)
Noel Massie, President, UPS Central California (confirmed)
Jessica Wethington McLean, Executive Director, Bringing Back Broadway, Office of City Councilmember José Huizar (confirmed)
Darrell Johnson, Deputy CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority (confirmed)
Afternoon Breakout Session Descriptions:
7. Good for Business: How Bicycle and Pedestrian-Friendly Districts are Helping Cities and Businesses Thrive
As cities look for ways to meet both the letter and spirit of SB 375, business districts that cater to shoppers using active transportation are on the rise. This panel will explore the economic benefits of bicycle districts and show how cities can enhance livability for their residents while simultaneously energizing their business community.
Pauline Chow, Southern California Regional Policy Manager, Safe Routes to School National Partnership (confirmed)
Mariela Alfonzo, Ph.D., Urban and Regional Planning with an emphasis on Urban Design and Behavior (confirmed)
April Economides, Principal, Green Octopus Consulting and General Manager, Bike Nation Long Beach (confirmed)
Tom Kirk, Executive Director, Coachella Valley Association of Governments (confirmed)
Chris Kluth, Senior Active Transportation Planner, San Diego Association of Governments (confirmed)
Hon. Pam O’Connor, Councilmember, City of Santa Monica (confirmed)
8. iMobility 2.0: How New Technology is Revolutionizing the Way We Get Around
Sponsored by Yellow Cab & Western Transit – Keolis Transit America Companies
Mobile technology is changing the way people interact with our transportation network. Come hear from entrepreneurs and agencies who are launching apps that will change the way we park, share the ride, use transit, or get traffic information.
Patrick Hong, Founder and CEO, Prenostik, LLC (confirmed)
Greg Curtin, Founder and Principal, Civic Resource Group (confirmed)
Dan Mitchell, LA Express Park Manager, City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (confirmed)
Derek Fretheim, Chief Operating Officer, Bike Nation (confirmed)
Jim Morris, President, FNX Studios and Creator of “Toll Troll” (confirmed)
William Barnes, LA General Manager, Uber Technologies Inc. (confirmed)
9. The Holy Grail: Moving Goods Using Low and Zero Emissions Technologies
Sponsored by Port of Los Angeles
Regulatory and planning agencies are encouraging the use of low and zero emissions technologies to move goods in and around Southern California as one part of our strategy to help improve our air quality. Is this technology ready for market? What is being done to assist the goods movement industry to achieve the lofty goals set by government? What hurdles stand in the way of implementing green technology to move goods? Come find out in this panel comprised of innovators, regulators and planners.
Les Card, CEO, LSA Associates (confirmed)
Hasan Ikhrata, Executive Director, Southern California Association of Governments (confirmed)
Becky Johnson, Director of Public Affairs, Siemens Industry, Inc. (confirmed)
Nick Sramek, Secretary, Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners (confirmed)
Jan Hellaker, Vice President of Business Development & Government Relations, Volvo Technology North America (confirmed)
10. Playing Nice in the Sandbox: Labor, Owners and Contractors Working Together to Make Projects Happen
Sponsored by Jacobs
This panel seeks to find common ground in the arena of project delivery between funding partners and public employees. To position itself for future prosperity, California must embrace innovative means to deliver and maintain significant transportation improvements. Prior to the worldwide economic collapse that defined the end of the first decade of the 21st Century, California’s vibrant economy focused on successful congestion mitigation along it’s highway and rail corridors to service commuter and goods movement demands. This is expected to continue to play a key role in our recovery. Traditional delivery methods require substantial time investment before the benefit of projects is realized. Key stakeholders including funding partners, consultants, public employee unions and contractors must find new ways to collaborate in order to dramatically reduce project delivery timelines while limiting capital expenditures.
Dr. Ray Wolfe, Executive Director, San Bernardino Associated Governments (confirmed)
Bruce Blanning, Executive Director, Professional Engineers in California Government (confirmed)
Brent Felker, High-Speed Rail Program Director, Parsons Brinckerhoff (confirmed)
Mark Kempton, Project Director, Skanska (confirmed)
11. Branding Transportation: What the World’s Best-Known Brands Can Teach Transportation
Sponsored by Parsons Transportation Group
Building and protecting your brand is an essential step in capturing the attention of the public and getting them to take action. Some would argue that transportation has not branded itself properly to garner the public participation and become the focus of lawmakers. Learn from executives at some of the world’s most trusted brands how to become a household name and develop brand loyalty.
Matt Raymond, Principal, Celtis Ventures (confirmed)
Debra Hotaling, Western Region Leader, Ford Motor Company (confirmed)
Ed Lee, Cofounder, Wahoo’s Fish Tacos (confirmed)
Nancy Nygren, CEO, Girl Scouts OC (confirmed)
John Nicoletti, Vice President of Communications, Disneyland Resort (confirmed)
Summit Speakers
Mariela Alfonzo, Ph.D., President, Urban Imprint
Bridging the worlds of academia and practice, Dr. Alfonzo is the Principal of Urban Imprint – an urban design research and consulting firm established in 2005 – and a Research Fellow at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University – where she’s focusing on walkability, health and rapid urbanization in China. She is also the Founder of the startup, State of Place™, a neighborhood credit rating and diagnostic tool for walkability that informs economic development, guides investment, aids place branding and enhances communities. An expert on the triple bottom line of urban design, Dr. Alfonzo examines the relationship between the built environment and behavior, focusing on walkability, social interaction, sense of community, consumption behavior, and sustainability at the neighborhood level. She then translates how these environment-behavior interactions impacteconomic and social value, and consequently develops evidence-based sustainable planning, design, and development solutions. She has a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning with an emphasis on Urban Design and Behavior, as well as a Masters in Urban Planning, from The University of California, Irvine (UCI), and a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and Psychology from the University of Miami.
William Barnes, General Manager, Uber LA
William Barnes is the Uber LA General Manager. Previously invested in, scaled and sold an e-commerce company (NerdyShirts.com), founded and scaled a web publishing company (uCrave.com) to 2.5 million monthly uniques. William also holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Matthew J. Barth, Ph.D., Professor, UC Riverside
Matthew Barth is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at UC Riverside, holds the Yeager Family Chair, and is also the Director of the College of Engineering Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT). Dr. Barth’s research focuses is in Transportation Systems, in particular how it relates to energy and air quality issues. Current research interests include Intelligent Transportation System Technology, Transportation/Emissions Modeling, Vehicle Activity Analysis, and Vehicle Navigation.
Mark Baza, Executive Director, Imperial County Transportation Commission
Since June 2010 Mr. Baza has served as the Executive Director of the Imperial County Transportation Commission (ICTC). ICTC is responsible for managing the following programs for the Imperial Valley region:
- Regional Transportation Planning
- Programming and administration of state and federal transportation funds
- Administration of Imperial County’s Measure D, half-cent sales tax program; and,
- Administration and oversight of the region’s transit operations, known as Imperial Valley Transit or IVT. The IVT system includes fixed-route and paratransit services throughout the county.
Prior to his appointment as Executive Director for ICTC, Mark had worked for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 11 for 21 years. At Caltrans, Mark had served as Project Manager for a portfolio of planning and capital projects to improve goods movement in Southern California and, ground access to all of California’s land ports of entry with Mexico and the Port of San Diego’s seaport terminals. At Caltrans, Mark had worked in the Division’s of Planning, Program/Project Management, and last position as Project Manager for the State Route 11 and East Otay Mesa Port of Entry project, a new state highway, CHP truck inspection facility and federal land port of entry.
Ayala Ben-Y
ehuda, Plug-in Electric Vehicle Readiness Project Manager, UCLA Luskin Center
Ayala Ben-Yehuda joined the UCLA Luskin Center as Plug-in Electric Vehicle Readiness project manager in June 2012. She is working on U.S. Department of Energy- and California Energy Commission-funded grants from the Southern California Association of Governments to develop an electric vehicle readiness plan for the region. Prior to her graduation from UCLA’s Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning, Ayala was a student researcher at the Luskin Center and helped organize its 2012 water policy summit, “The Future of Water in Southern California,” which focused on reducing Southern California’s dependence on water imports. Prior to her graduate studies, Ayala spent over ten years as a staff correspondent, freelance reporter and producer for outlets including Billboard Magazine, National Public Radio, Southern California Public Radio, Marketplace, and Newsday. She also holds a BA in political science from UC Berkeley.
Bruce J. Blanning, Executive Director, Professional Engineers in California Government (PECG)
Bruce Blanning is the Executive Director of the Professional Engineers in California Government (PECG), which represents the professional and employment interests of the 13,000 engineers and related professionals who work for Caltrans and other state agencies. Mr. Blanning served as Co-Chair of the Transportation Committee of the Governor’s Commission on Building for the 21st Century, which identified California’s present and future transportation needs and recommended financing alternatives. He has served on various transportation-related studies and commissions, including a University of California, Berkeley analysis of overhead and other costs for project delivery alternative processes. He was awarded the 2011 Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. Energy Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Energy Field by a Civil Engineer from the American Society of Civil Engineers.
A licensed Civil Engineer, Mr. Blanning was formerly a Senior Transportation Engineer with Caltrans, responsible for planning, designing, and construction inspection/contract administration for various state highway and freeway projects.
Les Card, CEO, LSA Associates
Les Card is currently Chief Executive Officer with LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA). He has been with LSA 28 years. LSA is an employee-owned environmental planning and engineering consulting company of over 200 employees. Mr. Card’s primary areas of expertise include overall executive management of regional offices, business and financial plan implementation, and professional development of the environmental planning and transportation engineering disciplines. Special emphasis is based on transportation project development, land use entitlement, planning policy, and governmental processing. Mr. Card’s specific area of expertise include traffic impact analysis for new development, preparation of fair-share traffic mitigation programs, phasing plans to balance large-scale land development with off-site mitigation requirements, and trip budgets geared toward maintaining flexibility for land use market orientation. Some of Les’s most notable projects include participation in the initial planning for both San Joaquin and Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridors, Laguna Canyon Road Improvements, and environmental permitting for numerous Measure M projects. Les is a register Civil and Traffic Engineer in California.
Sarah L. Catz, Director, Center for Urban Infrastructure
Sarah L. Catz is a leading advocate and public policy maker in the transportation industry. During the past twenty years she has played a key role in critical transportation projects at both local and state levels. Sarah served on the Board of Directors of the Orange County Transportation Authority from 1992 to 2002 and served as its Chairman in 1998. Sarah also was a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority, (Metrolink) and served as the Chairman of the Board in 1995 and 1996. In 1999, Sarah helped former Governor Davis in the transition of his new administration by serving as the acting Deputy Secretary of Transportation for the state of California as well as the Project Manager for the Governor’s Infrastructure Commission, the Commission on Building for the 21st Century. Sarah currently serves as a member of the board of directors of the California-Nevada Super Speed Train Commission that is developing a high-speed rail service between Orange County and Las Vegas. Sarah is also the Director of the Center for Urban Infrastructure at Brandman University as well as a Research Associate for the Institute of Transportation Studies at University of California, Irvine.
Pauline Chow, Esq., Southern California Regional Policy Manager, Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Pauline Chow, Esq. serves as the Southern California regional policy manager for the Safe Routes to School National Partnership (“National Partnership”), advancing policies to make bicycling and walking to school safe, combat childhood obesity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create sustainable communities. She earned a law degree from the University of Wisconsin at Madison Law School and Bachelor of Science in Statistics from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. It has been Pauline’s lifelong goal to bring together her passions for social justice and business.
