Forward Motion, November 2023
Save the Date! Mobility 21 to Host 8th Annual Sacramento Legislative Reception Please save the date for Mobility 21’s 8th annual Sacramento Legislative Reception honoring California's transportation leaders. Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM The Citizen Hotel 926 J Street, Sacramento Sponsorships and registration opening soon! Mobility 21 Advisory Board Member Spotlight: Brandon Davis Partner Nossaman LLP Brandon Davis is an infrastructure attorney who guides public agency clients through all elements of the procurement, construction contract drafting and contract implementation processes for complex infrastructure projects. Though based in Los Angeles, his projects are located throughout the United States. His experience ranges from first-of-a-kind highway, bridge and tunnel projects to high-speed trains, commuter rail and people movers. This experience includes complex transportation-related structures, such as major rental-car facilities, toll service centers, administrative office structures and airport terminals. Brandon’s work includes advising his clients on [...]