Mobility 21 Warns Budget Impasse Will Cost Thousands Of Jobs And Highway Construction Delays

By |2010-09-23T15:33:29+00:00September 23, 2010|News, Press Releases|

Sept. 23, 2010 IRVINE, Calif. – Mobility 21, Southern California’s transportation coalition, is calling on leaders in Sacramento to immediately pass a state budget to keep major construction projects moving, prevent potential job loss and end unnecessary taxpayer waste. According to Caltrans, at least $2.1 billion in ready-to-go transportation improvements will be stalled and at least $9 billion in ongoing construction projects in California will come to a grinding halt in the next month if Caltrans can’t pay contractors. The lack of a budget will significantly delay major infrastructure improvements, jeopardizing approximately 188,000 jobs across California. “Southern California’s struggling economy is further endangered by the state’s failure to pass a budget, since it can no longer pay private contractors working on transportation projects and those firms will have to either extend their own finances past the breaking point or shut work down and lay off employees,” [...]