Pauline began her career as a statistics geek, first in database programming and then in the private sector. She brings a strong business background from private equity, management and strategy consulting, financial risk management and securities compliance to her policy work at the National Partnership. Additionally, Pauline is able to provide insights into high need communities in Southern California regarding to social equity, social and legal services and civil rights. After law school, Pauline received an Equal Justice Works Americorp Legal Fellowship to defend low-income clients in evictions and foreclosures. She also clerked for Wisconsin Department of Justice Environmental Protection Unit and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
In her free time, Pauline is certified yoga instructor, avid rock climber, triathlete and knitter. She resides in Claremont, CA near the foothills.
Gregory G. Curtin, Ph.D., JD, Founder and Principal, Civic Resource Group
Dr. Curtin is the founder and principal of Civic Resource Group, a leading digital consultancy for the public sector, and is a Senior Fellow with the World Economic Forum serving on the Global Agenda Council for the Future of Government. For more than a decade Dr. Curtin has been a leader in the emerging field of e-government/“Gov 2.0,” including leading the strategy, development and implementation of numerous first-of-kind digital projects in the public sector; founding the E-Governance Lab at the Bedrosian Center for Governance and the Public Enterprise at the University of Southern California; and publishing and speaking widely on the topic of how governments and public sector organizations can and should transform themselves in the digital world. He is currently working with the World Economic Forum on the development of the FAST Government Framework (FAST—Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled), a new model for government in the 21st Century. His broad ranging experience as a government lawyer, academic researcher, and private industry entrepreneur provides a unique perspective on the opportunities and needs in the broad public sector. He currently works with governments and agencies at all levels on digital transformation and on the design and implementation of cutting edge digital projects and programs. Dr. Curtin earned his Ph.D. and law degrees from the University of Southern California, and his BA in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Jaime de la Vega, General Manager, Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT)
Jaime de la Vega is General Manager of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT). He is responsible for leading the department as well as day-to-day operations. LADOT is a multifaceted transportation organization with over 1,700 employees and an annual budget of US$491 million (FY 2011-2012). LADOT enforces state and local parking laws; provides traffic control services to support public safety agencies and special events; designs, operates, and maintains the most advanced traffic signal system in the U.S.; operates the second largest bus service in Los Angeles County; supports private development and public works projects, including major new transit lines, through traffic management plans and review and approval of signal and striping plans; maintains the city’s traffic signal system, road markings, and regulatory signage; implements the city’s bicycle plan; operates the city’s over 39,000 on-street parking meters and 118 off-street parking facilities; and regulates taxis, ambulances, and pipelines in the city. LADOT’s FY 2010-2011 annual report can be found at: http://www.ladot.lacity.org/pdf/PDF253.pdf.
Mr. de la Vega is also a voting alternate on the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (Metrolink) Board of Directors representing the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). Metrolink oversees a five-county commuter rail system operating seven lines and 512 route miles, with an annual budget of US$586 million (FY 2010-2011).
Prior to accepting his current position, Mr. de la Vega served as Deputy Mayor for Transportation for Los Angeles Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa from 2005-2011. He was responsible for developing and implementing Mayor Villaraigosa’s transportation agenda at the MTA, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), and the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), with a combined budget of over US$8.3 billion (FY 2010- 2011). He led signature transportation initiatives for the mayor, including the successful 2008 Measure R half cent transportation sales tax as well as the 30/10 initiative and America Fast Forward.
Prior to serving as a deputy mayor, Mr. de la Vega served as Budget Director for Los Angeles City Attorney Rockard J. Delgadillo from 2002-2005. He also was Assistant Deputy Mayor and senior policy advisor to Los Angeles Mayor Richard J. Riordan from 1995-2001 as well as a member of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors from 1999-2001 and as Mayor Riordan’s voting alternate in 1997. Mr. de la Vega was an independent management consultant serving various public sector clients in the Los Angeles area, including the Office of the Mayor, from 1993-1995 and 2001-2002.
Mr. de la Vega holds a Master of Arts in Urban Planning from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies, summa cum laude, from California State University at Northridge (CSUN).
Mr. de la Vega lives in Woodland Hills in the San Fernando Valley in the City of Los Angeles. He is married and has three daughters.
Devon Deming, Rideshare Program Manager, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA)
Ms. Deming has been the Rideshare Program Manager for Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), since 2003. She directs all of LAWA’s Employee Transportation Benefits Programs, including mass transit, vanpool, carpool, biking and walking programs at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Los Angeles/Ontario Airport (LA/ONT) and Van Nuys Airport (VNY). She takes an active role in regional transportation planning and implementation through her involvement on the Metro South Bay Area Council, the Metro Employers’ Network, the ExpressLanes Advisory Group, and the South Bay / Westside Transportation Management Association (SBW TMA). She has also served other area employers as the President of the Southern California Chapter of the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT), since 2007. LAWA’s Rideshare Program has won 15 consecutive Rideshare Diamond Awards, a Gold Medal in the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Best Workplaces for Commuters (BWC) Race for Excellence, and two national awards from ACT, 2004 Outstanding Program Renovation and 2006 Outstanding Service in the Public Sector. Ms. Deming is currently participating in an Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) study Transportation Research Board (TRB). This study is highlighting LAWA’s Rideshare Program as one of the most successful airport employee transportation programs in the country.
Angela Driscoll, Director, Local Government Affairs, California Construction and Industrial Materials Association (CalCIMA)
Angela Driscoll serves as Director, Local Government Affairs for the California Construction and Industrial Materials Association (CalCIMA). Angela is the association’s representative on local government affairs and regulatory matters that impact the construction and industrial materials industry. She came to CalCIMA with over 18 years of experience in compliance, regulatory, government, sustainability and community issues.
Prior to joining CalCIMA, Angela worked for the Western Region at a one of the largest construction materials companies in the nation, where she was responsible for government and regulatory issues, local land use, the California Surface Mining and Reclamation Act, AB 32, and key federal issues. In addition, she designed and implemented the Region’s award-winning sustainability program and report.
Angela graduated with honors from Mount Vernon College at The George Washington University, receiving her B.A. in U.S. Studies with an emphasis in Public Policy.
April Economides, Principal, Green Octopus Consulting and General Manager, Bike Nation Long Beach
April Economides is the principal of Green Octopus Consulting and created the nation’s first Bike-Friendly Business District program for the City of Long Beach. As part of this effort, she created the nation’s largest citywide discount program for bicyclists called Bike Saturdays. She speaks around the U.S. and Canada on “The Business Case for Bicycling” and Bike-Friendly Business Districts and has helped launch efforts in San Diego, San Jose, Miami, Oakville, and other cities. She is a consultant for the bike share company Bike Nation and recently accepted the role of general manager of the company’s Long Beach system, set to roll out in Spring 2013. She holds an MBA in Sustainable Management and is a car-free bike commuter. She and her daughter can often be seen riding around Long Beach on their “bike limo,” the fancy name they gave their tandem.
Larry Ehl, Publisher, Transportation Issues Daily
Larry Ehl (pronounced EEL, like the fish) has a passion for demystifying transportation issues and Congress, and promoting the needs and positive impacts of all transportation modes in increasing economic and community vitality. He writes and publishes Transportation Issues Daily, a nationally-recognized e-newsletter providing short, plain language stories about what’s going on in transportation policy and funding issues in Washington D.C. and around the country. Larry’s non-partisan coverage of all modes has attracted subscribers from all fifty states from business, all levels of government and both political parties.
He draws upon nearly fifteen years of public and private sector experience in transportation policy, funding, and advocacy, and over twenty years in public and private sector government relations. He spent nearly eight years with the Washington State Department of Transportation, served as Secretary for the Western Association of State DOTs and participated in national and regional coalitions. He is a frequent speaker at national and regional transportation conferences.
Serving alternately as an advocate, or as a target of advocates, has enabled Larry to develop an advocacy research and communications expertise sought out by coalitions, public agencies, and businesses.
Steve Ellis, Manager of Fuel Cell Vehicle Marketing, American Honda Motor Co.
Steve Ellis is manager of Fuel Cell Vehicle sales and marketing at American Honda. Steve’s career at Honda began 27 years ago. He is responsible for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle business planning and FCX Clarity deployment to retail consumers.
Steve co-developed the Alternative Fuel Vehicle department at Honda 15 years ago when Honda brought the EV PLUS Electric car and Civic GX Natural Gas Vehicle to market. Steve is well known for his pioneering work on vehicle-related environmental and energy projects, has done hundreds of media interviews and is often sought out as an expert on alternative fuels and refueling infrastructure, and recently was honored with a “Lifetime Achievement Award” by the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Institute.
Steve is an avid bicyclist, runner and outdoor enthusiast.
Doug Failing, Highway Program Executive Director, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Mr. Failing is currently serving as the Executive Director of the Highway Program for Los Angeles County Metro where he is responsible for Delivery of the nearly $8 billion Measure R Highway Program.
In 2006, Failing was chosen by the Los Angeles Times’ West Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in Southern California.
In addition, Los Angeles Magazine highlighted Mr. Failing in their December, 2006 issue as one of the most influential people in Los Angeles.
Failing earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Michigan Technological University in Houghton in 1980 and was hired at Caltrans in June of 1980 as a Junior Civil Engineer.
Brent Felker, Senior Vice President, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Brent Felker is Senior Vice President with Parsons Brinckerhoff, a global infrastructure strategic consulting, planning, engineering and program/construction management organization. Mr. Felker will serve as Program Director for the California High Speed Rail program, leading Parsons Brinckerhoff’s program management team for the development of a high speed rail network in the state.
Prior to joining Parsons Brinkerhoff, Mr. Felker was a Senior Vice President and Director of Transportation in the West and Central regions at a large consulting engineering organization. He previously served as Deputy Director of Project Delivery (Chief Engineer) for Caltrans as well as District Director for District 7 (Los Angeles and Ventura Counties) and District 12 (Orange County). Mr. Felker has over 29 years of experience in the planning, design, construction, operation, and management of transportation systems. He has both a public and a private sector background and has extensive experience in leading large, complex transportation organizations, addressing the needs of multiple constituencies, and delivering transportation products and services. Mr. Felker is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and Women’s Transportation Seminar. He received a B.S. degree in civil engineering from the University of Illinois.
Parsons Brinckerhoff is a leader in developing and operating infrastructure around the world, with 14,000 employees dedicated to meeting the needs of clients and communities in the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia-Pacific regions. The firm offers skills and resources in strategic consulting, planning, engineering, program/construction management, and operations for transportation, power, mining, water/wastewater, and community development projects. Parsons Brinckerhoff is part of Balfour Beatty, an international infrastructure services business operating in professional services, construction services, support services and infrastructure investments (www.pbworld.com).
Hon. Larry Forester, Councilmember, City of Signal Hill
Larry was elected to the Signal Hill City Council in 1998. He was re-elected to his third term in March 2007, serving as Mayor in 2001 and 2006. He was re-elected to his fourth term in March 2011, serving as Mayor in 2001, 2006 and this year.
Larry retired in March 1995 from the Okonite Company as a Technical Sales Engineer Due to HIV/AIDS. Larry was diagnosed HIV positive in September 1985; and diagnosed with AIDS in June 1994. Larry has been living with AIDS due to successful “Triple Drug Therapy” and the Grace of God.
From 1995 to 2005, Larry served as Chair of the Board “Being Alive Long Beach,” a peer lead HIV advocacy group: providing education, support, and compassion for those living with HIV/AIDS. Being Alive is a 501(c)(3) Corporation formed in 1987. From 1998 to 2005, Larry chaired the Board “Being Alive Housing” (formerly St. Francis House), transitional housing and a Residential Care Facility for people with HIV/AIDS. Since that time Larry has kept a focus on HIV/AIDS through the CARE Program at St. Mary’s Hospital and other HIV/AIDS fund raisers – Long Beach AIDS Walk, CARE, etc.
Larry has also served on the boards of the following organizations:
- 1994-1998 – AIDS Walk of Greater Long Beach.
- 1999-present – Board Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts.
- 2000-present – Steering Committee for Coalition for Practical Regulation (CPR) – an ad hoc group of 39 Los Angeles County cities.
- 2001-present – Board Member, Conservation Corps of Long Beach, Chair 2005 to 2009
- 2001-present – Advisory Board Long Beach Unified School District.
- 2002-present – Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Energy and Environment Sub-Committee and Water Quality Task Force.
- 2006-present Board Member Los Angeles County Division League of California Cities
- 2007-present – Gateway Cities Council of Governments, I–710 EIR/EIS Committee.
Education: BS Civil Engineering University of Notre Dame 1969
MS Ocean Engineering Catholic University of America 1971
Derek Fretheim, COO, Bike Nation
Mr. Fretheim is Chief Operating Officer for Bike Nation; a community bike share provider located in Tustin. Mr. Fretheim has been with the company since its inception. He designed the kiosk and bike docking device, oversaw the development of the interactive software and web applications and has been instrumental with building bike share systems in Anaheim, Los Angeles and soon Long Beach. Derek is currently working on next GEN products for Bike Nation including a GIS-based dynamic bike routing system using GPS locator technology and the manufacturing of a US-made bicycle.
Mr. Fretheim has over 20 years experience working in the transportation industry with specific focus on developing mobility projects and building technology to support transportation systems. He has developed and implemented Ride Matching Software, Real-time traffic delivery systems, Commute Tracking Systems, Interactive Kiosks, Advanced Traveler Information Systems and Transit Wayfinding Systems.
Garry Galleogs, Executive Director, San Diego Association of Governments
Gary Gallegos is the Executive Director of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). SANDAG is the research, planning, and transportation agency for the region. Agency policymakers are elected officials from each of the area’s 18 cities and the county. SANDAG is responsible for numerous regional initiatives including population growth, transportation, transit engineering and construction, environmental management, economic development, municipal finance, binational and interregional coordination, and public safety.
Under his direction, the agency is creating the first Regional Transportation Plan under new California legislative mandates to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, developing a third international border crossing at the U.S.-Mexico border, and implementing more than $1 billion in transportation infrastructure projects in the San Diego region.
Prior to joining SANDAG in 2001, Mr. Gallegos held the position of District Director for Caltrans District 11, covering San Diego and Imperial Counties.
Kenyon Gleason, Vice President of Development and Field Operations, American Road and Transportation Builders Association
Kenyon Gleason is the vice president of development and field operations for the American Road and Transportation Builders Association. He is involved in membership development, service and outreach, fundraising and grassroots political action activities. He also serves as the managing director of ARTBA’s Planning and Design Division as well as ARTBA’s Transportation Officials Division, comprised of government officials from around the country. Additionally, he is executive director of ARTBA’s Ports and Waterways Advisory Council and coordinates the association’s Young Executive Development Program.
Prior to his current position, he served as ARTBA’s Midwest field director and national field director. Before coming to ARTBA, Gleason held communications and public relations positions for a leading hospital provider in South Dakota, the University of South Dakota and a leading ethanol fuels company.
Gleason was elected to an at-large seat on the Sioux Falls (S.D.) City Council in 2000, serving four years, one as council chairman. While serving on the council, he was a member of the board of directors for the South Eastern Council of Governments (SECOG), the planning and development district that serves southeastern South Dakota. In addition, he was a member of SECOG’s Urbanized Development Commission, which serves as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Sioux Falls metro area.
Gleason has been active in statewide South Dakota politics, serving as coalition director for the GOP Victory Office during the 2002 House and Senate races. He is an award-winning journalist and has worked in television, radio and print newsrooms across the upper Midwest. Gleason has nearly 20 years of media, communications, government relations and political experience.
A North Dakota native, he is a graduate of St. Cloud State University in Minnesota and holds a bachelor’s degree in communications.
Gleason and his wife have five sons.
Lisa Haines, Vice President of Public Affairs, Disneyland Resort
Lisa Haines is the vice president of Public Affairs at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif., overseeing all external and internal communications, government relations and community relations for The Happiest Place on Earth. Leading a team of about 70 cast members, Lisa is responsible for creating and implementing effective public affairs strategies while enhancing relationships with the media, local and state government, industry associations and community organizations.
Lisa joined the Disneyland Resort team in 2008 as vice president, communications overseeing all aspects of internal and external communications. Prior to that, she served as vice president, external communications for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts from 2004 to 2008, where she was responsible for media relations and key stakeholder communications.
Before joining The Walt Disney Company in 2004, Lisa served as vice president, corporate communications for Health Net, Inc., one of the country’s largest managed health care corporations. Prior to her Health Net experience, Lisa served for six years with McNally Temple Associates, Inc., a Sacramento-based political consulting, public relations and public affairs agency where she managed both local and statewide political campaigns and directed advocacy programs for corporations and trade associations.
Additionally, Lisa serves on the board of directors for the Orange County Business Council, the leading business advocacy group in Orange County.
Lisa, who grew up in northern California, is a graduate of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo with a degree in political science.
Jan Hellaker, Vice President of Business Development & Government Relations, Volvo Technology North America
Jan Hellaker has spent 25 years in various executive positions within the Volvo Group, primarily within the areas of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), telematics and sustainable transportation solutions. He holds a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and began his career with Ericsson in telecommunication systems. Mr Hellaker is currently Vice President, Business Development and Government Programs at Volvo Technology of America, coordinating the Volvo Group’s participation in external research programs, such as the DOE’s SuperTruck effort and various CEC and South Coast AQMD funded programs. He is also managing the Volvo Group’s office in Costa Mesa, CA.
As part of a group-wide reorganization Mr Hellaker will shortly assume a new responsibility as Vice President, Transport Solutions & Services, at Volvo Group Trucks Technology with a global responsibility for Volvo’s research and advanced engineering.
Patrick Hong, President & CEO, Prenostik, LLC
As the founder and CEO of Prenostik, LLC—a public relations and marketing business intelligence, cloud–‐computing software platform that help organizations quantify, optimize and tie consumer awareness to results, Patrick Hong is passionate about turning “Big Data” into actionable knowledge that matters. His goal is to de–‐mystify and democratize the public relations and marketing analytic industry, and make the information easily accessible to decision makers.
As the former Executive Editor for America’s longest–‐running automotive magazine, Road & Track, and now deep in the entrepreneurial life of building a startup, Patrick has had extensive experience in building effective public relations and marketing outreach strategies via online and offline channels. As an automotive writer, he enjoys learning and testing the latest technologies offered by car manufacturers, as well as creating stories about unique adventures such as flying in a jet fighter and zero gravity vomit comet plane, driving through China, India and Russia, and racing in a 24–‐hour competition in Germany.
Patrick earned his Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from University of California, Irvine, Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from University of Southern California, and dual MBA degrees from UCLA Anderson School of Business and National University of Singapore Business School.
Debra Hotaling, Western Region Communications Leader, Ford Motor Company
Debra Hotaling leads Ford Motor Company’s communications team in the Western United States. Prior to her tenure with Ford, Hotaling was a partner with the public relations firm Fleishman-Hillard where she served as global co-chair for the organization’s sustainability and renewable energy practice group. Earlier, Hotaling headed the communications team for homebuilder KB Home. During her career, Hotaling has worked as features writer for the Los Angeles Times, was a regular commentator for American Public Media’s “Marketplace” and taught at the University of Southern California while completing a Ph.D. in American literature. Hotaling currently serves on the board of the California Women’s Law Center.
Hon. José Huizar, Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
José Huizar was elected to the Los Angeles City Council’s 14th District in 2005 and overwhelmingly re-elected in 2007 and 2011.
Councilmember Huizar has proven himself a staunch advocate for public safety, youth programs and sustainable economic development that provides jobs and services to the residents of his district and the City of Los Angeles.
He has led Citywide efforts to create a graffiti-tracking program to better prosecute chronic taggers, modified a City ordinance to allow rewards to be offered on behalf of off-duty LAPD officers attacked outside of City limits and led the effort to require all City departments to implement a Surplus Food policy to address the growing need for emergency food services.
Councilmember Huizar has been at the forefront of several key improvement projects in his district, including the Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension, which links East L.A. to Downtown Los Angeles. Another priority for Councilmember Huizar is his Bringing Back Broadway initiative, an ambitious 10-year plan to renovate downtown’s Broadway Corridor, which includes restoring 12 historic theaters and returning the beloved streetcar back to downtown’s historic core.
Councilmember Huizar also utilizes his knowledge and experience in urban planning and transportation as a member of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Board of Directors.
Prior to his Council election, Councilmember Huizar served as a member and President of the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Board of Education. He led the successful effort to reform the district’s high school curriculum by ensuring that all students, regardless of their background, had access to the A-G courses required for admission to California’s public universities. As Board President, Councilmember Huizar also oversaw planning and implementation of the largest construction and modernization public school project in U.S. history.
Councilmember Huizar received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Berkeley, a Master’s degree in Public Affairs and Urban Planning from Princeton University and a Juris Doctorate from UCLA School of Law. In 2004, he became the first Latino to serve on the Princeton Board of Trustees.
Councilmember Huizar has been awarded numerous awards and distinctions, including profiles by the Los Angeles Business Journal as one of the 25 figures in the Los Angeles Area that “stand out for their potential to shape lives” and by Hispanic Business Magazine as one of the “100 most influential Hispanics” in the United States.
Born in Zacatecas, Mexico, Councilmember Huizar is the first Mexican immigrant elected to the Los Angeles City Council. He resides in Boyle Heights with his wife Richelle Rios, their son Simón Luis and three daughters, Emilia, Isabella and Aviana.
Hasan Ikhrata, Executive Director, Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
Hasan Ikhrata has served as the Executive Director of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) since January 2008. His responsibilities include implementing the policies of an 83-member Regional Council and directing day-to-day operations of the nation’s largest Metropolitan Planning Organization. Mr. Ikhrata has over 25 years of public and private sector experience in Transportation Planning in the Southern California region.
Prior to joining SCAG in 1994, Mr. Ikhrata worked for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) for four years. While there he developed a comprehensive Transportation Control Measure/Transportation Demand Management program for the MTA and 88 cities in the County. While at the MTA he also developed multi-modal performance measures for use in updating the MTA Long Term Capital Plan.
Mr. Ikhrata worked for the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) for two years managing transportation and air quality related projects. He headed the evaluation of various components of Regulation XV, the nation’s first mandatory employer based trip reduction program designed to reduce commute related automobile travel.
Mr. Ikhrata held a Research Assistant position for six years with the University of Southern California (USC) and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). While there his research included work in three diverse areas: land use and transportation planning; harnessing the energy of tidal waves; and pile foundations under dynamic loads.
Mr. Ikhrata holds a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Civil and Industrial Engineering from Zaporozhye University in the former Soviet Union; a Masters degree in Civil Engineering from UCLA, and a PhD Candidacy in Urban Planning and Transportation from USC.
Becky Johnson, Director, Public Affairs, Mobility & Logistics Division | Rail Systems Division, Siemens Infrastructure & Cities
Becky Johnson has worked in the government affairs, media relations, and strategic communications role for 17+ years in the field of urban infrastructure, with experience in both the public and private sectors.
With Siemens, she oversees state and local issues nationally for Siemens’ work in all aspects of moving people and goods safely, efficiently, and with as little impact on the environment as possible: intelligent transportation systems, seaport logistics, rail automation, passenger rail vehicle manufacturing, e-mobility infrastructure, US Postal Service logistics, airport baggage handling and security systems, and service and maintenance.
Previously, she worked for the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, consulting firm Public Strategies, and Teichert – a heavy civil contractor and aggregate producer.
She has served on several community boards, is the past president of the Junior League of Sacramento, past chair of Leadership Sacramento, is a graduate of the Sacramento City Management Academy and the FBI Citizens’ Academy, and she is a senior fellow with the American Leadership Forum.
Becky is a past recipient of the Sacramento Business Journal’s “Top 40 under 40” award, and she is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley.
Darrell Johnson, Deputy CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority
Darrell Johnson is the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Orange County Transportation Authority, the 12th largest transit agency in the U.S. with 1,600 employees and an annual budget of $1.2 billion.
Under the leadership of OCTA’s Board of Directors and the CEO, Johnson assists in the planning, development and delivery of freeway and road projects, bus services, regional rail services, paratransit services, and the operation and maintenance of the 91 Express Lanes, the most successful toll facility in California.
Prior to joining OCTA, Johnson worked at Amtrak for 12 years, where he held positions in operations, planning, and finance and contributed to the development of passenger rail corridors in California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.
Janet F. Kavinoky, Executive Director, Transportation & Infrastructure, US Chamber of Commerce
Janet F. Kavinoky is a nationally recognized expert in transportation policy, funding, and finance. As executive director in the Chamber’s Congressional and Public Affairs Division, Kavinoky leads all transportation strategy, policy, and lobbying efforts.
Kavinoky is vice president of the Chamber-led Americans for Transportation Mobility (ATM) Coalition, a nationwide effort by business, labor, transportation organizations, and concerned citizens to advocate for improved and increased federal investment in the nation’s aging and overburdened transportation system.
In addition, Kavinoky developed and leads the Chamber’s Let’s Rebuild America (LRA) initiative to raise the profile of infrastructure issues, broaden stakeholder engagement, and create new opportunities for businesses to influence public policy.
Kavinoky was honored by the Journal of Commerce as one of the 10 “most influential people in transportation” in 2010. She is a frequent speaker and panelist at conferences and events across the country.
Before coming to the Chamber, Kavinoky has worked at the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials and served as special assistant to the secretary at the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Kavinoky received her bachelor’s degree in political economy from the University of Wyoming, where she was a Harry S. Truman Scholar. She earned a master’s degree in business administration from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. She is a resident of Washington, D.C., living on Capitol Hill.
Mark Kempton, Project Director, Skanska
In this role, Mark is responsible for the development of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the Western United States and Canada for Skanska, a Fortune Global 500 Company and one of the 10 largest construction companies in the world. Mark identifies and assesses public projects for private partnership potential and then leads those projects through to commercial and financial close, significantly contributing to Skanska’s growth objectives in North America.
Prior to joining Skanska Infrastructure Development, Mr. Kempton was Director of Strategic Performance for Skanska’s heavy civil business unit in North America, supporting the executive team in the development and execution of corporate strategy, including the integration of separately-acquired businesses into Skanska’s best performing business unit during a period of global economic downturn.
Mark has spent 18 years managing private procurement projects, coordinating corporate responses to public policy and leading several strategic initiatives related to federal, state and local government requirements at both Fortune 500 and Fortune 500 Global companies.
Will Kempton, CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority
Kempton, a 36-year veteran of the transportation industry, brings to OCTA a broad understanding of transportation programs and policies that span the ranks of government from local to the federal level.
OCTA’s new CEO brings a deep commitment to public service. Prior to joining Caltrans, Kempton served as assistant city manager for the city of Folsom. Before that, he served on the city’s parks and recreation commission for eight years.
Kempton, 64, began his career at Caltrans in 1973. He worked in various management positions in finance and in the director’s office at Caltrans prior to his appointment as assistant director of legislative and congressional affairs from 1980 to 1985.
Kempton served as executive director of the Santa Clara County Traffic Authority for seven years. From 1992 to 2002, he was a partner at Smith, Kempton & Watts, a transportation consulting and advocacy firm that focused on major infrastructure programs.
One of Kempton’s greatest accomplishments was quickly completing the high-profile reopening of a freeway overpass in Oakland after it closed in 2007 for repairs due to a disaster involving a tanker truck.
Darren Kettle, Executive Director, Ventura County Transportation Commission
Darren is the Executive Director of the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) and the Ventura Council of Governments (VCOG). He started with VCTC in October 2007 and took on the added responsibilities of VCOG in the fall of 2009. In his service to VCTC, Darren leads a small but very capable staff with focused efforts on improved transportation planning to ensure the wise investment of transportation funds then prioritizing those limited transportation funds on a wide range of transportation projects, ranging from major highway projects to bicycle and pedestrian projects and bus and rail projects and operations. The purpose of VCOG is to facilitate cooperative subregional and regional planning, information sharing, coordination and technical assistance on issues of countywide concern. The blending of these two assignments is timely as together VCTC and VCOG will be active in the development of Ventura County’s contribution to Southern California’s sustainable communities plan by bringing both governing bodies together to address jobs, housing, land use, and transportation as required by the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 also known as SB 375.
Darren has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a Masters in Public Administration from California State University, San Bernardino. His professional career spans 23 years of public service for local and regional government and transportation agencies in Southern California.
Tom Kirk, Executive Director, Coachella Valley Association of Governments
Tom Kirk is the Executive Director of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) since June, 2009. Before joining CVAG, Mr. Kirk spent half of his career in the public sector and half in the private sector. He served as Executive Director of the Salton Sea Authority and was a city councilman in the City of La Quinta. He also worked for real estate development companies and for planning/engineering consultancies. Mr. Kirk earned a bachelor’s degree, with honors, in Geography from the University of California, Los Angeles and a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of California at Berkeley where he graduated at the top of his class. He was also a fellow of the University of California Transportation Center and a graduate of the Coro Foundation Public Affairs program.
CVAG is a California joint powers authority made up of the cities of Blythe, Cathedral City, Coachella, Desert Hot Springs, Indian Wells, Indio, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, and Rancho Mirage; the County of Riverside; and two Indian Tribes: Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians and Cabazon Band of Mission Indians.
Art Leahy, CEO, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Arthur T. Leahy, 62, one of the nation’s leading transportation executives who started out as a bus driver in Los Angeles 40 years ago, is the Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro).
Metro is the lead transportation planning and programming agency for the county and funds construction of numerous street, highway and transit improvements running the gamut from bike and pedestrian improvements to new busways and rail lines to freeway carpool lanes and sound walls. He has served in the position since April 2009.
Prior to Metro, Leahy headed the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) from 2001 to 2009 where he oversaw the planning, financing and coordination for Orange County’s freeway, street and transit development as well as managed the 12th busiest bus system in the country along with commuter rail, and paratransit services for the disabled, among other transportation programs.
Leahy spearheaded such major highway projects as the $550 million widening of the Garden Grove Freeway (SR-22) and the current construction of the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) in Buena Park. He also directed OCTA’s purchase and operations of the 91 Express Lanes toll road and aggressive work to widen the Riverside Freeway (SR-91), Southern California’s most-congested highway.
OCTA bus ridership reached record levels during Leahy’s tenure, and he successfully led voter renewal of Orange County’s Measure M, a $12 billion transportation sales tax measure that will fund a variety of local highway and transit projects.
Prior to OCTA, Leahy served as general manager of the transit agency in Minneapolis-St. Paul between 1997 and 2001. Under his leadership, both agencies as well as Leahy, himself, garnered top national transit industry honors. Leahy began his transit career in 1971 driving a bus for the Southern California Rapid Transit District, a predecessor of Metro, while attending college. He worked his way up through the ranks to head operations for Metro, overseeing bus operations and activation of the Metro Blue Line and Metro Red/Purple Line, before taking the Minneapolis chief executive job.
Both of Leahy’s parents and his wife and brother worked for Los Angeles public transit agencies, and he started his transit career in Los Angeles almost four decades ago.
Leahy earned a bachelor-of-arts degree in political science from California State University, Los Angeles and a master’s degree in public administration from USC.
Metro is the third largest public transportation agency in the United States. It has a $3.9 billion annual budget and more than 9,000 employees. It operates approximately 200 bus routes serving a 1,433 square mile service area and five subway and light rail lines that crisscross Los Angeles County. Metro’s total annual bus and rail ridership exceeds 400 million boardings.
Ed Lee, Cofounder, Wahoo’s Fish Tacos
Ed co-founded Wahoo’s Fish Taco with his two brothers in 1988 and has more than 35 years of experience in the restaurant industry. Ed is in charge of overseeing Wahoo’s continued expansion and development on behalf of the company. In addition, Ed actively supports many national and local community-based events and serves as a board member of various non-profit organizations, including Share Our Strength, California Restaurant Association, and Vocational Visions. He has been invited as the guest speaker/panel at various universities including the USC MBA Program, as well as his alma mater, Vanguard and has also been featured in major publications such as OC Register, OC Metro and Restaurant & Industry Magazine. Ed holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business from Vanguard University.
Barry B. LePatner, Founder, LePatner & Associates LLP and author, Too Big to Fall: America’s Failing Infrastructure and the Way Forward
Barry B. LePatner is founder of the New York City-based law firm LePatner & Associates LLP. He is author of Broken Buildings, Busted Budgets: How to Fix America’s Trillion-Dollar Construction Industry (University of Chicago Press, 2007) and Too Big to Fall: America’s Failing Infrastructure and the Way Forward (University Press of New England, 2010).
He recently launched www.SaveOurBridges.com, a site educating the public on the perilous state of the nation’s infrastructure. The site includes an interactive map pinpointing the most dangerous bridges in the U.S.
LePatner has been repeatedly recognized as a Superlawyer and is recognized as one of the nation’s leading advisors to corporate and institutional clients, real estate owners, and design professionals. Mr. LePatner has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe, theNew York Times, Forbes.com, and other prestigious publications. He has appeared on many television and radio broadcasts, including interviews on CNBC, Fox Business Network, and several National Public Radio segments.
A nationally recognized speaker, Mr. LePatner has addressed audiences on topics central to the real estate and construction industries, including events sponsored by the Brookings Institution, Yale University, Syracuse University and several construction industry associations.
Julia Lester, Ph.D., Principal, ENVIRON
Dr. Lester is a Principal at ENVIRON’s Los Angeles office and has over 21 years of air quality experience. She joined ENVIRON in August 2004 after over 14 years at the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). She has a doctorate in Chemical Engineering from CalTech and is a permitting professional certified by SCAQMD and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. Dr. Lester has substantial expertise in the preparation and review of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents, particularly air emission, air quality and health risk assessments. She is leading the air quality, health risk and greenhouse gas assessment portion of the environmental impact assessment of the I-710 Freeway Corridor Project in Southern California; the I-710 freeway is the main goods movement freeway from the largest port complex in the United States. Her experience has given her a broad understanding of air regulatory issues for ports, goods movement sources, local governments, sanitation and waste water utilities, biomass conversion and waste-to-energy facilities, crop and animal agriculture, fugitive dust planning agencies, as well as agencies, jurisdictions, and industries with specialized air regulatory challenges.
Joseph K. Lyou, Ph.D., President & CEO, Coalition for Clean Air
Dr. Joseph K. Lyou is President and CEO of the Coalition for Clean Air, a state-wide organization committed to restoring clean air in California.
Dr. Lyou also serves on the South Coast Air Quality Management District Governing Board, the government agency responsible for air quality for more than 16 million people in the Los Angeles region.
Dr. Lyou has helped California communities with environmental protection and environmental justice issues for more than 20 years. He has held management positions at the California Environmental Rights Alliance, the California League of Conservation Voters Education Fund and the Committee to Bridge the Gap.
Thomas E. Margro, CEO, Transportation Corridor Agencies
Thomas E. Margro joined the Transportation Corridor Agencies as Chief Executive Officer in July 2007. Prior to being selected to head Orange County’s 67-mile toll road system, Margro was the General Manager for the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) in Oakland. Margro began his career at BART in 1990 as Assistant General Manager – Development. Prior to joining BART he held the positions of Assistant General Manager and Chief Engineer at the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority in Philadelphia. He also served as Chief Engineer/Director of Maintenance and Engineering Services for the New Jersey Turnpike Authority.
Tom has a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Syracuse University and a Masters of Science degree in electrical engineering/systems engineering and operations research from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Noel Massie, President, UPS Central California
Noel Massie serves as President for UPS’s Central California District. He is responsible for all operations, customer relationship management, and revenue management of nearly $2 billion annually. The Central California District employs nearly 11,000 employees and serves over 80,000 customers daily. Prior to his current assignment, Noel served as President for UPS’s Chicago, Virginia, and Southeast California districts.
Noel began his career with UPS in 1977 in Oakland, California. He has served in many capacities within the organization. He started in operations and has spent time in engineering, learning and development, and in Atlanta working in UPS’s corporate headquarters. Noel’s various assignments have afforded him the opportunity to work in the eastern, western, northern, and southern parts of the U.S.
During his career, Noel has represented UPS at several notable conferences and summits. In 2009 he was a panel member for the I-10 Corridor Summit, a speaker at the IBA Global Trade Conference, and a panelist for the John Husing Economic Report Card. He served as a panel member for the Ontario, CA Economic Development Conference. And in 2001, as a result of UPS’s work in the Chicago community, Noel worked with members of the White House to shape future legislation regarding welfare reform.
Anne Mayer, Executive Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission
Anne Mayer is the Executive Director for Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC). RCTC is the County’s primary transportation planning and funding agency. She leads an organization with 41 employees and an annual budget exceeding $778 million. RCTC also oversees the Measure A program approved by voters in 1988 and 2002.
Prior to joining RCTC as Deputy Executive Director in May 2005, Anne was the District 8 Director for the California Department of Transportation. As District Director, she was responsible for management of the state highway system in San Bernardino and Riverside counties.
Mayer, who holds a civil engineering degree from Michigan State University, has over 28 years of experience in the public works field.
Daniel E. Mitchell, P.E., Senior Transportation Engineer, City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation
Dan Mitchell is a Senior Transportation Engineer for the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), where he is currently responsible for parking technology and meter operations citywide. Over the past five years, Dan has led the technological overhaul of the City’s 40,000 metered parking spaces, growing the operation from $21 to $48 million in annual revenue. Prior to this assignment, he managed the City’s ATSAC Traffic Management Center, where he was responsible for the daily operation of 3,000 traffic signals. Dan is currently managing the implementation of LA Express Park, an $18.5 million federally-funded program to reduce traffic congestion and pollution in Downtown Los Angeles through demand-based parking pricing and real-time guidance. Dan is a licensed Civil and Traffic Engineer in California with over 15 years of traffic and parking management experience.
Paul Mitchell, Vice President, Political Data, Inc. and Owner, Redistricting Partners
Paul Mitchell is Vice President of Political Data, Inc., and owner of Redistricting Partners – two nationally known leaders in their respective fields. Political Data Inc. is California’s largest provider of voter information to political campaigns, consultants, and pollsters. Redistricting Partners has been contracted by several statewide groups helping them navigate legislative and congressional redistricting and served over 30 local agencies such as cities, community colleges and special districts as they conduct their redistricting.
Paul has a Master’s in Public Policy with a focus on urban planning and econometrics from the University of Southern California, and a BA from American University in Washington DC. For the past 20 years he has been involved in campaigns from San Diego to Marin, California to North Carolina. In 2011-12 he has become a national expert on redistricting, appearing in state and national publications and being featured in a CNN Presents documentary on the state’s new decennial process.
Jim Morris, President, FNX Studios
Jim Morris is a software development consultant at FNX Studios in Bellevue, Washington. Jim specializes in Agile product development, coaching, and the transformation of high performance teams. In 2011 FNX Studios conducted an experiment to learn what challenges exist in developing mobile application across multiple devices. The outcome was Toll Troll, a fun and cathartic little application that helps commuters decide which bridge to take across Lake Washington. Since then people driving between Seattle and Bellevue have been better informed about what Tolls they are paying and how much time they are saving, or not saving, when paying the Toll.
When Jim is not trying to change the world with software, he’s probably at home painting, building ridiculous game furniture, or chasing feral kittens out of the garage.
John Nicoletti, Vice President of Communications, Disneyland Resort
John James Nicoletti is the vice president of Communications at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif. overseeing all communications functions, including media relations, external and internal communications, guest and executive communications, and issues management.
A veteran communications professional with a wide breadth of experience, John joined The Walt Disney Company in 2007 as director, External Communications and Media Relations for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts. He most recently served as vice president, Global Communications for The Walt Disney Studios, where he led the team that managed internal and external communication, oversaw trade and business media relations, executive engagement, issues management, charitable outreach and cross-business opportunities.
Prior to joining The Walt Disney Company, John served as the External Affairs Manager and chief spokesperson for the City of Anaheim managing the advertising, marketing, internal communications, public and media relations for the 10th largest city in California. He has also held key positions with Burson-Marsteller and Ogden Facility Management Corp at the former Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim (now Honda Center).
John gives back to the public relations field by teaching as an adjunct professor at several local universities including University of Southern California, Pepperdine University, California State University, Fullerton and Chapman University.
John earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of California, Los Angeles and a Master of Arts in Communication from Pepperdine University, Malibu.
He, his wife, Annie, and their two children reside in Fullerton, CA.
Nancy Nygren, CEO, Girl Scouts of Orange County
As CEO of the Girl Scouts of Orange County, Nancy is focused on ensuring life-changing experiences for girls across Orange County and advancing the community’s understanding and appreciation of the value, importance and relevancy of Girl Scouting. Serving as CEO since 2005, Nancy champions leadership opportunities for over 23,000 Girl Scouts and training for more than 10,000 active volunteers across every zip code and neighborhood in Orange County. She has achieved extraordinary growth and increased revenue during her tenure, pairing an entrepreneurial spirit with a culture of discipline to build a constructive and collaborative culture where staff members are aligned around a clearly defined vision: to create the best leadership development experiences for all girls in Orange County.
Nygren has effectively implemented strategies at Girl Scouts that address a changing market, including cultural, systems, and process analyses. Her forward-thinking philosophies have shaped an enhanced business model that optimizes both the quality and quantity of leadership opportunities the Council’s Girl Scouts receive. Nygren was recently honored as one of the Orange County Business Journal’s top Women in Business.
Nygren came to the Girl Scouts of Orange County with a vision that non-profits must embrace and integrate corporate best practices to thrive. Nancy’s career began in the aerospace industry where she was responsible for business development, project planning and operations, including the development of a winning proposal that yielded tens of millions of dollars of contracts. Prior to joining Girl Scouts, Nancy effectively led the design, construction and financing of OCEAN JOURNEY, a $93 million aquarium facility in Denver, Colorado and developed a regional center for science, art and culture as CEO of the Naval Training Center Foundation.
Hon. Pam O’Connor, Councilmember, City of Santa Monica
Councilmember Pam O’Connor creates policies and partnerships that enhance community livability by integrating transportation and land use policies with environmental sustainability and economic vitality. She has served on the Council since 1994 and been Mayor three times.
Councilmember O’Connor’s special interest combines transportation and sustainability. Her leadership in environmental sustainability was recognized by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors when she was awarded the inaugural Chair’s Award for Green Leadership in 2008.
A member of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) she initiated the agency’s first Sustainability Plan. Metro is the transportation agency that plans, coordinates, designs, builds and operates transportation/transit the US’s most populous county. On the Metro Board Councilmember O’Connor represents the cities of the South Bay and Westside areas of Los Angeles County. She is also a member of the Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority Board, which oversees planning and construction of Light Rail from downtown Los Angeles to downtown Santa Monica. In 2010 Ms. O’Connor was recognized as one of the 25 Most Influential Women in Transportation in Southern California by the Women’s Transportation Seminar.
Councilmember O’Connor is President of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), the metropolitan planning organization for the six county (Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura and Imperial) area of Southern California where she is leading the SCAG Regional Council in the adaption of the region’s first Sustainable Communities Strategy. Ms. O’Connor also serves as an alternate member on the California Coastal Commission.
Councilmember O’Connor works with cities throughout the world on environmental, sustainability and climate issues as a member of the Executive Committee of ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability. She is a member of the Board of Directors for the Local Government Commission and the California Transit Association. She also participates on policy issues with the National League of Cities (NLC) and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).
As a professional urban planning consultant, Ms. O’Connor specializes in historic preservation and has worked on significant historic buildings throughout Southern California including the Los Angeles City Hall Seismic Rehabilitation, and at campuses including the University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California, California State University campuses, and Occidental College. Her expertise includes environmental review of potential historic resources under local, state and federal regulations. Other positions have included: Director of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Northridge Earthquake recovery partnership program; Planner for the City of Pasadena, and Research Associate at the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan.
Councilmember O’Connor holds Masters’ degrees in Planning and in Technology Management from Eastern Michigan University and a B.S. in Communications from Southern Illinois University.
Nancy Pfeffer, President, Network Public Affairs
Nancy Pfeffer, President of Network Public Affairs, provides public policy analysis and communications services to public and private sector clients, focusing on environmental and transportation issues. Current and past clients include the Gateway Cities Council of Governments, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, and the Transportation Research Board. Her current work focuses on regional planning and land use issues, including greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and environmental justice analyses for major regional transportation projects. She serves on the boards of the Pacific Gateway Workforce Investment Network and FuturePorts. Before founding NPA, she spent seven years working for the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), and previously worked in environmental policy and compliance for ARCO, an integrated oil company, and Martin Marietta, an aerospace company that is now part of Lockheed Martin. She has a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the University of Southern California School of Policy, Planning & Development and a Bachelor’s degree from Harvard.
Michael W. Pompay, President & Corporate Secretary, MMFX Technologies Corporation
Mr. Pompay oversees the operations and strategic corporate development for MMFX Technologies Corporation and its subsidiaries. His managerial responsibilities include strategic planning, market development, finance, legal, and implementation of the business plan. The corporation’s prime directive is to expand the business through sales growth, strategic partnering, and technology licensing.
With senior-level management experience across multiple disciplines, Mr. Pompay joined MMFX in 2002. Since then, he has served as the company’s Chief Financial Officer, Registered In-house Counsel and Corporate Secretary, during which he specialized in negotiating complex strategic and financial business transactions.
Prior to MMFX, Mr. Pompay was Chief Financial Officer and In-house Counsel for Atopix Pharmaceuticals Corporation, an early-stage pharmaceuticals company based in California. That followed his tenure at Ayco Company, L.P., a major financial firm with offices nationwide, where he worked as a financial strategist for individual and business accounts.
Mr. Pompay holds a J.D. from Albany Law School – Union University and a B.S. in finance with an accounting concentration from Siena College.
Hon. Curt Pringle, President, Curt Pringle & Associates and Former Mayor, City of Anaheim
Curt Pringle is president of Curt Pringle & Associates, a land use, public relations and government affairs consulting firm, serving clients throughout California for over 10 years.
Mr. Pringle served as a member of the California State Assembly from 1988-1990, and 1992-1998. On January 4, 1996, he was elected Speaker of the Assembly, and is the longest serving Republican Speaker in nearly forty years.
In 2002, Mr. Pringle was elected Mayor of Anaheim. He served two terms, leaving in 2010. His belief in market‐based government policies and dedication to property owners and local businesses strengthened the economic vitality of the city.
Additionally, Mr. Pringle served on the Orange County Transportation Authority, and in 2005 he championed the purchase of land from the county to develop the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC).
From 2006 until 2011 Mr. Pringle served on the California High Speed Rail Authority board and from 2009 to 2011 served as its Chairman. Under Mr. Pringle’s leadership, the High Speed Rail Authority took significant steps to prepare for ground breaking of the first construction segment.
Mr. Pringle has a passion for navigating the political process on a state and local level. He is a respected state leader and a trusted third party sought after for strategic counsel and action.
Matt Raymond, Principal, Celtis Ventures
Matt Raymond has thrived in marketing and communications for the past 25 years. He’s promoted public transportation in Denver, Dallas and Los Angeles. Matt spent the last decade as chief communications officer for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority where he led one of the most aggressive rebranding efforts the transportation world has seen. His work was featured in Communication Arts and Fast Company and led Metro to be the first public agency ever to receive the global “Rebrand” award – the highest international recognition for excellence in brand transformation and repositioning. Matt also initiated and led the effort to pass Measure R – a 2008 transportation sales tax for Los Angeles County. Matt departed Metro to create Celtis Ventures a full service marketing and communications firm specializing in public brand management.
Hon. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), Congressman, U.S. House of Representatives
Throughout his ten-year career in the House, Congressman Bill Shuster has proven himself to be a leader on local and national issues, and an outspoken advocate for the people of the 9th Congressional District in Washington, DC.
Shuster is the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. This subcommittee is one of the most important transportation subcommittees in the House due to its jurisdiction over everything involving rail transportation, from AMTRAK passenger to freight and cargo rail, employee contracts, and rail security.
He also serves on the House Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee Emerging Threats and Capabilities, which provides him with valuable insight into the Global War on Terror and how our military should transform to meet emerging threats.
Shuster also has experience as a small business owner. Prior to his arrival in Congress, Shuster owned and operated an automobile dealership, in East Freedom, Pennsylvania.
He received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History from Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pa. Shortly thereafter he earned a Masters of Business Administration from American University in Washington, D.C.
Congressman Shuster resides in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania with his wife and two children.
Paul Simon, M.D., MPH, Director, Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Dr. Paul Simon is the Director of the Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LAC DPH) and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the UCLA School of Public Health. Dr. Simon received his MD from the University of Michigan School of Medicine and his MPH in Epidemiology from the UCLA School of Public Health. He is board certified in pediatrics and preventive medicine. He completed a two-year fellowship in field epidemiology with the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS Program) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1992 and then served as a Medical Epidemiologist in CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, assigned to the Los Angeles County HIV Epidemiology Program from 1992-1998. From 1998-2006 he was the Director of the Office of Health Assessment and Epidemiology in the LAC DPH. In his current position, he oversees the Tobacco Control and Prevention Program, Nutrition Program, Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health Program, Policies for Livable Active Communities and Environments (PLACE) Program, Office of Senior Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Program, and three CDC-funded projects addressing obesity, tobacco use, and chronic disease prevention.
Nick Sramek, Secretary, Port of Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners
Nick Sramek is a member of the Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners, appointed in July 2007 to a six-year term by Mayor Bob Foster. He was elected to two consecutive one-year terms as President by his Board colleagues following a year serving as Vice President.
Mr. Sramek served on the City of Long Beach Planning Commission for seven years prior to his Harbor Commission appointment, and he has worked for 25 years with The Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo where he is a Senior Project Leader. He is a senior member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
He takes an active role in the West Long Beach neighborhood where he has lived most of his life and he and his family still reside. He graduated from Long Beach Poly High School, served in the U.S. Army and earned both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering from California State University, Long Beach.
Shane D. Stephens-Romero, Ph.D., Manager of Research Development and External Relations, UCI National Fuel Cell Research Center
Dr. Shane D. Stephens-Romero is a Senior Scientist and Manager of Research Development and External Relations for the Advanced Power and Energy Program (APEP) at the University of California, Irvine. His work involves coordination with government agencies, industrial partners, and academic institutions around research conducted at APEP, which focuses on sustainable power generation and transportation systems. As part of his research efforts, Shane played a key role in the development of the STREET planning tool, which analyzes the energy and environment impacts of alternative transportation fuels. He has also served as a White House Intern, is the recipient of a fellowship from the Newkirk Center for Science and Society, and of a Public Impact fellowship from UC Irvine. Shane holds a PhD in Engineering from the University of California, Irvine and a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Vassar College.
Jonathan M. Tisch, Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Loews Corporation, Chairman, Loews Hotels
Jonathan M. Tisch is Co-Chairman of the Board of Loews Corporation, one of the largest diversified holding companies in the United States, and Chairman of its subsidiary, Loews Hotels.
He is the author of three best-selling books, The Power of We: Succeeding Through Partnerships, Chocolates on the Pillow Aren’t Enough: Reinventing the Customer Experience, and Citizen You: Doing Your Part to Change the World. Tisch hosts the Emmy-nominated “Beyond the Boardroom with Jonathan Tisch” television series, airing on Bloomberg Television worldwide and Plum TV, where Tisch goes one-on-one with the nation’s leading CEOs.
Tisch is widely recognized as a passionate advocate on behalf of the multi-billion dollar travel and tourism industry. He founded and served as Chairman of the Travel Business Roundtable until 2008, and now serves as Chairman Emeritus of its successor organization, the United States Travel Association. He is also committed to a vibrant tourism industry in New York City, where for nearly six years he served as Chairman of NYC & Company, the city’s official tourism marketing agency and convention and visitors bureau.
Tisch is a champion of corporate responsibility and his community and philanthropic activities are extensive. He served as the Vice Chairman of The Welfare to Work Partnership, and currently serves on the Board of Trustees for Tufts University, where he is also the naming benefactor of the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service. He is also on the Board of the Tribeca Film Institute and serves on the Board and is the Treasurer of the 2007 and 2011 Super Bowl Champions New York Football Giants.
Gary Toebben, President & CEO, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
Gary L. Toebben oversees the workings of the Chamber, ensuring that the organization champions initiatives contributing to the economic prosperity and quality of life of the businesses and citizens of Los Angeles. Since taking the helm of the Chamber in July 2006, Toebben has been a tireless advocate for the business community. Toebben has served on the Mayor’s L.A. Economy & Jobs Committee, the L.A. County Health Care Options Task Force and the City Council’s Business Retention & Attraction Task Force. He has championed local and state ballot initiatives on transportation and economic development and represented the Chamber as one of four co-sponsors of Proposition 11 to create a citizen commission to redistrict California after each census. He is highly involved in statewide business groups including the CalChamber and a coalition of regional economic development associations spanning the entire state. Each year, Toebben co-leads the region’s largest consensus advocacy trip to Washington, D.C.
Prior to joining the L.A. Area Chamber, Toebben served as President of the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce for nearly a decade. Toebben began his chamber career in 1975 at the North Platte, Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, and from 1981 to 1999 he served as President of the Lawrence, Kansas Chamber of Commerce.
Toebben has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) in 2003 and is currently a member of the ACCE Board of Trustees. He is a graduate of the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North Carolina; Institute for Organization Management at the University of Colorado and the Academy for Organization management at Notre Dame University. Toebben is a past Chairman of the Board of Regents for the University of Colorado Institute for Organization Management, the Kansas Chamber of Commerce Executives, the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce Executives, the Kansas Industrial Developers Assn, the Western Nebraska United Chambers of Commerce and the Nebraska State Tourism Advisory Board.
Toebben holds a B.S. in mathematics from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. He and his wife Janice, who is a vice president with US Bank, have four children ages 30-35 years old.
Stephanie Wiggins, Executive Officer for Metro ExpressLanes Demo Project, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Stephanie Wiggins serves as the Executive Officer and Project Director of the LA County Congestion Reduction Program for LA Metro. She has over 17 years experience working for transportation agencies. She recently served as the Regional Programs Director for the Riverside County Transportation Commission and oversaw transit, commuter rail, rideshare, goods movement, programming, legislation, and rail capital projects. She has a BA from Whittier College and MBA from University of Southern California. And is a member of the Transportation Research Board Congestion Pricing Committee.
Ray Wolfe, Ph.D., Executive Director, San Bernardino Associated Governments
Dr. Raymond Wolfe is the Executive Director of San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), the Council of Governments and Transportation Authority for San Bernardino County. He joined SANBAG in April, 2012, after spending more than 20 years with Caltrans, the California Department of Transportation. For the past 3 ½ years, Dr. Wolfe has been Director of Caltrans’ District 8, which serves both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.
Dr. Wolfe received his Doctorate in Civil Engineering from the University of Southern California, a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Southern California. He is a Registered Civil Engineer and a Registered Mechanical Engineer in the State of California. As the Executive Director of SANBAG, he manages a Budget of $738 Million for the current Fiscal Year 2012-2013. Funds are used to assist in development of regional transportation policies, plan, design, and build freeway improvements, bridges, and railroad crossings, operate and expand commuter rail and transit services countywide, manage air quality programs and freeway service patrol, implement alternative fuel and energy programs, and advocate for countywide interests at State and Federal levels. Dr. Raymond Wolfe is the Executive Director of San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), the Council of Governments and Transportation Authority for San Bernardino County. He joined SANBAG in April, 2012, after spending more than 20 years with Caltrans, the California Department of Transportation. For the past 3 ½ years, Dr. Wolfe has been Director of Caltrans’ District 8, which serves both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.
Dr. Wolfe is married and has three young children.
Award Winners
Hon. Barbara Boxer, Chair, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
A forceful advocate for families, children, consumers, the environment and her State of California, Barbara Boxer became a United States Senator in January 1993 after 10 years of service in the House of Representatives and six years on the Marin County Board of Supervisors. In November 2010, she was reelected to her fourth term in the Senate.
A national leader on environmental protection, Senator Boxer is the first woman to chair the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW). She is a powerful advocate for clean air and water and has been leading efforts in the Senate to craft a 21st century transportation policy for the United States.
Senator Boxer also chairs the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, making her the only sitting Senator to chair two Senate committees. She is a senior member of the Senate Commerce Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where she chairs the first subcommittee ever to focus on global women’s issues.
Senator Boxer is also a member of the Democratic leadership in the Senate, serving as the Chief Deputy Whip since 2005.
As Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, she secured passage of the Water Resources Development Act, which authorized $1.3 billion for 54 flood control, ecosystem restoration and navigation projects in California. The bill had languished for six years until she led the fight to pass it and override a veto by President George W. Bush.
In 2010, Senator Boxer led the bipartisan effort in the Senate to extend the Highway Trust Fund, which helped protect 1 million jobs in transportation nationwide.
Senator Boxer has won numerous awards for her efforts to create a cleaner, healthier environment and for her dedicated work to address the threats of climate change. She has fought to remove arsenic from drinking water and authored an amendment ensuring that drinking water standards protect children. She has led efforts in Congress to protect California’s coast from offshore oil drilling and fought to end the unethical use of human subjects in pesticide testing by federal agencies.
A champion of quality public education, Senator Boxer wrote landmark legislation establishing the first-ever federal funding for afterschool programs. Her law now covers 1.7 million children. She continues to work to expand afterschool programs nationwide as chair of the Senate Afterschool Caucus.
To ensure that generations of Californians will be able to enjoy our natural heritage, Senator Boxer wrote laws designating more than 1 million acres of California wilderness. Boxer also authored the California Missions Preservation Act to protect and restore California’s 21 historic missions, and led the effort in the Senate to create the Manzanar National Historic Site.
To protect children from dangerous toys, Boxer authored a provision in the 2008 Consumer Product Safety Commission Law requiring children’s products sold over the Internet to list cautionary warnings in their advertisements. She has also led efforts to protect children from lead and other dangerous chemicals.
Senator Boxer is a champion of airline passengers’ rights, and her legislation with Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) to protect passengers from being stuck on planes for hours without food, water or access to restrooms became the centerpiece of Department of Transportation rules that have reduced tarmac delays nationwide.
In 2010, she founded the Senate Military Family Caucus to help address the challenges faced by families of U.S. service members who sacrifice so much for our country. She worked to establish the West Coast Combat Care Center in San Diego to ensure that severely wounded service members in the West have access to the highest quality care. She also helped create the Defense Task Force on Mental Health and secured millions in federal funding to improve medical care for severely burned soldiers.
A strong proponent of life-saving medical research, Senator Boxer wrote bipartisan legislation to accelerate America’s contribution to combat global HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.
A leading defender of a woman’s right to choose, Senator Boxer helped lead the floor fight for passage of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. She continues to lead efforts to stop extremists in Congress from attacking women’s health and a woman’s right to privacy.
In 2010, she wrote a measure to end taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street by ensuring that financial firms – not taxpayers – will pay all the costs of liquidating failing Wall Street firms. She also co-wrote legislation to increase lending to small businesses through community banks.
Senator Boxer has worked to revitalize the economy by supporting targeted tax cuts, a permanent Research and Development tax credit, accelerated depreciation of new business equipment, and tax credits for broadband investments focused on rural and underserved areas. She co-authored the bipartisan “Invest in the USA Act of 2004,” which provided tax incentives for U.S. companies to bring overseas profits back home to create jobs and spur economic growth.
To help homeowners, Senator Boxer wrote a measure requiring that homeowners be alerted within 30 days if their lender sells or transfers their home mortgage loan. She wrote a bipartisan measure to ensure that banks cannot act as real estate brokers to prevent conflicts of interest.
In response to the September 11th attacks, Senator Boxer wrote the law requiring that air marshals be on board high-risk flights and the law allowing airline pilots with special training to carry guns in the cockpit.
She is the author of the Syria Accountability Act, which strengthened sanctions against Syria over the country’s support for terrorism. She also wrote a bipartisan measure to ensure that POWs who died in captivity would be eligible to receive the Purple Heart.
Senator Boxer joined colleagues to pass the 1994 Crime Bill, which led to the lowest crime rate in 25 years. She has worked to fund anti-gang programs, pass the Violence Against Women Law (VAWA), and the Community Policy “COPS” Program. Her bill to prevent the criminal use of personal information obtained through motor vehicle records was signed into law and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. She has authored the Violence Against Children Act, based on the successful Violence Against Women Act.
Senator Barbara Boxer met her husband of 48 years, Stewart Boxer, at Brooklyn College. The couple moved to California in 1965 to raise their two children, Doug and Nicole. They have been blessed with four grandchildren—Zachary, Zain, Sawyer and Reyna.
Deborah Barmack, Former Executive Director, San Bernardino Associated Governments
Deborah Barmack served the people of San Bernardino County for more than 41 years, including 20 years with the County of San Bernardino and 21 years with San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG).
Mrs. Barmack served as SANBAG’s Director of Management Services during her first 17 years and then as Executive Director from 2007 until 2011, when she retired from SANBAG.
She joined SANBAG at the time Measure I, the 1/2 cent sales tax measure for transportation, took effect and was involved throughout the Measure’s 20-year life, which brought in $1.8 billion to San Bernardino County for transportation improvements.
Deborah Barmack was subsequently involved in the successful campaign to renew Measure I for an additional 30 years, from 2010-2040, to provide for our region’s prosperity through continued investment in transportation infrastructure.
During her tenure at SANBAG, Deborah Barmack helped build a foundation of transportation, transit, goods movement, and good government that will serve the region for decades to come.
On the occasion of Deborah Barmack’s retirement, the SANBAG Board of Directors commended and applauded her leadership, dedication, and commitment to the community during her 41 years of exemplary public service.
Hon. Bill Campbell, Supervisor, County of Orange
Supervisor Bill Campbell and his wife Mary have been residents of Villa Park for over 25 years. They have three sons, Patrick, Chris and Brian. The Campbell family has always been very active in their community, including Indian Guides, Boy Scouts, Youth Soccer, and St. Norbert’s Parish in Orange.
As a member of the OCTA Board of Directors, Director Campbell serves as Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee and Vice Chair of the Transportation 2020 Committee. Director Campbell also is a member of the following committees: Executive Committee, State Route 91 Advisory, Riverside Orange Corridor Authority (ROCA), and the Security Working Group.
Director Campbell founded BIMA Corporation, a franchisee of Taco Bell. He was a founding member of the Franchise Management Advisory Council with Taco Bell, which helped foster a spirit of working together between franchisees and the Taco Bell Corporation. The Campbell family sold BIMA in 2000. Prior to forming BIMA, Assemblyman Campbell worked for Clabir Corporation, Rockwell International, NATEC and TRW systems.
A native Southern Californian, Director Campbell was born in Los Angeles and raised in Pico Rivera. He received his Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering at Loyola Marymount University and his Master of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. He is a member of the Orange Chapter of Legatus and a former member of the Young Presidents’ Organization where he served on the International Board of Directors for four years. Director Campbell is also a member of both the Harvard Business School and the Loyola Marymount Alumni Associations and served on the Loyola Alumni Board.
Director Campbell served in the California State Assembly from 1996 to 2002 representing the Seventy-First Assembly District, which included Orange, Villa Park, Tustin, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Mission Viejo, Lake Forest, Irvine, Rancho Santa Margarita and much of Southern Orange County. As a member of the Assembly, he was the Minority Leader, Vice Chairman of the Appropriations Committee and was a member of the Education, Banking and Finance, and Utilities and Commerce Committees.
Assemblyman Campbell had 32 bills signed into law, including the Children’s Internet Protection Act, a $400,000 grant for the Trabuco Canyon Bike Trail in Southern Orange County and a Manufacturers Investment Tax Credit. In 1999 he was instrumental in passing legislation to fund the statewide eradication and control of the Red Imported Fire Ant infestation occurring in California.
Director Campbell is a member of the Children’s Services Coordination Committee, In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority, Library Advisory Board, MCAS El Toro Local Redevelopment Authority, Orange County Council of Governments, Orange County Housing Authority Board, South Orange County Public Financing Authority, Southern California Water Committee, Vice Chairman of the Transportation Corridor-Eastern/Foothill, and as a member of the Transportation Corridor-San Joaquin Hills. He is also an alternate member of the Film Commission and the Orange County Fire Authority.
Director Campbell was elected in 2003 and reelected in 2004 and represents the Third Supervisorial District which includes the cities of Irvine, Tustin, Orange, Villa Park, Yorba Linda, Brea, the unincorporated communities of North Tustin and Orange Park Acres and much of the canyon areas of southeastern Orange County.
Fran Inman, Commissioner, California Transportation Commission and Majestic Realty
Fran Inman directs all government relations and community affairs activities for Majestic Realty Co., one of the nation’s largest privately-held, family-owned real estate development companies. With a real estate portfolio totaling approximately 70 million square feet of commercial properties, Majestic Realty has offices in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Bethlehem, Dallas, Denver and Las Vegas.
Inman is recognized as a leader in the push to improve the nation’s failing transportation infrastructure. Her leadership and dedication are evidenced in tackling some of the nation’s toughest challenges relating to mobility, air quality and competitiveness in a global world.
As immediate past chair of the board of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce and the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership, Inman has served on numerous statewide and regional goods movement committees. She has served on the California Transportation Commission, Public Infrastructure Advisory Commission, Coalition of America’s Gateway and Trade Corridors, California’s Goods Movement Action Plan Integration Committee, and the Joint Mayors’ of Los Angeles/Long Beach Goods Movement Task Force. She is vice chair of California Business Properties Association (CBPA), founding board member of FuturePorts and a member of Inland Action.
A graduate of California State University, Fullerton, Inman holds both a bachelor of arts and a masters of business administration in finance.
Hon. Pam O’Connor, Councilmember, City of Santa Monica
Councilmember Pam O’Connor creates policies and partnerships that enhance community livability by integrating transportation and land use policies with environmental sustainability and economic vitality. She has served on the Council since 1994 and been Mayor three times.
Councilmember O’Connor’s special interest combines transportation and sustainability. Her leadership in environmental sustainability was recognized by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors when she was awarded the inaugural Chair’s Award for Green Leadership in 2008.
A member of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) she initiated the agency’s first Sustainability Plan. Metro is the transportation agency that plans, coordinates, designs, builds and operates transportation/transit the US’s most populous county. On the Metro Board Councilmember O’Connor represents the cities of the South Bay and Westside areas of Los Angeles County. She is also a member of the Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority Board, which oversees planning and construction of Light Rail from downtown Los Angeles to downtown Santa Monica. In 2010 Ms. O’Connor was recognized as one of the 25 Most Influential Women in Transportation in Southern California by the Women’s Transportation Seminar.
Councilmember O’Connor is President of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), the metropolitan planning organization for the six county (Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura and Imperial) area of Southern California where she is leading the SCAG Regional Council in the adaption of the region’s first Sustainable Communities Strategy. Ms. O’Connor also serves as an alternate member on the California Coastal Commission.
Councilmember O’Connor works with cities throughout the world on environmental, sustainability and climate issues as a member of the Executive Committee of ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability. She is a member of the Board of Directors for the Local Government Commission and the California Transit Association. She also participates on policy issues with the National League of Cities (NLC) and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).
As a professional urban planning consultant, Ms. O’Connor specializes in historic preservation and has worked on significant historic buildings throughout Southern California including the Los Angeles City Hall Seismic Rehabilitation, and at campuses including the University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California, California State University campuses, and Occidental College. Her expertise includes environmental review of potential historic resources under local, state and federal regulations. Other positions have included: Director of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Northridge Earthquake recovery partnership program; Planner for the City of Pasadena, and Research Associate at the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan.
Councilmember O’Connor holds Masters’ degrees in Planning and in Technology Management from Eastern Michigan University and a B.S. in Communications from Southern Illinois University.
Cindy T. Quon, Former Director, Caltrans District 12
Cindy Quon has 35 years of professional experience with the Civil Engineering industry, 33+ years with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and 1.5 years with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA).
Ms. Quon embarked on her long and distinguished transportation career in 1979 as a Junior Civil Engineer with Caltrans in Los Angeles. Through the years, she has demonstrated her sincere commitment to public service and worked on a wide range of complex transportation assignments from highway design, construction, A&E contracting and oversight, project management, transportation financing and capital program delivery to her most recent position in 2001, as the Caltrans District Director for District 12 responsible for Orange County.
As the District Director, Ms. Quon served as the owner and operator responsible for the state highway and freeway system in Orange County. Under her leadership, District 12 provided a well maintained and efficiently operated transportation facility, and sustained a highly successful annual 100% capital project delivery record since 2004. Many of those projects were award winning projects, such as the I-5 Gateway freeway widening project.
Ms. Quon has honorably served as the ex-officio member on the Orange County Transportation Authority Board and the Transportation Corridor Agency Boards for 11 years; and the State Route 91 Advisory Committee and the Riverside Orange County Corridor Authority for 8 years, providing her expertise to meet the growing transportation needs of Orange County.
Most notably, Ms. Quon is known to her ability to forge strong partnerships with key transportation stakeholders and successfully deliver high quality, innovative transportation projects for the users of the state and local transportation system. Ms. Quon stresses the importance of “Promises Made – Promises kept”.
Hon. Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Mayor, City of Los Angeles and Board Member, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors
Antonio Villaraigosa is the Mayor of Los Angeles. As a labor leader, civic leader and elected official, he’s led the fight to improve schools, protect the rights of working people, improve mobility and public transit options and make neighborhoods safer, better places to live. In 1994, Villaraigosa was elected to the State Assembly, and just four years later, he was elected Speaker.
In that position, he earned praise for building broad, bipartisan coalitions to make progress on important issues such as public schools, an assault weapons ban, and health care for California’s children. After running for mayor of Los Angeles in 2001, he became a distinguished fellow at UCLA and USC. In 2003, Villaraigosa was elected to the Los Angeles City Council, representing communities in eastside and northeast Los Angeles. He was elected mayor in May 2005 and sworn in on July 1, 2005. Villaraigosa was sworn in for his second term as mayor in
July 2009.
Mayor Villaraigosa has led the fight to keep Los Angeles one of the safest big cities in the nation by keeping the police force strong and crime at historic lows.
Together with transportation leaders throughout Los Angeles County, Mayor Villaraigosa led the effort to pass a once-in-a-generation investment in the mass transit system of Los Angeles. With the passage of Measure R, LA County is poised to invest $40 billion in new rail, transit and highways. Mayor Villaraigosa is currently serving his third term as chairman of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Demonstrating his commitment to the students of Los Angeles and to school reform, Mayor Villaraigosa has brought the education community together to increase the cap on charter schools, support Public School Choice, and create a better variety of options for LA students and families. He founded The Partnership for Los Angeles Schools, one of the largest school turnaround projects in the country that serves over 20,000 students across 21 schools in some of the city’s most
challenging neighborhoods.
Under the Mayor’s leadership, Los Angeles has reached critical environmental milestones such as the implementation of the Clean Truck Program, sourcing 20 percent of its energy from renewable resources and operating the largest municipal CNG fleet in the United States.
Mayor Villaraigosa is currently President of the United States Conference of Mayors.
2012 Summit award videos generously sponsored by MBI
Transportation Vanguard Award
Senator Barbara Boxer
Transportation Visionary Award
Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa
Public Sector Leader of the Year
Hon. Pam O’Connor
Private Sector Leader of the Year
Fran Inman
Thank you to our 2012 Honorary Host Committee Members for their support of transportation!
Hon. Steve Adams
Councilmember, City of Riverside
Hon. Peter Aguilar
Mayor, City of Redlands
Bob Alvarado
Commissioner, California Transportation Commission
Hon. Jerry Amante
Councilmember, City of Tustin
Hon. Michael Antonovich
Supervisor, County of Los Angeles
Hon. Joe Baca
Representative, U.S. House of Representatives
Hon. Lisa A. Bartlett
Councilmember, City of Dana Point
Hon. Patricia Bates
Supervisor, County of Orange, 5th District
Hon. Glen T. Becerra
Councilmember, City of Simi Valley
Hon. Robert Blumenfield
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Hon. Mary Bono Mack
Representative, U.S. House of Representatives
Hon. Bob Botts
Councilmember, City of Banning
Hon. Yvonne Burke
Commissioner, California Transportation Commission
Hon. Joe Buscaino
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Betsy Butler
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Hon. Ronald Calderon
Senator, California State Senate
Hon. Bill Campbell
Supervisor, County of Orange, 3rd District
Hon. Tony Cárdenas
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Carolyn Cavecche
Mayor, City of Orange
Hon. Marcelo Co
Councilmember, City of Moreno Valley
Hon. Ginger Coleman
Mayor Pro Tem, Town of Apple Valley
Hon. Mary Craton
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Canyon Lake
Hon. Jack Dale
Councilmember, City of Santee
Hon. Diane DuBois
Mayor, City of Lakewood
Lucy Dunn
Commissioner, California Transportation Commission
James Earp
Commissioner, California Alliance for Jobs
Hon. Bill Emmerson
Senator, California State Senate
Hon. Mitchell Englander
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Mike Feuer
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Thomas Fields
Vice President, Port of Long Beach Harbor Commissioners
Dario Frommer
Commissioner, California Transportation Commission
Hon. Ron Garcia
Councilmember, City of Brea
Hon. Bert Hack
Councilmember, City of Laguna Woods
Hon. Curt Hagman
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Hon. Isadore Hall
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Hon. Don Hansen
Mayor, City of Huntington Beach
Hon. Don Hansen
Mayor, City of Huntington Beach
Hon. Terry Henderson
Mayor Pro Tem, City of La Quinta
Hon. Peter Herzog
Councilmember, City of Lake Forest
Hon. Bob Huff
Senator, California State Senate
Hon. José Huizar
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Jim Hyatt
Councilmember, City of Calimesa
Fran Inman
Commissioner, California Transportation Commission
Hon. Jim Janney
Mayor, City of Imperial Beach
Hon. James Johnson
Councilmember, City of Long Beach
Hon. Richard Katz
Chair, Metrolink
Hon. Don Knabe
Supervisor, County of Los Angeles
Hon. Paul Koretz
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Paul Krekorian
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Beth Krom
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Irvine
Hon. Tom LaBonge
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Paula Lantz
Councilmember, City of Pomona
Hon. Kathy Long
Supervisor, County of Ventura
Ronald Loveridge
Mayor, City of Riverside
Hon. Bonnie Lowenthal
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Dr. Joseph Lyou
Board Member, South Coast AQMD
Hon. Allan Mansoor
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Hon. Scott Matas
Councilmember, City of Desert Hot Springs
Hon. Larry McCallon
Mayor, City of Highland
Hon. Marsha McLean
Councilmember, City of Santa Clarita
Hon. Barbara A. Messina
Vice Mayor, City of Alhambra
Mike Miles
Director, Caltrans, District 7
Hon. Gary Miller
Representative, U.S. House of Representatives
Hon. Keith Millhouse
Councilmember, City of Moorpark
Cindy Miscikowski
President, Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners
Hon. Judith Mitchell
Councilmember, City of Rolling Hills Estates
Hon. Judy Mitchell
Councilmember, City of Rolling Hills Estates
Hon. Brad Mitzelfelt
Supervisor, County of San Bernardino
Hon. John Moorlach
Supervisor, County of Orange, 2nd District
Hon. Carl Morehouse
Councilmember, City of San Buenaventura
Hon. Patrick Morris
Mayor, City of San Bernardino
Hon. Ara Najarian
Councilmember, City of Glendale
Hon. Steven Neal
Councilmember, City of Long Beach
Hon. Gloria Negrete McLeod
Senator, California State Senate
Hon. Shawn Nelson
Supervisor, County of Orange
Hon. Brian Nestande
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Hon. Pam O’Connor
Councilmember, City Of Santa Monica
Hon. Edward Paget
Mayor, City of Needles
Hon. Bernard C. Parks
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Fran Pavley
Senator, California State Senate
Hon. Greg Pettis
Councilmember, City of Cathedral City
Hon. Lupe Ramos Watson
Councilmember, City of Indio
Syed Raza
Acting Director, Caltrans, District 8
Hon. Ed P. Reyes
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Mark Ridley-Thomas
Supervisor, County of Los Angeles
Hon. Ron Roberts
Councilmember, City of Temecula
Hon. Ronald Roberts
Councilmember, City of Temecula
Hon. Deborah Robertson
Councilmember, City of Rialto
Hon. Bill Rosendahl
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Lucille Roybal-Allard
Representative, U.S. House of Representatives
Hon. Janice Rutherford
Supervisor, County of San Bernardino
Hon. Loretta Sanchez
Representative, U.S. House of Representatives
Hon. Adam Schiff
Representative, U.S. House of Representatives
Hon. Cameron Smyth
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Hon. Jose Solorio
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Hon. Karen Spiegel
Councilmember, City of Corona
Hon. Jerome Stocks
Mayor, City of Encinitas
Hon. Jess Talamantes
Councilmember, City of Burbank
Joseph Tavaglione
Chair, California Transportation Commission
Hon. John Tavaglione
Supervisor, County of Riverside, 2nd District
Hon. Jack Terrazas
Supervisor, County of Imperial
Hon. Norma Torres
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Hon. Juan Vargas
Senator, California State Senate
Hon. Antonio Villaraigosa
Mayor, City Of Los Angeles
Hon. Donald Wagner
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Hon. Mimi Walters
Senator, California State Senate
Hon. Alan Wapner
Councilmember, City of Ontario
Hon. Henry Waxman
Representative, U.S. House of Representatives
Hon. Ed Wilson
Councilmember, City of Signal Hill
Gregory Winterbottom
Vice Chair, Orange County Transportation Authority
Hon. Roderick Wright
Senator, California State Senate
Hon. Ella Zanowic
Mayor, City of Calimesa
Hon. Dennis P. Zine
Councilmember, City of Los Angeles